Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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After a chilly 17 deg at 8:30 this morning it's gone up to 20 deg in the space of just under 2 hours. Interesting to see if it makes that magical 27 deg as forecasted.


The 20 deg would do me at the moment Neill. Love Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Well our Viv. - That 20 deg sneaked up to around 25 deg today.

Arillas beach looked gorgeous this afternoon but only 14 people, i counted, on the beach and one in the sea, which was so well behaved it deserved more that one person taking advantage of it.
It's a much quieter Arillas now and, yes it has got a bit older. Remember the german with his motorised wheelchair? Add to that the senior guy, this afternoon ,who walked past me with his pedometer on the end of a long stick. - What's that all about?
( I've never taken a stick for a walk before- Wonder if he's given it a name ? )
Coconut and Malibu both empty this afternoon but Horizon blessed with the company of a few people, including Marika, and "Hels Bels" who, having provided the donkey I, very happily, proceeded to talk the legs off.
I'm told this morning, around that 10 ish time the beach was a little busier, but I missed that. - So where does every body go in the afternoon??????
Are they hiding from me - Am I becoming paranoid here?


the guy in the motorised wheelchair  I remember...I am sure they took it in turns in the wheel chair.......only back 2 days and seems an age since I was enjoying the sunshine...oooohhh!!! am I not happy?


It only seems like yesterday we sat in the Thallassa.


Hi kes, glad you enjoyed, but back to the rain now eh?

Sandy x

Don't you worry Eggy - I'll be in that sea rain, hail or snow. It's the pool I'm worried about - can get a bit chilly at this time of year!
Sandy x


Around that 25 deg again today and I think tomorrow should be a good start to your holiday. I think rain is forecast for overnight tomorrow but, info volunteered by those in the know, says maybe Saturday.

Wegg strolled to the beach lunchtime with her parents and everything looked "hunky dory" - I spent a very nice 90 mins plus in the company of Frank ( Corfusoon ) and family at Helios Court Villa so didn't view the beach until 5:30. Few people left by then and no one in the water? - To me it looked a very good time to get down there and sample what others have left behind. I'm getting worried more and more every day now with this weather. Combined with the beach and peaceful sea it looks so inviting  I'm afraid that, one afternoon, I'll take a towel and cozzie to Arillas instead of money for an Ouzo !! - ( I got 'eadache now thinking about it! )
Stay Well All

Jo Wissett

Hi Eggy

What do the in-laws think of Arillas then?  Perhaps they will want a 'granny flat' adding onto your house?!


They love it! - Or so they tell us.
They're off exploring today. Agious Spiridon, Kassiopi. I hope I can be that sprightly when I'm 76 years old !!
Granny flat out of the question - But I may sell them some land !!!

It's a very nice day here again. Started a bit chilly on 17 deg, but I think we feel the cold a bit more having acclimatised. Now it's 24 deg at just gone 12am. I'm pleased for Sandy, Joyce and Alex and all who arrive today. It's a good start to a break. but I'm a little concerned for them, about rain Saturday and Sunday. Let's hope it's overnight and doesn't interfere too much with their holiday. Garden needs an excess of water though.


Reading Diane's, SBG's, recent post on "Withdrawal Symptons" makes me feel a little guilty about an "Arillas Today" update.
But only a lttle guilty, so here goes.

Temps went from 24 deg lunchtime up to, about 26 deg at 5 pm when Arillas beach looked nearly deserted. Where is everybody to take advantage of yet another fine day?
Harold and Sally had the answer and pointed out that the naturist end was still busy even at the end of the day.
So, taking clothes off to take advantage of this weather wins hands down.
The 5pm score reads. - Textiles 7 - Naturists 35.
(Only an approx figure for naturists. I didn't like to go down there & physically count)
One question though - Would a naturist. wanting a quieter beach, be willing to wear something skimpy to take advantage of the near deserted textile end?

Anyway - Arillas is generally winding down. Thetis Hotel have now emptied their pool and Mathraki has closed. Coconut may stay open until 17th so I imagine what they do the Malibu will follow. Efthia Taverna will stay open as long as they have customers, but generally, most will close by the 17th.
Unless Dimitris @ Brouklis knows different !!!!

I don't think the rain, which was forecast overnight , will happen.
So , Happy Holidays Sandy, Joyce, Alex & co, Mythos & Metaxa and all.


Ask Harold, Im sure he will answer your question. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


i asked Harold this afternoon and he said:-
"Yes - I would consider moving to a quieter textile beach providing there were no discarded "dog ends" around."
(That idea of tables, complete with ashtrays, by the sundbeds is a very good idea.)

Arillas this morning about 11 pm was a delight. Just a little cloudy with a sea just over the gentle side and a quiet beach, yet again. Temperatures hit about 25/26 deg , however,I'm using Kavvadades here as a guide.
Coconut and Malibu doing a very good trade down to a Man United football game and an England rugby match.
5 pm and all still looking good. Rain has been forecast for the next 3 days but, then again it was forecast for last night. Didn't happen - Greek Rain maybe - Avrio!!

Happy birthday to Keith ( Hels Bels ) and thanks from Wegg & Negg for a very delightful "Coconut Chinwag" with you both. Apologies to Harold for just leaving as he turned up. - Next time sounds good to me! - Now who does he look like ???


Quote from: Eggy on October 06, 2007, 05:32:48 PM
Apologies to Harold for just leaving as he turned up. - Next time sounds good to me! - Now who does he look like ???Negg

I remember now - Someone told him today he looked like Leslie Neilson.
The film "Airplane" springs to mind.


Ive got the giggles now eggy, you know why and I just knew you wouldn't get a straight yes or no answer. How long did it take for you both to discuss it. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude