Over the years there has been much work done in our beach front by the local entrepreneurs.
I believe that the greatest success of all was the plantation of our native tamarisk trees that for centuries protected the coastline from erosion with the huge spread of their root in the subsoil which manages to be fed with sea water.
These trees today dominate our beach and have rediscovered their role in the natural environment of Arillas.They also give a green touch of colour to the seaside landscape and offer their shade to the visitor.
It was the second Sunday of March 2014, 7 years ago, that 50 local residents took the responsibility into their own hands and did the obvious.
A Complete preparation of the beach - showcase of the area with voluntary work and donations of materials from local businessmen.
Together, they managed to prepare an entire area for the summer season within the time frame of two Sunday mornings.
They are evergreen or deciduous shrubs or trees growing to 1–18 m (3.3–59.1 ft) in height and forming dense thickets. The largest, Tamarix aphylla, is an evergreen tree that can grow to 18 m (59 ft) tall.
They usually grow on saline soils, tolerating up to 15,000 ppm soluble salt, and can also tolerate alkaline conditions. Tamarisks are characterized by slender branches and grey-green foliage.
The bark of young branches is smooth and reddish brown. As the plants age, the bark becomes bluish-purple, ridged and furrowed.
The leaves are scale-like, almost like that of junipers,[4] 1–2 mm (1/20" to 1/10") long, and overlap each other along the stem. They are often encrusted with salt secretions.
The pink to white flowers appear in dense masses on 5–10 cm (2" to 4") long spikes at branch tips from March to September, though some species (e.g., T. aphylla) tend to flower during the winter.