The Picture of the day

The Picture of the day
Daily pictures of Arillas beach .
While the camera is offline I;ll try and cheer you up with some "covid and lock down pictures" .
Take this for now!

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Εθελοντική Προσφορά της ιστοσελίδας

Arillas Corfu

Η Ιστοσελίδα λειτουργεί από το 1999. Δύναται να προσφέρει στους επιχειρηματίες του Αρίλλα και της γύρω περιοχής την δυνατότητα να διαχειρίζονται αυτόνομα τις καταχωρήσεις τους που για τόσα χρόνια ο Ιστοχώρος αυτός προωθεί εντελώς αφιλοκερδώς,  έχοντας προτρέψει να δημιουργηθεί μια κεντρική δικτυακή πύλη του Αρίλλα, πρωτοπορώντας με την δικτυακή Κάμερα, τον Μετεωρολογικό Σταθμό ,  καθώς και την χρήση των κοινωνικών δικτύων και Forum.

Οι επιχειρηματίες του Αρίλλα και των γύρω περιοχών μπορούν να εισέρχονται στο σύστημα και να ανανεώνουν το κείμενο, τις φωτογραφίες τους, να βάζουν προσφορές κτλ.

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Not just another book for your holiday reading

Klaus Biedermann Arillas

A romantic story takes place mainly in Arillas. A parallel love-story.

A karma between to strangers. Yes!! A nice beach company that you will not want to finish & you are going not to stop reading it.

All referred to the places in the book & the people.

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There may be something about this place you haven’t heard of…

Arillas long time ago

Arillas is well-known for its beautiful beach, the natural beauty of its landscape and its sustainable tourist development.
in the recent years, as a result of the particular love and care of the local people and associations, this place has become popular not only for its natural appearance but also as a decent destination.
Many visitors enjoy the hospitality of the local family businesses, the local cuisine, the friendly environment, the quality service and they keep arriving in Arillas every year. The Corfu Beer Festival is the top event among the ones organized in the area. But, apart from all these, there may be something about Arillas you haven’t heard of…

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Arillas on 7th November towards to the 2nd Complete lockdown.

Arillas 7th November

Welcome to the first day of the second lockdown in Arillas.
The weather is wonderful, there is a bit of movement on the beach and on the streets.
The new lockdown find us all well prepared and ready for the new wave of covid19 on our area.
As cases are rising rapidly in Greece, Corfu seems to be doing much better than other areas until today...
Many wishes to everyone over there.
Stay Safe for one more time!! Arillas Corfu November

Absolutely Arillas

Absolut Arillas
Absolutely Arillas . A picture drawn from a good friend NIKOS KALOUDIS who was born in Arillas and he is now living in Sweden.
The doodle was received yesterday to me on one of his many emails.
A mixture of modern spirit and a Classic nostalgia ( homesickness) .

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Arillas Trail opening on May-day 2020

The Annual "Arillas Trail" event will take place on May the first.!
Come and walk the Arillas Trail with us on Wendesday the first May 2020.

Discover the charms of nature hidden in the ancient trails of the area around Arillas. Those ancient trails are given new life thanks to the contribution of the local cultural club and the people of Arillas .

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Kaloudis Village