Welcome to Arillas

Travel information for Arillas in north west Corfu
Tell us anything you would like to know about Arillas we are going to reply as soon as possible. Send your comments Here:
If you are still looking for accommodation, look up for all the Tour Operators offering packages to Arillas, as well as the Local Apartment Owners , Hotels and Holiday Villas.
Arillas Corfu

Arillas, is situated at the North-Western part of Corfu island.
Quiet and safe resort for all types of tourists, is ideal for families, as children can play with the golden sand or swim in it s crystal shallow waters, for couples and people who are looking forward to escaping from anxiety and noise of the big city, and also to enjoy discovering the Corfiot nature walking through paths leading to the small villages around.
The area of Arillas without being commercialized keeps it s genuine character still, with a variety of small local family-run tavernas and shops that some of them are open all year, so that it can satisfy even the most demanding clients.
Arillas beach being in between to St George and St.Stefanos bays, has an advantageous position as it s visitors can easily get access to those other sandy beaches as well.
The friendly atmosphere, the beautiful well-known sunsets, the magnificent scenery, and the Corfiot colors which can be everywhere, leave to the visitors unforgettable "pictures" and the wish to come back.


The Arillas Wine Festival on Saturday 7th September 2024

Arillas Wine Festival 2024

The Arillas cultural Organization which is consisted by over 100 members from Arillas, Afionas and Kavadades has established that the Annual  Wine Festival will be taking place this year on Saturday  the 7th September 2024.

I would would like to highlight that while this is not a tourist event, visitors in the area are more than welcome to join us and experience our vibrant culture. However, keep in mind that, Greek dances are a profound expression of our joy, sorrow, and emotions. If you're unfamiliar with the dances, feel free to ask for guidance or simply watch and enjoy.

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All you need to know about Arillas if you wish to spend your vacation or to make business in our area.

Arillas Business Union


All you need to know about Arillas if you wish to spend your vacation or to make business in our area.

Jointly organized in cooperation with the Local Councils of Magoulades, Afionas, Kavadades and  the Arillas cultural Organization

We represent the business community of Arillas and the broader area.
Some  140 different businesses here are run by approximately 50 local families.
For more than 30 years we have achieved a balance between the visitors, the locals and the businesses, based on the cooperation and mutual respect aiming to make of Arillas a sustainable tourist destination which we have to preserve.
In the recent years, we have noticed some welcome newcomers  reaching out  to become businessmen.  However, as they ignore the Greek institutional framework and the local culture, they do things, which are in conflict with everything we have achieved and tend to alter the tourist identity of the area.
Therefore, the balance achieved up to the present day is disturbed.  This is why we would like to put forth some points which we deem important for the development of the place.

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Nikos Apartments going with TUI for 2024

NIkos Apartmetns Corfu Greece

Nikos Apartments are located on a quiet hillside, approximately 900 metres from the beach in Arillas;
Ashort walk inland from the coast, offering guests the opportunity to enjoy a gentle stroll to and from the beach front shops and tavernas; and providing a tranquil, peaceful setting in which guests can unwind.


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The Ascension festival in Arillas 2024

The Ascension festival in Arillas 2024

On Thursday the 13th of June 2024 there will be this year’s first festival in Arillas. It takes place near the local Church and old school of Arillas village which is about one and a half km from the beach on the way to Magoulades on the main road.

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Happy Epifany day!

Epifpany Arillas

The Epiphany is one of the most sacred Greek Orthodox celebrations that dates back to ancient times. This Christian tradition is celebrated on the 6th of January around the world and is a day of joy and brightness.

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