Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Eggy i agree what a lovely way to take the sting out of any bill, to appreciate the views and people while parting with your money is another one of those pluses of being in Arillas.
Its been reported today that my energy supplier is increasing my gas bill by 17% and electric by 12%............ so without the pleasures i will pay my bills through gritted teeth. :-(

Yvonne x

Ps love todays report could just picture the scene...... dreaming......:-)
Love to talk to people who have enjoyed Arillas as much as i have.  :-)

Jo Wissett

I simply cannot imagine a more fantastic day Eggy (bill-paying aside!).  Have Perry and Costa finished your patio yet?


Time to turn the heating on low Eggy, sit with a nice throw around you both and enjoy a film or some tv, thats what we do and theres nothing wrong with it, saves money.


Those ole prices go up here as well -
( Oil was 67 cents a litre in October 07 - 78 cents a litre now )

Patio finished. Shed finished. Pergola on the way.

Probably using 60 litres of oil a week. We're told that's pretty good for here especially as we don't let the inside temp drop below 18 and we're home a lot more now.

No Arillas today - Sorry all - We were up at 3:45 am this morning to get Frances and Tim to Corfu Airport for a 5 am check in.
And on the way back home at 5:45? - Well. that's another story to share very soon.
( A new topic maybe, when I'm not so tired )
Got y'all guessing now eh? -


A glorious day here today folks with temps touching 15 deg allowing us to take in the peace and quiet of Kavvadades with lunch outside on the balcony an a bit of pottering in the garden.
Unfortunately we couldn't drive anywhere and are house bound.
( See Posting " Egg & Pug" - General chat)

But although a little down in the dumps our day was cheered up by a visit from Kostas and Hannah ( Coconut Bar) who came, not only with gifts, but more importantly good company which was a tremendous boost to us both.

I can only say that, Arillas today, according to Kostas was just as good.
( Wish I'd been there ! )


You could always have a walk down to Arillas to take some photos for us!!lol.


Today I got as far as the Kafenio Fakiolas. It was easier walking back.

Arillas today????
I wish I knew !! - If we don't get the car back tomorrow I may just have a hire one and go feragander.

Another good day here at Kavvadades though. Warm, temps of 12 deg and evrything looks so green and lush. I bet Arillas was a cracker. Wish I could have seen it!!
Always tomorrow though.


How far is it Kavvadades?  Is it walkable say like to eat at the Mon Amour and get a lift back, or just for a walk in the day.... just somewhere different to walk.  If you took the road on the right beyond the Bardis Sun Hotel (not the Afionas high hill walk) does that take you there... I think its the heritage walk... (I remember we came that way in the coach to Bardis Sun last year).
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Hi Eggy.
Not to worry about Arillas today.We got a bit of Kavvadades today. I think we all enjoy your posts no matter what they are.(except PUG of course).



Blondegirl, We walked to Kavvadades one day. It's quite a walk! We had a bottle of water from the supermarket on the way up, and a can of beer from the supermarket on the way back!!lol. It's a nice walk with some nice scenic views tho.


We must try that walk.With a can of Beer on the way up and a can of Beer on the way back.


That sound better! We were way too sensible drinking water


As Maggie says " It's quite a walk" and not something I'd like to do.
I'd probably have to set out for Mon Amour, from Arillas, early afternoon for an evening table
( Carrying a case of beer would slow me down as well )


Well, I think we will give that a miss then.  We like a walk but not that much!

We could strap a barrel of beer round our necks just in case we got lost... lol.
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


I hope you get the Pug back to today Eggy, and you can go feragander  ( I like that word).

Is it a left hand drive?

With all that walking you have done over the last few days, the brakes won't have to work as hard as normal due to the weight reduction in the car.

Lets hope everything is back to normal today as we want our Wegg and Eggy back to normal.