Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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The Rainbow sounds as good as ever. Wish we were at the darts night and at Penny's quiz.  With a bit of luck there'll be same when we're there 30th August. Which of the Worried men is in UK and is he due back by August , Eggy? x


The "Main Man" , Griff may not be back until September.
So no worried men, for August, but the quizzes and darts will still be on-going.

Val n Bill

Drat....missed them last week, Bills' sister had booked a table at with Thomas(fish) for Wednesday night while she was out walking.

          Val x
The love affair continues.


thanks Eggy, O font of information. Will look forward to the quizzes and darts.  Mo x

Val n Bill

Mo, you will make his head swell for sure !! ;)Lol

          Val x
The love affair continues.


Quote from: Val n Bill on June 11, 2013, 10:57:47 PM

Mo, you will make his head swell for sure !! ;)Lol

          Val x

Just for that I will not tell you that it's 21 deg outside at 11:15pm tonight.
Bittobreezethough. - (Ah well finish my coke and orf ta bed.


I have managed, I think, to get one photo linked for Arillas Today where the temphovered around 30 deg and , at 7:30 it is still on 29.
Others to put on but this bucket photo (Nice way of swearing here) causes me greeeeef. Can't seem to enlarge and lose what I upload.




Still can't make this larger.


Never mind larger Eggy dearie....Looks lovely anyway :)
Life is good ;)


I'm in Arillas and it's brill

Jo Wissett

Brill Eggy looking great. Thanks for taking the time x


Roll on next week. At the moment here in Warwickshire its 21:50pm and its 10°C but the wind is making it feel more like 6°C. Its not flaming June its flaming cold :-(

Val n Bill

Not to worry Eggy.....lovely photos, and they look brilliant when enlarged on the iPad.

       Val x
The love affair continues.


Anyone not wishing to visit this place , please write your reasons, on the back of a postage stamp, in large letters and send to Phil n Jen.


and , rumour has it that Sandy, now the proud holder of a resident's permit, is looking to buy a Greek Car!! Another rumour is that local car dealers are worried after they saw the last three that she took for a test drive.


Greetings from a dry Arillas today where we happily sit on 24deg at 11:30 a.m.



BIG smiles here yer rotten s*d! Only 4 weeks until I can insult you for real, and to yer face.... That is of course, if the face doesn't need enlarging so I can see it!

As for our Sandy's cars - let "he who is without sin" sound the first hooter.....

Lovely to hear you firing on all ouzos as the season gets underway. Will provide large ones to keep the process going when we're there in a few weeks.
