Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Alright for some init. Love Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


You just don't know the pressure and stress I'm under here !!!

Take today for instance. - 11 deg at 8 am and I have to drive to Corfu Town with the heating on in the car. - What's that all about ?
By midday I've removed the fleece and the sweatshirt.

Lunchtime back at Kavvadades and very warm and peacful.

Then, about 2:30 I go to Arillas to find a 23 deg sunny afternoon with very quiet and well appreciated beach.

Now. just gone 6 pm and we're on 22 deg and a glorious early evening.

Then, to top it all, we have to make the effort and get to Brouklis this evening.

I've said before, it's not easy but someone's gotta do it.
( Rumour has it that the early hours of tomorrow morning could be around 8 deg !!! )


How do we cope with all these changes?


Back to normal here ie chucking down!! Enjoy Arillas Eggy,


Was here too Ivan. Hormones--------- cold in the day-- hot at night!


Aint that normal then Lindy lol,. Nice to see you back on board Ivan really enjoyed our meal together. Talk later you two. Love Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Whoever picked this week for an October break surely cannot be unhappy.
Only my opinion, but if the rest of the week isn't as good as today, then today will surely make up for it.

This afternoon the clouds had taken a day off and with a temp of 22 deg was a very fine time indeed. A warm sea, as told by Wegg's parents , who went for a paddle and also substantiated by the few people splashing around in it.
( A lazy time on sunbeds for the rest )

For our part a 2 hour plus relaxed lunch in the Eftihia says it all. The sound and view of the sea is free as was the heat of the afternoon. The lunch was very enjoyable and very reasonable indeed,so was an added bonus.
(Katerina at Eftihia was on her own today. She speaks very little English, but who cares)
You're there for the food, but a little "Greek lesson" plus warm hospitality is a worthy addition.
16th October and all is very well indeed.



Quote from: Eggy on October 16, 2007, 05:03:34 PM
16th October and all is very well indeed.

17th and it gets better !!!
Many sunbeds in use on the beach this afternoon. The sea has to be warm.
(All those people making use of it can't be wrong, can they?)

A bright afternoon at around 22 deg with a very mild breeze.
At 5:45 it looked just as good and although the beach was nearly deserted I think another relaxing hour could have been squeezed from it.
( Maybe leave some for tomorrow eh? - Because tomorrow we'll be on it - Sorry Coconut ! )


I'm finding the last few posts very tranquil and relaxing eggy. The picture of the beach etc just go through my brain as I read them.

Have you changed you diet recently?



Sometimes I have a peaceful lunch at home now before I go out?????
( What's that all about ????? )
there has been more than one occassion recently when I have parked the 'ole Pug on the sea front and wished that I'd bought a towel and a book and even a pair of PJ's speedos instead of a few euros for an Ouzo. (PJ's Speedos ? - Wot am I thinking ?)


But loadsa thanks to good company from John & Sue ( Riggers ) who managed to keep me on the straight and narrow.A good 'ole natter in the Coconut.Gonna miss that soon
( They timed their holiday just right this week I think )


Negg DONT DO IT, buy the speedos I mean!! PJ is about all I can take of men in piccies wearing them! haha

What's it doing today Negg, first winter morning here, ice on car, fog on motorway, lovely!  First thing I did when I arrived at work was click on the webcam for a warm up xx


I think the only time you'll see me wearing speedos is if I put them on my head to cover the lack of hair.
( However - I don't think they'd let me sit at the bar, in Coconut, dressed like that )

We put the heating on this morning at 8:30 to take the chill off the rooms. Temp was about 11 deg inside but it did feel cold.
But by one ish it was around 19 inside and 21 out. By 6/7 o'clock it tends to plummet quite quickly.

All that said Arillas was still looking great this afternoon. People on beach and people in sea and people strolling and people drinking....Sounds a lot of people but not that many really. Just equally spread around the resort doing their own thing.

Manos Rep, I think it was,tells me that have a lot of guests coming in tomorrow as well)



our thanks is to you eggy (neil) . great company, maybe see you tomorrow before we go........riggers....


Eggy, speedos! Perhaps your talents are better requested elsewhere! Don`t do it! Leave the go fast stripes behind. Enjoy an Ouzo with riggers. Send me one plz,lol.


LOL Negg, you know what you have to do now don't you?  A piccie of you in the coconut with speedo's on your head xx


Stay Nude it ante rude