When is everybody going.

Started by sharonF, February 15, 2008, 05:00:19 PM

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Quote from: Wendy n Stu on February 16, 2008, 01:32:40 AM
We go 19th May for 2 weeks and then back again 8th Sept for 2 weeks.  Can't wait!  W & S. xx

31st August - oh that will be tomorrow then!


On the final countdown now girls ...get here as soon as you possibily can and I will have a round in quicker than you can say "Royal Ionian"

Oh it's lovely here today bit blustery as reported but still blue skies and lovely sunshine.

Angelikis brought me some fresh lemons today and some apples and pears from her orchard. I have made some lemonade which will go down great with a lil gin! Just going to check out the prices on the Bombay Saphire now !!!

Really pleased with the Alxandros Appartments they are superb and I will be giving everybody the low down on them when I get back. A big thumbs up tho.

Cheers Nan xx


thanks for the update Nan luvver. I adore the windswept days. And tomorrow the sky will have no clouds in it, and it will be hot.

Eileen swears by Alexandros too. Just have a wonderful day, a wonderful evening and get the b****y round in!!!



In 24 hours time we should be just touching down in Corfu. How exciting is that??
The cases are all packed. Hand luggage ready. Just got to sort out the 2 teenagers this afternoon who are house sitting & cat minding & both depressed that they are not coming with us.
See you all soon.

Karen,Colin, Sally & Phil


Hi Karen and Colin,
I'll be off tomorrow morning at 4 am.
Arrieving at Corfu Airport 10.25 am local time.
Will be at Horizon topdeck at sunsets taking photos
most evenings until thursday 9th.

Come around for a drink!

Connie x


Thanks Connie, I am sure we will be at the Horizon at some stage to sample one of their cocktails.


Met Karen and Colin in the Rainbow ....Isn't it lovely when people who have seen your face on the forum come over and make themselves known to you!!

Kathy did the same yesterday morning on the sea front and we had dinner together at the Rainbow where she was introduced to a whole load of other forum members.

The beauty of this forum is that solo travellers like Kathy and myself have the opportunity to meet and enjoy each others company in the easiest of surroundings.

Another lovely night and the food was very very good value ....see you soon boys!

Cheers Nan XX



Your mission is:-

Get all ladies to Rainbow for a special competition in the evening.
( Men not invited unless they chalk the board for free )

Boy o Boy do I have a special game lined up for y'all




Okay  I have read this after seeing you at the Rainbow so didnt understand what you were going on about....do I ever !

If you like I can run this idea by them and get in touch with you by text or jungle drum ?? Be prpeared for a plan coming together Mr Negg.

He he I still love Mission Impossible and the "A" Team it's my age I think !!!  Hope to see you lateron Ron

Cheers Nan x

Hey I bin showing people round Angelas studios today I should be on commision.X


Hi all, I've not been back to Arillas for 2 years now - due to losing my job last year I couldn't afford it - but I have since found a better job with a lot better money, and now the other half can't afford it! I'm thinking of going next June on my own - Does anybody here go on their own and what have your experiences been like? I cannot live without Arillas for another year!! :o) x


Hello Melissa,

I have been on my own in Arillas and so have few other people. Bardis Sun and Brouklis for example cater for a single traveller.

I personally had a blast and will do it again with no qualms :)

Life is good ;)



Read my assorted posts on Alexandros studios I am here at the moment and having the bestest time.

Cannot believe I am here on my own for two weeks. I will be in touch soon with more info if you like but I would say just book it quick !!!

Cheers Nan x


Hey, thanks Erja will definiately take a look at those! And Nan yeah any more info would be brill! I am so jealous that you're sat there right now! I think I have the guts to do it, its just the airports that scare me!! Are there always plenty of people to meet up with and have a few drinks with when you're on your own? Thanks! x :)


Quote from: Melissa on September 07, 2010, 04:48:56 PM
Are there always plenty of people to meet up with and have a few drinks with when you're on your own?

I was never short of company and people to talk to. I have met lovely people sitting in the Coconut bar or with Sharon at the Marina pool bar, not to mention everywhere else in the village.

You will never have to be alone unless you choose to ;)

Here is my original report:


Life is good ;)


Wise words indeed Erja.
At one point I thought I might be going to Arillas on my own and it didn't worry me one little bit :-)