Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Please tell Steve I have passed the message on to June.

Jersey Bean

I will , thanks and have a brilliant holiday.


Arillas today will also take in our Arillas yesterday
Light breakfast and a walk up to Afionas via Night Owl, little chat with other customers and the hosts and up to the village and a visit to Spiros at Anemos. Fabulous views and a wondeful meal of Kalimari for lunch. chatted to Spiros and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon.
Dinner was at Brouklis, think the boss had a hard day (saying nothing about the lost sardines).

Today we did nothing at all, POOL SIDE then Dinner at Effie's Mmmmmm

Arillas yesterday and today will now roll into tomorow


As they say in Australia, John.... "Good on yer cobbler"
(Where's that spellcheck when you need it??)



Sardine cobbler? Sounds quite interesting..... Or is this in fact a murder mystery? "The case of the lost sardines." Agatha Christie would have a field day - Marple and Poirot meeting up for the first and last time. And of course the Butler (Noufri?) done it.....

Sorry. It's my day off, and no Mythos has passed my lips. But I'm not telling about the sardines and vodka frappes.....

Take care of yourselves, you two ole reprobates.


Sardine Cobbler Phil? And a vodka frappe? - Is something fishy going on? (Russian not Australian?)
Is John R having his new flip flops re-soled? I'm lost for words - "Lost" as in sardines, maybe?

Time to put fingers in ears and say "RED" backwards!

Signing off , at 11:30 pm, Greek time, with a rather comfortable temp of 19 deg.
19 deg ? - WOTSTHATALLABOUT? - Maybe time for a light duvet cover on bed - DONCHYERKNOW?



Sorry Guys , but you may need an "A plus" for your CV to understand the recent conversations!!

Ref John n Dot , it seems never got the sardines , they ordered, until later........................
......But that was OK as John was wearing the flip flops he got to replace his "old Flippers" which had became family friends. ( I think they are framed somewhere on a wall in Corfu Town)

Phil, meanwhile, has Vodka frappe, on his mind and together that, plus a mythos or two, helps him forget the trauma of losing not only sardines but flip flops!!
( Does he care???? - Nah!- they were not his fishy food anyway!)

My term of endearment which was "Good on yer Cobbler" has now , due to various rumours been translated as "I'll tread on yer cobblers" which is probably why male folk are keeping away from me now.
And probably what Noufri did when he realised that sardines did not appear for John R n Dot, who didn't realise it, at the time , as John was still searching for his old floppers!!!

I understand nothing except Arillas Today gives us 28deg at 6pm, and has been a super day for all here and, if Eric n Sue and Paul n Denise are not bothered by this drabble then all is well with all.

(Please advise if you think I am in a world of my own!!)


Having been back in the UK a week Negg, and it is our end of year at work, I only wish I was in your "world"!

Did we ever hear the story of what prompted the move to Corfu for you?  If so can you please provide me with the link!?

Many thanks.


It is all gobblygook to me.
Back in the real world Arillas Today saw us do nil zilch nothing so lazzzzeeeeeee.
Just had a fab meal at Vivalis and said our goodbye's to Thomas
Bumped into Kev who departs in the Morning what a nice chap so pleased to meet him
Arillas Tomorow sees us having our last day before a 10.25pm pick up and then off to the airport.
Perhaps just enough time for one more report :-)


Have a great last day John ! You're coming back to some decent Black Country weather mate
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Quote from: daisyday on September 26, 2013, 06:48:24 PM

Did we ever hear the story of what prompted the move to Corfu for you?  If so can you please provide me with the link!?

Many thanks.

Never really finished that, Daisyday, but will soooooon. (How many "o's??)

Gutted to find out that Kevin is orf avrio. Once again time kicks me in the pants for not keeping up with its program.

A fun last 3 days with darts , Tuesday at Rainbow, then Wednesdat at the "Owl" for nice food, then tonight at Tria for a few more darts.

20 deg at 12:30 pm and just burnt a hole in my precious T-shirt, whilst typing away, so just be aware of the sacrifices I make to sit here and give away this information.
(Maybe I should give away smoking, as well)


Ah, the end of season madness. We're all terrified that it is indeed coming to an end. Us (both Phil and Jen) in particular because we won't be doing Arillas Today until April.

Sorry to all of you forum folk who expect more, but it's all we've got. Eggy's story is all on here, but in fits and starts (mostly fits...) and would take ages to extract from the archives. There is no link Caroline, but more a maze and snippets.

We have been privileged enough to share a lot with him and his lovely wife over the last six years, and we are now lifelong friends. He has given so much to this forum and its members in his simple, ouzo fuelled way. Long Live The King!!!!



My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon


sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Phil , don't mention the ouzo ......... :-)
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......

Val n Bill

Ouzo!! Who has got the ouzo.......come on.....share the ouzo. ;) ;)

            Val n Bill x
The love affair continues.