Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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And then, pray, Sharon F, if I take on this task what credibility do I have left?
( Would you buy land from this man? - Or trust him with your hamster )
If PJ promises to go to work dressed like his picture then I may consider it.

A very relaxed "leaving" drink with John & Sue (Riggers) at Coconut about 1 o'clock
Many thanks Riggers for keeping me off the streets this week & being great company.
(Thanks for your parting gifts. Very welcome. Get past Xmas & June 08 won't be long)

When I got to Arillas it was raining and out came the 'ole brolly which complimented the long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt I had on. - Just a tad chilly I thought.
(A Long time since I've worn so many clothes)

How the weather changes so quickly here - 75 minutes later and with a little bit of sun and no rain I was overdressed. The beach was still trying it's best to look fierce but was a pussycat really. Temperature still around the 18 deg mark

Riggers telll me that Thompson bought in more guests today at Kaloudis so lets hope they have a good week. Arillas is getting quieter now with many people unwinding and looking forward to the end of season. But what pleases me is how many locals have said that they will miss the old friends who visited and new friends they made.
Plenty of smiling faces and open places to look after next weeks guests.

It's not over 'till the fat lady sings" - The fat lady in this case being the tour operators.
( maybe the fat lady could at sometime sing just a few weeks longer )



PJ get them speedos on to work!


Sharon - Trust you slept well last night - No nightmares I hope.

I must get into the habit of taking a camera with me to Arillas now. Got there about 2:15 pm to find a very quiet afternoon. A peaceful deserted beach with Vassilis, from Amourada ,and one other doing a spot of fishing on the pier. I stood and counted 6 couples just taking a stroll and apart from a table of four, inside the Marina, no one else in sight.
( Before that going past Brouklis I did see Dimitris looking after 6 diners though )

Maybe a few photos of Arilllas would have told a much better tale than I.

Rain came about 4:15 but only for about an hour.
It was just a minor nuisance not a major upset.

The roads around Arillas are very quiet indeed. The only problem being that your foot just aches to put a little extra pressure on the accelerator. Then you meet something coming the other way which brings you down to earth with a bump.
( Vehicles are less but the roads haven't changed at all - More holes maybe? )

Now, back at Kavvadades the outside temperature is around 15 deg.
( Inside is a comfortable 21 deg but I'll pop the heating on for a while anyway )



Only a very quick visit to Arillas today.
Took the camera, pity I didn't think to change the batteries!!.

Very peaceful there and I suppose the total head count, for people I could easily see , was around the 30 mark. ( Strolling around, eating and drinking in various places )

There's a JCB just around the Arillas outskirts making a few roads just that bit wider by removing bits of the existing banks and overgrown weeds. The problem is, although some of these roads looks wider, it's exposed a few deep gullies at some parts of the roadside. Not areas that I'd like to get close too.

"Arillas Today" may very soon become an Arillas weekly. I can't keep boring or making everybody jealous, every day, about how good it looks.
( It's easier to make you all envious once a week !! )



ah go on Eggy. Keep going.


The daily report is never boring, always makes me jealous, makes me smile, and I would miss it lots. I can understand that it could get to be a bit of a chore and it would be awful if you thought that you felt as if you had to do it. But whenever you post it Eggy it will be appreciated lots.

Maybe weggy could do a daily "eggy blog",  so that we would know what you had been up to each day, and then at the end of each month we could total how many times she had typed Ouzo.

When does the coconut close?


I suggested to Wendy in August that she did a blog, but she didnt want to fill committed which I can understand, but at the same time Niell we would miss you postings very much and if you go to once a week you would have to get your own website in order to be able to fit the whole report in. lol. Love Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


The Coconut tells me they hope to close the day after Malibu. - Probably Sunday.
( End of Season and those two are still in competition !)

These daily postings are fine for me, providing I've got something new to tell you and I can fit Arillas in between all these other jobs I have lined up for the Winter. Eh??
But Wegg & I hope to get quite a few visits in over the Winter Months.

Last night around 11:30 the rain came down with a vengeance. Mixed with thunder and the occassional lightnening. Not sure if it stopped at any point but at 3:30 am I woke up and still raining. At 8 am down it came again. Two inches of rain in the guage.
Now it seems to be brightening so we may pop off to Corfu Town for a while.

That said there are still a few more rumbles "up there" and some nasty looking clouds.
(Most of which are over Arillas - Not Kavaddades - But give 'em time)


Quote from: Eggy on October 20, 2007, 05:40:31 PM
Sharon - Trust you slept well last night - No nightmares I hope.

Negg had some lovely dreams x 


Some pictures for you - Not a patch on Marika's though - Clever lady she is.
This was coming back from Corfu Town lunchtime.

These next 2 are of Arillas at around 4 pm

Arillas is beginning to look more like a Ghost Town every day. But it still has the same sparkle that gets many of you here every year.
I had a little stroll and couldn't find an unhappy face amongst the few people I saw. 
It's only 15 deg outside but very comfortable. Hopefully the rain has done it's bit for a while - Maybe!!!!



No eggy, dont stop your reports they wont become boring honest, but a picture or two like your last post was a nice touch, quiet and deserted but all the charm of arillas is still there.


hope you had your hands on the steering wheel when you took the first one..riggers....


Hee Hee !!
Wegg had the steering wheel - I had the camera.
Did you notice the guy in front only had one sidelight working??
We cured that when we overtook!!
( Only joking guys - I had the wheel and the camera. Oh and a cigarette going as well )


balancing a glass of ouzo on your chin...riggers...


I hope you keep taking photos through the winter,Neill. it will be interesting to see all weathers, and how quiet everything is. Keep up the good work.