Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Jo Wissett

We love Argos. Not to be confused with the flat pack online store in the UK lol. He looks cattle-dog-ish actually. Sort of a cross between our recently departed 15 1/2 year old English pointer and a setter. It's funny we always used to feel so sorry for him as for years he was chained up and a small pen and it was like he couldn't bark he just used to shimmy up to us taking whatever we had with much gratitude. But speaking to Angela (Mirage) and Pedro (he will always be Pedro to me lol) he said He puts on these puppy dog eyes for all the tourists and is probably the best fed dog in Arillas! Well apart from Diego aka happy beach dog!

jersey steve

Well, I dont think ive ever seen Arillas so chilled, but we dont usually come in Sep, I must say that I like it.
Today we are down the rainbow for the day, a few darts will be thrown later. The usual excuses from Eggy 😂
Had some lovely octopus at the marina and a nice evening at the thalasa. Not had a bad meal yet.
Too many cocktails at the coconut watching the football. Its great to be back 😁


Steve - Probably will not play... washed my hands , this morning and now cannot do a thing with 'em.

28 deg , now , at midday... could be back at 32/33 by 3pm. You're not playing in speedos , are you??

Bumped into Steve and Mary, the other day and Paul D, I think is/will be here.
and... we say a kalo taxidi to Kev n Bev. - I don't think he did much "Walking around Corfu"
anyway.... no rest for Phil/Yanis , at Tria as Mick n Mary are there for a while.


Arillas , this afternoon, with that 33 deg plus , produced a round robin sort of darts thingy at Rainbow.
For those who don't know the round robin thingy....
it's a sort of MADGE married to GEORGE is the sister of the wife who remarried the father of GEORGE.
GEORGE ... meanwhile has his eyes on MARIA , who is Madges younger sister. who wants to marry COSTA, who is GEORGES stepson.

So.... I beat Makis. - Nickos beat me. Pete beat Geoff (On Hols) with a 21 per dart average
Geoff had earlier beaten Jersry Steve who had lost to somebody. (Cannot remember)
Makis beat Jean and Dimitris lost to Nickos who then beat me.
Nickos beat Geoff, who had then beaten Pete on his 2nd game, to win the final.
So... That perky old Night Owl pops in again.
Please translate and send me an updated copy!!

All in all... this is what Arillas is all about. - Not the darts but sharing time with good pals , old n new.


No round robins , today , because with 35deg , robin was not around for very long!!!
Corfu Town avrio and Ron will come along , with Ali who will not dally. - 8:46 pickup.
Reckon Corfu Town , by 10am will be around 33 deg so, we won't be long , Ron. Hurry along Ron.


Quote from: Eggy on August 28, 2020, 05:37:59 PM
Wish U was here , today ,lad.!!
Afternoon spent with, yet another good pal who has the ability to keep me in my seat with interesting chat, plus that smile which makes the pacemaker work overtime.
(Usually I am over hypo and cannot sit still so credit to her.)
Extra credit to her partner. If I could find an easier person to talk with, then I would have to advertise.
A good guy and calls a spade a spade. - Gets my vote. - They should move to Corfu!!

Enjoyable , for an 'ole fart like me , and the 34 deg temp meant diddly. Good to meet old pals.
Good to sit and spend prime time with prime time pals.

Cheers Eggy and Paul and I really enjoyed your company and see you again next summer if the sky does not fall ;)

Life is good ;)


Erja - Next Summer , then , as long as my pacemaker does not need an M.O.T.

WOTAPITTY to say bye to Jersey Steve and good lady who pop off , back to that beautiful island tonight.
(I always say good lady as she must be to put up with him! - Good people and just what Arillas needs, and look forward too.) - We never played, Steve, and double one is my speciality.(If I get to it!!)

A visit to Corfu Town dun for me this morning. - Too tired to enjoy  diddley.
A very good beer , at Tria , with Mick though, plus a rabbit and twas as well as you could expect.
Then ,when you doze off, at Beach Kostas, and in between snores snarl at people, then tis time to go home. Bah humbug springs to mind.

6pm and 29 deg plus a tired .ole bugger means fall asleep in the chair time.

Jersey Bean

Was great to see you Eggy. Next time we'll have to arrange a proper night out maybe to the Night Owl. We had a fabulous last night at The Rainbow and are very sad to leave all you wonderful people.


Jersey Buggers !! - Providing Wegg comes back to me and providing we are still here , next Summer , then even wild horses would not keep us away from a Night Owl evening!!

I luv the 23/24 deg that Arillas today gave us. - A tad of rain overnight which put 8mm in the gauge and a morning off from garden watering.
If tis too hot I say "hottie for yer bottie" - Today with rain etc and "too soggy for yer moggie"
All cats queuing up this morning for the best places our sofas can offer!!



Arillas today....?? and what do you do if you have lost your specs for close up.??

This is what I do....
.... 4 super peeps , from Newcastle, who order meals at Rainbow.
and... what happens?? - You always get some who sneak in for a freebie!! - Little buggers!!

A tad unhappy , not only without my reading specs, that I have lost , but unhappy I could not even get the camera right. -- Ne'er mind... I am on a pension , DONCHYERKNOW??
and... tis still around 030 deg so perhaps I have heatstroke?


Just to let you all know that my photography skills are available for all events

23 deg, this morning, and certainly starting to cool down... just a tad.
I beleive many "late arrivals" appear today.


Did anyone here see the impressive lightning display at around 2:30 am , this morning?
Woke me up as I thought all our security lights were flashing on/off. About a 5 second delay, between each flash, and went on for about 20 minutes.

Heavy rain and very dark , at 8am , with outside temp at Kavaddades dropping to 18deg.
24mm of rain recorded. Drying up a tad now so we will see what Arillas today , brings all here.


Hi Neil
Have you been smoking that vapour stuff I got you is it hallucinogenic haha
That bright light you saw was the moon and the light show was a meteor shower

Neil leave the vapour stuff one ouzo alone



Kevin , tis better to suffer from asteroids than haemeroids!!

As I type away tis a very dark 3:45 pm and 21 deg outside plus those rumbles with a tad of electric prongs which stops people sheltering under trees.
Twill be a dismal night for many and interesting to see how Tavernas cope if customers eat inside.
Masks or no masks , that is the question? - What constitutes a group.
(Two is good for me as there are less people to pinch food off my plate!!)


Arillas today, and now.... with 31deg , at 5:30 pm , we all wonder where that overnight bad weather has gone? - I think it will be back.

The forum , I think , is winding down, as it does, this time of year.  A shame because Arillas still has so much to offer any that can get here.
