Restaurants and Tavernas in the area of Arillas
Arillas has good number of establishments that are owned by local people who's families come from the areas around.
They work hard to provide quality home cooking that everyone can enjoy.
Restaurants in Arillas have to satisfy a demanding public, both local and international, and great attention is paid to quality of local products and service.
Ammos Beach bar/cafe is a stylish place to while away a few hours during the day, or a great spot for an evening cocktail or two whilst watching the sun go down. Leo, has served at this bar since he was 6 years old, helping his father who owned the busin ...
Arillas San Stefanos
The Akrotiri lounge bar is located at the top of the cape (Akrotiri is the Greek word for Cape) between Arillas beach and Agios Stefanos beach. From all sides you have a perfect view of the beaches and the Diapontia Islands spanning the coastline. The vis ...