Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Jo Wissett

Must admit Eggy you hit the nail right on the head with heeby jeeby brigade's antics. Have you seen them doing their stationary silent hugs yet? Highly irritating to us two and like you say we hardly ever see them spending money in the tavernas but they hog all the tables. Last year in Ammos there was one linen clad lady with her two sons. We saw her order a burger then shared it between all three of them!

Jo Wissett

And by the way I'm all for spiritual enlightenment. I myself admit to getting emotional each year but bongos drums??!


Quote from: Jo Wissett on July 13, 2021, 10:01:08 PM
Must admit Eggy you hit the nail right on the head with heeby jeeby brigade's antics. Have you seen them doing their stationary silent hugs yet? Highly irritating to us two and like you say we hardly ever see them spending money in the tavernas but they hog all the tables. Last year in Ammos there was one linen clad lady with her two sons. We saw her order a burger then shared it between all three of them!

In fairness Jo I'd do that at their prices !  😂
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Ammos , Karl? - I would share a beer with 3 others  if I could have a straw.
(Confucious say - " wise man pay less when price is more and more is less for others"

and ... Jo
I can only tell what is told to me by someone who has experienced it.
About 5pm, on more than one occassion, a small group walking along the sea front "banging away" on the 'ole drums and not caring about those who are there for some peace and quiet.
and the....... donning fish tails as a " I am a Mermaid" type of thing and splashing around in the sea.
Good God - Do what you wanna do guys... but respect others around you who just want to chill out!!
They make very few friends here which is a shame, as catch them in "normal" routine they are caring people.
My opinion? - Blame the "brainwashers" who make a few bob at the expense of others who put trust in them.
Have you ever seen a poor Guru???? - Have you ever seen a Guru without white linen strides???
Meanwhile and rant over we have 27deg outside at 22:15.
Probably time to float around my property and bless who I see.


"catch them in "normal" routine they are caring people"
Thats my opinion too of the majority mate. I can totally understand that they are not many peoples cup of tea though.
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Too much navel gazing and self indulgence for me. Sorry .


Brilliant my friend l loved your last three posts looking good for September first l  can't wait hi to Wendy


Wot Posts?? - Tis a bad memory.
We all continue to support Arillas as these guys are the number 1 priority.
Cheers Guys.
and... so good to see a bussier Arillas today.. Still banging us with 35 deg at 7:30.


Quote from: Eggy on July 14, 2021, 07:21:53 PM
Wot Posts?? - Tis a bad memory.
We all continue to support Arillas as these guys are the number 1 priority.
Cheers Guys.
and... so good to see a bussier Arillas today.. Still banging us with 35 deg at 7:30.

Thank you , agree 100% with what you say


For Dai..
.... am I really becoming a "Vic Meldrew" ?

Arillas today , as you know , has been 34/36 deg and a very busy time. I enjoyed an afternoon beer with a pal of mine, from Germany, at a very popular establishment.
But why, oh why , when some people meet up they have to have a minimum of a 5 minute hug?
(Sort of "sorry haven't seen you fo 20 minutes , how are you?")
Swapping saliva in each others ear lobes does not appeal to me and I am totally puzzled.
That said .. I am sure I puzzle them and they think.."Why is that guy puffing fake tobacco from a plastic tube?"
but... I draw the line when , on the way home I had to purp horn to move a couple, who probably had not met for at least half a day, hugging in the middle of the road.
(Either oblivious to the surroundings or got their ears stuck.!)

Tis all alien to me and probably the World is moving faster than I or Victor Meldrew is back.

Don't care .... good to see Arillas slowly getting back into the stride.


I noticed on the Webcam earlier things looked a iittle busier mate 🙂
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Tis good to see , Karl.
There is a limit as to how many places I can visit in an afternoon. - But I enjoy 'em all!


Three weeks Saturday and we will be swelling the numbers by 6 as my parents will be there for the first time in 3 years , Cancer and Covid have delayed their return up until now .....
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Quote from: Eggy on July 15, 2021, 06:51:07 PM
For Dai..
.... am I really becoming a "Vic Meldrew" ?

Arillas today , as you know , has been 34/36 deg and a very busy time. I enjoyed an afternoon beer with a pal of mine, from Germany, at a very popular establishment.
But why, oh why , when some people meet up they have to have a minimum of a 5 minute hug?
(Sort of "sorry haven't seen you fo 20 minutes , how are you?")
Swapping saliva in each others ear lobes does not appeal to me and I am totally puzzled.
That said .. I am sure I puzzle them and they think.."Why is that guy puffing fake tobacco from a plastic tube?"
but... I draw the line when , on the way home I had to purp horn to move a couple, who probably had not met for at least half a day, hugging in the middle of the road.
(Either oblivious to the surroundings or got their ears stuck.!)

Tis all alien to me and probably the World is moving faster than I or Victor Meldrew is back.

Don't care .... good to see Arillas slowly getting back into the stride.

Wow, would you like to explain?


There are many, who live here , think I am fast being taken over by "Victor" -
So I thought I would ask the opinion of another "Arilliac" (Dare not ask Kevin)

Meanwhile, we start the day at 25deg , 8.a.m. "I don't beleive it!" - and with 2hrs strimming to do.
and.... mains water continues to be in short supply around many areas.
(I don't know how those, without a water tank, cope as quite often there is no mains water most of the day)
plus , many places paying for water deliveries.