Walking around corfu

Started by kevin-beverly, October 03, 2018, 09:53:43 AM

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Veronica is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Plantaginaceae, with about 500 species; it was formerly classified in the family Scrophulariaceae. Common names include speedwell, bird's eye, and gypsyweed.
Taxonomy for this genus is currently being reanalysed, with the genus Hebe and the related Australasian genera Derwentia,
Several Veronica species and cultivars are cultivated for use as ground cover Several species of speedwell are sometimes considered weeds in lawns. Some of the more common of these are Persian speedwell (V. persica), creeping speedwell (V. filiformis), corn speedwell (V. arvensis), germander speedwell (V. chamaedrys), and ivy-leaved speedwell (V. hederifolia). It is often difficult to tell one species from another.
colours range from soft pastel blues and pinks whites and deep blue and reds
World Distribution
Eurosiberian Temperate element, with a continental distribution in W. Europe.
This perennial herb is found in open woods and woodland rides, on banks, in grassland and on heathland. It grows on well-drained, often moderately acidic or leached soils, and in some grasslands is confined to raised ground or anthills. 0-880 m
The Latin name of this pretty little blue flowered plant comes from a story of a woman, later canonized as St. Veronica who is said to have wiped the blood from the face of Jesus on his journey to Calvery.


Several Veronica species and cultivars are cultivated for use as ground cover
Veronica also be used in parks gardens bedding

Veronica sp. herb has been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally (as tea) for treatment of disorders of the nervous system, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, and metabolism
Veronica is also used as a tonic, to cause sweating, to "purify" blood, and to increase metabolism. Some people gargle with veronica to treat sore mouth and throat. It is sometimes applied directly to the skin to stop foot perspiration, heal wounds, and treat ongoing skin problems and itching.
People take veronica for problems with the lungs (respiratory tract), stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal tract), and bladder and kidneys (urinary tract). They also take it for gout, arthritis, muscle and joint pain (rheumatism), loss of appetite, liver problems, and diseases of the spleen.
Veronica is also used as a tonic, to cause sweating, to "purify" blood, and to increase metabolism.
Veronica may help the stomach lining repair itself.


Laurustinus Viburnum

Viburnum tinus  is a species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae, native to the Mediterranean area of Europe and North Africa.
It is a shrub (rarely a small tree) reaching 2–7 m (7–23 ft) tall and 3 m (10 ft) broad, with a dense, rounded crown.
The plant is evergreen and the flowers are small, white or light pink, produced from reddish-pink buds in dense cymes 5–10 cm diameter in the winter. The fragrant flowers are bisexual and pentamerous. The flowering period is from October to June. Pollination is by insects. The fruit is a dark blue-black drupe 5–7 mm long.
It grows mainly in the Mediterranean maquis and in oak forests. It prefers shady, moist areas, at an altitude of 0–800 metres (0–2,625 ft) above sea level Found in the more luxuriant type of macchia vegetation and as undergrowth in woods, usually near the sea.
In south-east Britain Viburnum tinus is the principal host of the viburnum beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni), the country's "number one pest species" according to the Royal Horticultural Society
you can get variegated silver green or yellow green


Best uses for Viburnum tinus hedging. Viburnum tinus hedge plants make a great informal hedge and can be left to grow in mounds or trimmed to shape. Being wind resistant, this Viburnum hedging makes a useful windbreak and reduces unwanted noise pollution.
Viburnum Tinus scented and good for wild life

V. tinus has medicinal properties. The active ingredients are viburnin (a substance or more probably a mixture of compounds) and tannins. Tannins can cause stomach upset. The leaves when infused have antipyretic properties. The fruits have been used as purgatives against constipation. The tincture has been used lately in herbal medicine as a remedy for depression.



wild black cherry

Prunus serotina commonly called black cherry,mountain black cherry or rum cherry is a deciduous woody plant species belonging to the genus Prunus. The species is widespread and common in North America and South America Prunus
Serotina was widely introduced into Western and Central Europe as an ornamental tree in the mid 20th century, where it has become locally naturalized. It has acted as an invasive species there
Prunus serotina is a medium-sized, fast-growing forest tree growing to a height of 50–80 ft (15–24 m)
A mature black cherry tree can easily be identified in a forest by its very broken, dark grey to black bark, which has the appearance of very thick, burnt cornflakes. However, for about the first decade or so of its life, the bark is thin, smooth, and banded, resembling that of a birch. It can also quickly be identified by its long, shiny leaves resembling those of a sourwood, and by an almond-like odor released when a young twig is scratched and held close to the nose
Some seeds however may remain in the soil bank and not germinate for as long as three years. All Prunus species have hard seeds that benefit from scarification to germinate (which in nature is produced by passing through an animal's digestive tract). and the seeds are widely dispersed by birds who eat the fruit and then excrete them.
HABITAT Formerly a forest tree, now abundant as a weed-tree of roadsides, waste land, and forest-margins

The plant contains chemicals that can release hydrogen cyanide in animals. All types of animals can be poisoned by ingesting leaves and twigs.
the cherries must be pitted because the pits, in large amounts, can cause cyanide poisoning,

Pies, Jams,Chutney, liquors or syrups, flavoring agent,beverages,
Lumber from black cherry trees has been in high demand by cabinetmakers, fine furniture makers and other woodworkers since Colonial days. The smooth, reddish-brown wood of the black cherry tree is straight-grained, lightweight and durable. Although the wood is relatively hard, it holds screws securely and is easy to saw. The wood is also used for veneers, flooring, wall paneling, interior trim, handles and toys.

The bark and fruit are used to make medicine.
whooping cough, bronchitis (lung inflammation), and other lung problems. It is also used for diarrhea, gout, digestive disorders, pain, and cancer. It is also used in cough syrups because of its sedative (sleepiness), expectorant (clearing mucus), drying, and cough-suppressing effects.




Crataegus, commonly called- Hawthorn, Quickthorn, Thornapple, May-tree, Whitethorn, or Hawberry
is a genus of several hundred species of shrubs and trees in the family Rosaceae,
Native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia and North America.
The generic epithet, Crataegus, is derived from the Greek kratos "strength" because of the great strength of the wood and akis "sharp", referring to the thorns of some species. The name haw, originally an Old English term for hedge (from the Anglo-Saxon term haguthorn, "a fence with thorns"), also applies to the fruit
Hawthorns provide food and shelter for many species of birds and mammals, and the flowers are important for many nectar-feeding insects. Hawthorns are also used as food plants by the larvae of a large number of Lepidoptera species, such as the small eggar moth, E. lanestris. Haws are important for wildlife in winter, particularly thrushes and waxwings; these birds eat the haws and disperse the seeds in their droppings.
Many species and hybrids are used as ornamental and street trees. The common hawthorn is extensively used in Europe as a hedge plant. During the British Agricultural Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, hawthorn saplings were mass propagated in nurseries to create the new field boundaries required by the Inclosure Acts. Several cultivars of the Midland hawthorn C. laevigata have been selected for their pink or red flowers. Hawthorns are among the trees most recommended for water conservation landscapes
Crataegus species are shrubs or small trees, mostly growing to 5–15 m (16–49 ft) tall, with small pome fruit and (usually) thorny branches.
The "haws" or fruits of the common hawthorn, C. monogyna, are edible, but the flavor has been compared to over-ripe apples. In the United Kingdom, they are sometimes used to make a jelly or homemade wine.[10] The leaves are edible, and if picked in spring when still young, are tender enough to be used in salads.[11] The young leaves and flower buds, which are also edible, are known as "bread and cheese" in rural England.[10] In the southern United States, fruits of three native species are collectively known as mayhaws and are made into jellies which are considered a delicacy. The Kutenai people of northwestern North America used red and black hawthorn fruit for food.
Habitat: Hawthorns often grow in large, dense thickets. Generally they occur on moist, deep, fine-textured soils. They are typically found in woods and are commonly used as hedges. Native to most of Europe,

Mythology and symbolism
In Britain, it was believed that bringing hawthorn blossom into the house would be followed by illness and death, and in Medieval times it was said that hawthorn blossom smelled like the Great Plague. Botanists later learned that the chemical trimethylamine in hawthorn blossom is also one of the first chemicals formed in decaying animal tissue, so it is not surprising that hawthorn flowers are associated with death.

Not only can a scratch or puncture wound from a thorn cause pain, some people can be allergic to hawthorn thorns. Those who are allergic may have intense pain that lasts for several days and swelling around the injury. Do not eat the hawthorn seeds. They are poisonous. Containing amygdalin

The young leaves, flower buds and young flowers are all edible. ... The developing flower buds are particularly good. The haws can be eaten raw but may cause mild stomach upset. They are most commonly used to make jellies, wines and ketchups.
The strong, close-grained wood was used for carving, and for making tool handles and other small household items. veneers and cabinets, as well as boxes,      Probably its greatest practical use to people has been as hedging.

Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. It is also used to treat both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, "hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol.
Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It is also used to reduce anxiety, as a sedative, to increase urine output, and for menstrual problems.

Hawthorn is also used to treat tapeworm and other intestinal infections.

Some people apply hawthorn to the skin for boils, sores, and ulcers. Hawthorn preparations are used as a wash for sores, itching, and frostbite.




Pyracantha is a genus of large, thorny evergreen shrubs in the family Rosaceae, with common name firethorn
Pyracantha ("from Greek pyr fire and akanthos a thorn" hence firethorn
native to an area extending from Southwest Europe east to Southeast Asia. They resemble and are related to Cotoneaster, but have serrated leaf margins and numerous thorns (Cotoneaster is thornless).
The flowers are produced during late spring and early summer; the berries develop from late summer, and mature in late autumn.
The plants reach up to 6 m (20 ft) tall. The seven species have white flowers and either red, orange, or yellow berries
The fruit of Pyracantha are classified as pomes. The pulp is safe for human consumption, but it is insipid, and the seeds are mildly poisonous as they contain cyanogenic glycosides (as do apples, plums, cherries, and almonds). Seeds that are chewed and crushed while raw will release cyanogenic glycosides, and can cause mild gastro-intestinal problems when eaten in large enough quantities. The fruit can be made into jelly
Habitats‎: ‎Woods parks open spaces and hedges Form: Rounded, Spreading or horizontal, Vase.
Pyracantha and the related genus Cotoneaster are valuable sources of nectar when often the bees have little other forage during the June

Not only can a scratch or puncture wound from a thorn cause pain, some people can be allergic to hawthorn thorns. Those who are allergic may have intense pain that lasts for several days and swelling around the injury.
I have been down to the hospital we use thick gloves

Landscape Uses:Erosion control, Espalier, Massing, Seashore. Prefers a good well-drained, moisture retentive loamy soil
Pyracantha as a security. Winter is often when I think of this plant because it has showy fruit until the cedar wax wings and other birds clean them off. Pyracantha is a member of the rose family and, like its cousin, has an abundance of thorns  an excellent security barrier,
Fruit - cooked. Used for making jellies, marmalade and sauces

None known



Mock orange

Philadelphus  (mock-orange) is a genus of about 60 species of shrubs from 3–20 ft (1–6 m) tall, native to North America, Central America, Asia and Europe.
Philadelphus is named after an ancient Greek king of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus
They are named "mock-orange" in reference to their flowers, which in wild species look somewhat similar to those of oranges and lemons (Citrus) at first glance, and smell of orange flowers and jasmine (Jasminum).
Most are deciduous but a few species from the south of the genus' range are evergreen.
The leaves are opposite, simple, with serrated margins, from 0.5-6 inches (1–14 cm) long. The flowers are white, with four petals and sepals, 0.5-2 inches (1–4 cm) diameter, and commonly (but not in all species) sweetly scented.
Habitat- Parks,Gardens,on the edge of Woodland or grown wild in hedgerows,Gullies, water courses, rocky cliffs, talus slopes and rocky hillsides of sagebrush deserts.
prefers full sun to partial sun. It is drought-tolerant, will grow in poor soils and is suitable for xeriscaping. It provides a landscape with flashy flowers and a fruity scent.
The best time to prune Philadelphus is after flowering, which will be later in July usually, and cut back to good bud and /or remove about a quarter of the the old growth. Like all shrubs regular pruning of the older growth with promote new growth and better flowering .
You can also can get Variegated Philadelphus
single flower and double flower


Other uses of Mock Orange: The leaves and flowers are rich in saponins, when crushed and mixed with water they produce a lather that is an effective cleaner, used on the body, clothes
Massing Screen, in all landscapes
The hard wood was useful for making hunting and fishing tools, snowshoes, pipes, and furniture. The stems can be used in making fine coiled baskets. The leaves and bark, which contain saponins, were mixed in water for use as a mild soap
The flowers attract bees and butterflies, but the bushes tend to get leggy, even scraggly. Cutting them back to the ground can rejuvenate these plants.

The dried powdered leaves, or the powdered wood, has been mixed with pitch or oil and used as a rub on sores and swollen joints. A poultice of the bruised leaves has been used to treat infected breasts. A strained decoction of the branches, sometimes with the flowers, has been used as a soaking solution in the treatment of sore chests, eczema and bleeding haemorrhoids.




Cotoneaster is a genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, native to the Palaearctic region (temperate Asia, Europe, north Africa), with a strong concentration of diversity in the genus in the mountains of southwestern China and the Himalayas. They are related to hawthorns (Crataegus), firethorns (Pyracantha), photinias (Photinia) and rowans (Sorbus).
They come in all shapes and sizes ranging from prostrate ground cover to shrubs and small trees
Cotoneasters are versatile. There are evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous
Habitat summary: Cotoneaster horizontalis, Wall Cotoneaster. Its habitats fall into two distinct lowland categories. In urban areas it is characteristic of disturbed, dry sites. More troublesome is its preference for herb-rich limestone grassland, crags and other important semi-natural habitats.
The red berries are also highly attractive to blackbirds and other thrushes in the winter

Cotoneaster Toxicity. The California Poison Control Center lists cotoneasters as Level 4 toxic plants. Ingesting their poisonous parts affects the heart, liver, kidney or brain. Cotoneasters' leaves, berries and flowers all contain cyanogenic glycosides.

Birds use cotoneaster berries as an emergency food source in winter. Because they stay low to the ground, rock cotoneaster plants are often used as ground covers and in rockeries. But others have trained them to grow up against walls.
Cotoneaster can be used as ground cover, rock garden plants, good informal hedges or simply as specimen shrubs or trees for borders and next to walls, with their attractive clusters of flowers and fruit as well as dark-green leaves.
carving  Woodworking. Bowl etc see below

Several species of Cotoneaster are used to medicinal purposes such as cardiotonic, diuretic, expectorant and antiviral in different countries The medicinal uses of the species range from cures for diabetes mellitus and hemorrhoids, to being used as an expectorant in Anatolia folk medicine


I am going to do this plant i do not know if it is on Corfu i will give you much information as i can

Japanese knotweed

Fallopia japonica and Polygonum cuspidatum,  is a large species of herbaceous perennial plant of the knotweed and buckwheat family Polygonaceae.[1] It is commonly known as Asian knotweed or Japanese knotweed.It is native to East Asia in Japan, China and Korea. In North America and Europe, the species has successfully established itself in numerous habitats and is classified as an invasive species in several countries
The stems may reach a maximum height of 3–4 m (9.8–13.1 ft) each growing season, it can grow at speeds of 10cm [4'']a day. 
This plant dose not set seed it is underground rhizomes and take over a large area
FACTS Japanese Knotweed is an invasive plant species that can cause destruction to building foundations, flood defences, driveways and much more.
The typical plant does not normally have the ability to break through hard substances. Unfortunately, this does not apply to Japanese Knotweed as the plant can grow through concrete, tarmac and drains. Resulting in catastrophic damage to roads, buildings and almost anything else in its path.
Japanese Knotweed is listed as one of the top 100 worst invasive species. This is because it grows incredibly quickly and can break through hard materials such as concrete.
Therefore causing severe problems to property infrastructures and projects which has contributed to costing the British economy £166 million.
As Japanese knotweed is an invasive species of plant governed by various acts and legislation. It is a legal requirement to dispose of knotweed waste correctly. Failure to do so could land you with a large fine or even imprisonment.
Lenders are cautious with properties that are affected by Japanese knotweed, but it's not impossible to get a mortgage. Lenders are concerned that a property with knotweed may not be good security for a mortgage, due to the risk of damage posed by the plant and problems it might cause with reselling.Because it can cause structural damage to property, it may be difficult to get a mortgage for a property with Japanese knotweed
As knotweed has become more common, lenders are trying to apply a more reasoned approach
If you're selling a home with knotweed, you may need to provide proof that you've treated the problem

Japanese knotweed is susceptible to a range of herbicides including glyphosate, the active ingredient in products such as 'Roundup biactive' and 'Glyphos biactive'. ... Glyphosate is a translocated herbicide, which means the plant carries the herbicide down to its rhizome. but you must keep on top of it
In Brixham Devon on the coast path st marys bay part of a nature reserve they have been injecting the stems for a few years now it is slowly going

Japanese knotweed is not poisonous to humans. In fact, it is edible, but it is not recommended you eat the weed raw, as some reports claim the weed can cause irritation to sensitive skin. ... The risk with Japanese knotweed comes with its ability to grow from even the smallest piece of stem.

It is completely safe to touch and is, in fact, edible. With a taste reminiscent of a lemony rhubarb, Japanese knotweed features in a whole variety of both sweet and savoury recipes, including purees, jams, sauces, fruit compotes, soups, wines and ice creams to name but a few. ... Not only is it edible; it is good for you.
japanese knotweed root tea

The whole flowering plant is used to make medicine. Knotweed is used for bronchitis, cough, gum disease (gingivitis), and sore mouth and throat. It is also used for lung diseases, skin disorders, and fluid retention. Some people use it to reduce sweating associated with tuberculosis and to stop bleeding.
It might also prevent plaque from building up on teeth.skin care



carnation,pink ,sweet william

Dianthus  is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly to Europe and Asia, with a few species extending south to north Africa, and one species (D. repens) in arctic North America.         
Are annual or biennial, mostly herbaceous perennials,  and some are low subshrubs with woody basal stems.
The flowers have five petals, typically with a frilled or pinked margin, and are (in almost all species) pale to dark pink. One species, D. knappii, has yellow flowers with a purple centre. Some species, particularly the perennial pinks, are noted for their strong spicy fragrance.
The name Dianthus is from the Greek words Διός Dios ("of Zeus") and ἀνθός anthos ("flower"), and was cited by the Greek botanist Theophrastus.
Since 1717, dianthus species have been extensively bred and hybridised to produce many thousands of cultivars for garden use and floristry, in all shades of white, pink, yellow and red, with a huge variety of flower shapes and markings. They are often divided into the following main groups

Border carnations – fully hardy, growing to 60 cm (24 in), large blooms
Perpetual flowering carnations – grown under glass, flowering throughout the year, often used for exhibition purposes, growing to 150 cm (59 in)
Malmaison carnations – derived from the variety 'Souvenir de la Malmaison', growing to 70 cm (28 in), grown for their intense "clove" fragrance
Old-fashioned pinks – older varieties; evergreen perennials forming mounds of blue-green foliage with masses of flowers in summer, growing to 45 cm (18 in)
Modern pinks – newer varieties, growing to 45 cm (18 in), often blooming two or three times per year
Alpine pinks – mat-forming perennials, suitable for the rockery or alpine garden, growing to 10 cm (4 in)
Over 100 varieties have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Habitat. Dianthus seguieri grows in dry meadows at an altitude of 100–1,000 metres (330–3,280 ft) above sea level.
A wide variety of habitats including sandy forest margins, dry hillsides and summits, forest and hillside grasslands, scrub on mountain slopes, rocky ravines, meadows and streamsides, parks ,gardens
The one you might see in Arillas or around Corfu is Dianthus superbus i show in pic

NONE The carnation (Dianthus Carophyllus) is an old-fashioned garden favorite that is cheap to buy and easy to grow, rewarding even negligent gardeners with bushy, brightly colored blooms. Though the plant may cause skin irritation in some individuals, carnations are generally not considered threatening to humans.

Parks,Gardens boarders,Cut Flowers,Ground covers,several species are compact enough for planting in the hanging baskets, offering a profusion of flowers during the summer.Patio pots
is also often used in cooking.(When using this herb for cooking make sure to remove the petal base – it is quite bitter!)
An essential oil is obtained from the flowers. It is used in perfumery. 500kg of flowers produce 100g of oil. The flowers are harvested when they are fully open in the morning, preferably after 3 hours exposure to sunlight. The flower heads are dried and used in pot-pourri, scented sachets and cosmetic products. The plant is quite rich in saponins. The leaves can be simmered in water and this water can then be used as a soap for cleaning the skin, clothes etc.

It is used to treat cystitis, urinary stones, constipation, and failure to menstruate. Externally a decoction is used to treat skin inflammations and swellings. The old leaves can be crushed and used to clear the eyesight.
flowers are an aromatic, stimulant herb that has been used in tonic cordials in the past to treat fevers, though this use is now obsolete. It is traditionally prescribed in European herbal medicine to treat coronary and nervous disorders. The flowers are considered to be alexiteric, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, diaphoretic and nervine. The plant has been used as a vermifuge
Dianthus contains a variety of chemical compounds, including anthochanin and several types of saponins. Research has shown that dianthus chinensis can act as a short-term diuretic. Extracts of dianthus can stimulate uterine contractions, and the effect is dose-dependent; that is, the more dianthus a person receives, the longer and more intense the uterine contractions will be. In traditional Chinese medicine, dianthus is considered bitter and cold, and is associated with the Bladder, Heart and Small Intestine meridians. It promotes urination, drains damp heat from the bladder, and dispels blood stasis.




Hepatica  liverleaf or liverwort is a genus of herbaceous perennials in the buttercup family,The plant is found mainly in Europe.central and northern Europe, Asia and eastern North America. Some botanists include Hepatica within a wider interpretation of Anemone.
The word hepatica derives from the Greek ἡπατικός hēpatikós, from ἧπαρ hêpar 'liver', because the three-lobed leaf was thought to resemble the human liver
The leaves are basal, leathery, and usually three-lobed, remaining over winter.Height: 10–15 cm (4–6 in.).
Hepatica cultivation has been popular in Japan since the 18th century, where flowers with doubled petals and a range of colour patterns have been developed
Habitats include upland deciduous woodlands, rocky bluffs, the slopes of bluffs, and limestone cliffs (where some shade occurs). Sharp-Lobed Hepatica occurs in high quality wooded areas where the original flora is largely intact.
In landscaping gardens,parks
Noted for its tolerance of alkaline limestone-derived soils, Hepatica may grow in a wide range of conditions; it can be found either in deeply shaded deciduous (especially beech) woodland and scrub or grassland in full sun. Hepatica will also grow in both sandy and clay-rich substrates, being associated with limestone. Moist soil and winter snowfall is a requirement; Hepatica is tolerant of winter snow cover, but less so of dry frost
Bisexual flowers with pink, purple, blue, or white sepals and three green bracts appear singly on hairy stems from late winter to spring. Butterflies, moths, bees, flies and beetles are known pollinators.
The known hepatica species can be divided into two series with respect to the leaf shape. The leaves of the series Triloba Ulbr. Tamura: are three-lobed with an smooth leaf edge. The series Angulosa (Ulbr.) Tamura are three- to five-lobed and leaf margin is mostly serrated. Between one and ten species of Hepatica are recognised, with some of the taxa more often treated as varieties:

NONE UKNOWN  Although poisonous in large doses, the leaves and flowers may be used as an astringent, as a demulcent for slow-healing injuries, and as a diuretic.

Beneficial  Butterflies, moths, bees, flies and beetles are known pollinators.
Landscape,parks,gardens borders

Extracts or decoctions made from the leaves have been used in herbal medicine for the treatment of liver ailments, gallbladder ailments and digestive disorders, and to treat coughing and bronchitis. The herb can be used as a gargle for inflammation of the gums and chronic irritation of the neck and throat.
Relieves Stomach Discomfort
Stimulates Appetites
Helps Regulating Bowel Function
Stimulates Pancreas
Might Help in Reducing Cholesterol
Stimulates Blood Circulations
Soothing to the Nerves




Anemone is a genus of about 200 species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native to temperate zones. The genus is closely related to Pulsatilla ('Pasque flower') and Hepatica; some botanists even include both of these genera within Anemone.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Greek anemōnē means "daughter of the wind", from ánemos the wind god + feminine patronymic suffix -ōnē (i.e. daughter). The Metamorphoses of Ovid tells that the plant was created by the goddess Venus when she sprinkled nectar on the blood of her dead lover Adonis. The name "windflower" is used for the whole genus as well as the wood anemone A. nemorosa.
Many of the species are popular garden plants, providing colour throughout the season from early Spring into Autumn.
spring-flowering species found in woodland and alpine meadows, often tuberous or rhizomatous;
spring- and summer-flowering species from hot dry areas, with tuberous roots,
summer- and autumn-flowering species with fibrous roots, which thrive in moist dappled shade;
Of the late spring bulbs, Anemone blanda is one of the species grown in larger-scale commercial cultivation. It is most commonly available with a somewhat pale violet flower. A white-flowered form is the second-most common type.
Height= 10 to 125cm = 4''- 48'' inches
These plants thrive best in shady areas and under protection of larger plants, and in all but the hottest and the driest conditions in the United States. They are especially sensitive to drought or overwatering. They can be invasive or weedy in some areas, throwing out suckers from the fibrous rootstock, to rapidly colonise an area. Once established they can be extremely difficult to eradicate. On the other hand, they can take some time to become established. A. hupehensis is one of a handful of species that are autumn flowering.
windflowers, are a diverse group, with various species blooming in spring and autumn. Some have fibrous roots and are found in the perennials section of nurseries and garden centers. Others grow from bulbs and tubers that are sold and planted in the Autumn along with spring-flowering bulbs like tulips and Daffs.
Habitat woodland,alpine,forest,hedgerows,gardens,parks,wasteland,

The anemone is a flower from late spring (May — June), and there are many different species. ... All anemones are toxic to dogs, animals, and humans, because of the anemonin. Symptoms: it irritates the mucous membranes and causes blistering. It can also cause tremors and even seizures
Eating anemones may cause minor illnesses such as vomiting and diarrhea. The juice, sap or hairs of the plants can also cause dermatitis, or skin irritation. ... If you suspect someone has eaten the leaves, flowers or tubers of an anemone, or if symptoms appear, contact your doctor or the Poison Control Center.

Hybrida anemone are used for Landscaping

Some Anemone compounds and extracts display immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities. More than 50 species have ethnopharmacological uses, which provide clues for modern drug discovery. Anemone compounds exert anticancer and other bioactivities via multiple pathways
help in reducing cramps



Stinking willie

Jacobaea vulgaris, syn. Senecio jacobaea, is a very common wild flower in the family Asteraceae that is native to northern Eurasia,[Eurasia  is the largest continent on Earth, comprising all of Europe and Asia usually in dry, open places, and has also been widely distributed as a weed elsewhere.]
Common names include ragwort, common ragwort, stinking willie, tansy ragwort, benweed, St. James-wort, stinking nanny/ninny/willy, staggerwort, dog standard, cankerwort, stammerwort. In the western United States it is generally known as tansy ragwort, or tansy, though its resemblance to the true tansy is superficial.
Although the plant is often unwanted by landowners because it is considered a weed by many, it provides a great deal of nectar for pollinators. It was rated in the top 10 for most nectar production (nectar per unit cover per year)
The plant is generally considered to be biennial but it has the tendency to exhibit perennial properties under certain cultural conditions (such as when subjected to repeated grazing or mowing). height of 0.3–2.0 metres
the florets are bright yellow. It has a long flowering period lasting from June to November
Pollination is by a wide range of bees, flies and moths and butterflies. Over a season, one plant may produce 2,000 to 2,500 yellow flowers in 20- to 60-headed, flat-topped corymbs The number of seeds produced may be as large as 75,000 to 120,000, although in its native range in Eurasia very few of these would grow into new plants and research has shown that most seeds do not travel a great distance from the parent plant
Habitat Ragwort is abundant in waste land, waysides and grazing pastures.[11] It can be found along road sides, and grows in all cool and high rainfall areas.
In Europe it is widely spread, from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean. In Britain and Ireland it is listed as a weed.
In the United Kingdom, where the plant is native, ragwort provides a home and food source to at least 77 insect species. Thirty of these species of invertebrate use ragwort exclusively as their food source and there are another 22 species where ragwort forms a significant part of their diet.

Ragwort is a highly poisonous plant if eaten. Ragwort is toxic to cattle, horses, deer, goats, pigs and chickens. ... The poisonous substances in ragwort are toxic alkaloids (Jacobine, Jacodine and Jaconine). These cause the liver to accumulate copper, causing ill heath and death.
Ragwort contains many different alkaloids, making it poisonous to certain animals.
Ragwort is of concern to people who keep horses and cattle. In areas of the world where ragwort is a native plant, such as Britain and continental Europe, documented cases of proven poisoning are rare.[22] Horses do not normally eat fresh ragwort due to its bitter taste. The result, if sufficient quantity is consumed, can be irreversible cirrhosis of the liver of a form identified as megalocytosis where cells are abnormally enlarged. Signs that a horse has been poisoned include yellow mucous membranes, depression, and lack of coordination.

Ragwort is best known as the food of caterpillars of the cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae. They absorb alkaloids from the plant and become distasteful to predators, a fact advertised by the black and yellow warning colours. The red and black, day-flying adult moth is also distasteful to many potential predators. The moth is used as a control for ragwort in countries in which it has been introduced and become a problem, where the plant is native, ragwort provides a home and food source to insects
A good green dye is obtained from the leaves, though it is not very permanent. A yellow dye is obtained from the flowers when alum is used as a mordant. Brown and orange can also be obtained.

Jacobaea vulgaris, is nutrient dense herb support for ulcers, eye inflammations, coughs and colds and internal bruises
Despite serious safety concerns, people take golden ragwort to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, water retention, bleeding, chest congestion, and spasms.
Some people put golden ragwort on the gums to stop bleeding after removal of a tooth.
Women use golden ragwort for treating irregular or painful menstrual periods and symptoms of menopause. They also use it to reduce pain and ease childbirth.
The juice of the plant is cooling and astringent, it is used as a wash in burns, sores, cancerous ulcers and eye inflammations. It makes a good gargle for ulcerated mouths and throats and is also said to take away the pain of a bee sting.



pincushion flowers.

Scabiosa  is a genus in the honeysuckle family  Many of the species in this genus have common names that include the word scabious; however some plants commonly known as scabious are currently classified in related genera such as Knautia and Succisa; at least some of these were formerly placed in Scabiosa. Another common name for members of this genus is pincushion flowers.
The common name 'scabious' comes from the herb's traditional usage as a folk medicine to treat scabies, an illness that causes a severe itching sensation
Native to Africa, Europe and Asia. Some species of Scabiosa, notably small scabious (S. columbaria) and Mediterranean sweet scabious (S. atropurpurea) have been developed into cultivars for gardeners.
Scabious flowers are nectar rich and attractive to many insects including butterflies and moths such as the six-spot burnet.
Some species of Scabiosa are annuals, others perennials. Some are herbaceous plants; others have woody rootstocks.
After the flowers have dropped, the calyces together with the bracts form a spiky ball that may be the reason for the "pincushion" common name.
Habitat Information
Small scabious is a winter green perennial of dry, relatively infertile, calcareous soils. Habitats include meadows and pastures (particularly sheep grazed down land), embankments and slopes, verges and, more rarely, chalk pits and limestone quarries. It is found in sites where the sward is short and open either as a result of drought stress or disturbance (light gazing, cutting or burning for example). It continues growing further into summer than many species as its deep tap root allows it to exploit ground water unavailable to them. However, because of its relatively low stature and limited ability to spread by vegetative means it cannot survive in tall or productive grassland.
Small scabious is pollinated by a wide range of insects especially bumblebees or butterflies.
Height: 2ft (60cm), spread: 2ft (60cm).


After blooming, the character of the leaves changes and becomes less appealing, but the flowers can be eaten. They may be white to lavender, but they look stunning when sprinkled over pasta. Thai basil is sometimes allowed to flower before whole stems, with leaves attached, are harvested. The whole flower is edible. The tender young shoots are sometimes added to spring salads
The thick, glossy leaves were once used to dye wool green.
In borders gardens parks
Good for in insects

Devil's bit scabious was used as a medicinal herb well into the 1900s, but it is rarely used in modern-day herbal medicine. Some herbalist still use a decoction made from the rootstock to treat coughs, sore throat,bronchitis, fever and internal inflammation
The herb is anthelmintic, demulcent, depurative, slightly diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, mildly expectorant, febrifuge and stomachic. It makes a useful tea for the treatment of coughs, fevers and internal inflammations and is also a popular application externally to eczema and other cutaneous eruptions. A tincture of the plant is a gentle but reliable treatment for bruises, aiding quick re-absorption of the blood pigment. The whole herb is collected in early autumn and dried for later use. Good results have been achieved by using a distilled water from the plant as an eye lotion to treat conjunctivitis.




Vicia is a genus of about 140 species of flowering plants that are part of the legume family (Fabaceae), and which are commonly known as vetches.  are native to Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa.
subfamily Faboideae also have names containing "vetch", for example the vetchlings (Lathyrus)
Bitter vetch (V. ervilia) was one of the first domesticated crops.
Lathyrus (commonly known as peavines or vetchlings)
They are native to temperate areas, with a breakdown of 52 species in Europe, 30 species in North America, 78 in Asia, 24 in tropical East Africa, and 24 in temperate South America. There are annual and perennial species which may be climbing or bushy.
Many species are cultivated as garden plants. The genus includes the garden sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) and the perennial everlasting pea (Lathyrus latifolius). Flowers on these cultivated species may be rose, red, maroon, pink, white, yellow, purple or blue, and some are bicolored. They are also grown for their fragrance. Cultivated species are susceptible to fungal infections including downy and powdery mildew.Other species are grown for food, including the Indian pea (L. sativus)
The tuberous pea (L. tuberosus) is grown as a root vegetable for its starchy edible tuber. The seeds of some Lathyrus species contain the toxic amino acid oxalyldiaminopropionic acid and if eaten in large quantities can cause lathyrism, a serious disease.
vetch, t is grown extensively for forage and fodder,
The vetches grown as forage are generally toxic to non-ruminants (such as humans), at least if eaten in quantity. Cattle and horses have been poisoned by V. villosa and V. benghalensis, two species that contain canavanine in their seeds.
Lathyrus can be mixed with bitter peas without violating the Jewish law of Kilayim.are the prohibitions in Jewish law about planting certain mixtures of seeds, grafting, mixtures of plants in vineyards, crossbreeding animals, working a team of different kinds of animals together, and mixing wool and linen in garments.
Woodland, forest margins, plantations and clearings.wasteland,road verge,Landscape,gardens,coastal front

The vetches grown as forage are generally toxic to non-ruminants (such as humans), at least if eaten in quantity. Cattle and horses have been poisoned by V. villosa and V. benghalensis, two species that contain canavanine in their seeds. ... In common vetch,
The seeds of hairy vetch when eaten in quantity by cattle and horses cause nervous signs and death. The seeds of Vicia sativa have been reported to contain cyanide. An annual with stems 4-6 feet in length, with hairy stems and leaves. ... Lymphocytosis and hyperproteinemia are common features of hairy vetch poisoning.

Sweet Pea Lathyrus Toxicity. The seeds of sweet peas are mildly poisonous containing lathyrogens that, if ingested, in large quantities can cause a condition called Lathyrus. ... This is generally seen to occur after famines where the seed is often the only source of nutrition for extended periods of time.
With the growing interest in edible flowers, it is very important to be specific with the name. Although garden peas, (Pisum sativum) such as English peas, edible podded peas and snow peas are edible, sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) are poisonous - especially the flowers and seeds.

used as animal fodder throughout the world. The flowers of sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) are grown for their color and fragrance.
Vetch. Traditionally, the common vetch has been used as food for livestock, and was also used in medicine to treat eczema and other skin irritations, and as an antiseptic.
Many species are cultivated as garden plants.
Farmers perceive vetches as a reliable, versatile legume for pasture, green manure, hay/silage and grain. Vetches in crop rotations can be used to manage cereal diseases, grass weeds, improve soil fertility and contribute to increased yield and protein content in following crops.

No animal or clinical data are available regarding the use of Lathyrus for any clinical condition.
Vicia medicinal uses Unknown



French parsley

Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium common name called French parsley or garden chervil  related to parsley. It is commonly used to season mild-flavoured dishes and is a constituent of the French herb mixture fines herbes.A member of the Apiaceae, chervil is native to the Caucasus but was spread by the Romans through most of Europe,Mediterranean where it is now naturalised
The plants grow to 40–70 cm (16–28 in), with tripinnate leaves that may be curly. The small white flowers form small umbels, 2.5–5 cm (1–2 in) across. The fruit is about 1 cm long, oblong-ovoid with a slender, ridged beak
Chervil is used, particularly in France, to season poultry, seafood, young spring vegetables
Wild chervil can be found in ditches, along roadsides, fencelines, stream banks and moist woods, and competes with pasture and hay crops—reducing forage and production. ... Chemical control is often precluded due the wet habitat wild chervil prefers. Cut and bag any flowering plants for burning or deep burial.



Chervil is one of the herbs used to make fines herbes (the others are parsley, tarragon, and chives), a delicate herb blend used extensively in French cooking. Chervil is particularly delicious with eggs—either added to an omelet or sprinkled on scrambled eggs.
The flavor of chervil leaves reminds some people of anise and licorice or licorice and tarragon, still others of anise and parsley. The flowers are edible. Chervil plants sometimes grow as tall as 2 feet, but about 1 foot is more likely in the average garden.
Edible leaves - raw in salads or used as a flavouring in cooked foods such as soups and stews. A mild aromatic flavour that is suggestive of aniseed. The leaves are often used as a flavouring, they form the basis of the seasoning "fines herbes" and are an essential ingredient of "bouquet garni". The leaves should always be used fresh because the delicate flavour does not withstand drying or prolonged cooking. The leaves are ready for harvesting in about 8 weeks from sowing, the plant responds well to cut and come again harvesting. The flowers are used as a seasoning. The root is said to be edible.
Other uses of the herb: The growing plant is said to repel slugs.

Medicinal use of Chervil: Chervil is not widely used as a medicinal herb, though it is sometimes employed as a "spring tonic" for cleansing the liver and kidneys, is a good remedy for settling the digestion and is said to be of value in treating poor memory and mental depression. The fresh plant, harvested just before flowering, is digestive, diuretic, expectorant, poultice and stimulant. The juice is used in the treatment of dropsy, arthritis and chronic skin ailments. The bruised leaves are used as a poultice for slow-healing wounds and a warm poultice is applied to painful joints. An infusion of the fresh leaves is also used as an eyewash to treat sore or inflamed eyes.
People use the leaves and dried flowering parts, as well as the juice, to make medicine. Chervil is used for fluid retention, cough, digestion problems, and high blood pressure. Juice from fresh chervil is used for gout, pockets of infection (abscesses), and a skin condition called eczema.
The juice is used in the treatment of dropsy, arthritis and chronic skin ailments. The bruised leaves are used as a poultice for slow-healing wounds and a warm poultice is applied to painful joints. An infusion of the fresh leaves is also used as an eyewash to treat sore or inflamed eyes.