For darts lovers only - Others may be bored to tears.

Started by Eggy, November 19, 2008, 04:16:09 PM

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Val n Bill

Don't know who the feet belong to but they all look like 'airport' trainers to me. (You know..... brand spanking new) ;)

                  Val x
The love affair continues.


" A new Owl on the block "

Trying hard to catch leaders, Night Owl, Kokalo needed at least 10 points from their game against Owlettes. However they forgot young Petros who took 3 valuable points away from them. He's only lost 1 singles game, so far this Winter, and that was against Owl's Big Daddy, Capt Bob.

Sunset put up a fine display againsy Night Owl, this week, acheiving 14 of the 27 merit scores hit. This does not include Capt Bobs 180 as he bust his score but does include Makis's even though he went on to lose his 100% singles record against Sunset's Andy.

Three W's 9-2 win against Meerkats helped to keep the pressure on the Owl but are 6 points adrift in second. These two meet on Thursday and both Teams, I'm sure will be after at least 8 points from the 11 on offer.
Meanwhile Kokalo, now sitting in 3rd spot continue to cry into their beer and are currently drawing straws to see who lets Petros's tyres down.


Quote from: Eggy on December 07, 2012, 06:06:42 PMMeanwhile Kokalo, now sitting in 3rd spot continue to cry into their beer and are currently drawing straws to see who lets Petros's tyres down.

:D what a lovely soap opera picture you paint Eggy! Keep them reports coming ;)
Life is good ;)

Val n Bill

What a lovely picture of Petros, and......he can throw a good arra as well.

           Val x
The love affair continues.


haha love it the young owl taking over yammas petros,,see you in june .x


           " Armourada don't give a hoot............ ".....

for reputations, and issued a gentle reminder to Night Owl, that they are the only team to have taken their feathers on two occasions. In 2009/10, with a different format, they won 7-6 and in 2010/11 they won 6-5. So, when being 5-0 down they dug deep into their darts cases and produced a fight back, many of us only dream of, to end the match at, a very lucky, 6-5 to the Owl.

The Three W vs Kokalo match was a crucial game for both teams, each needing at least an 8-3 result to stay in touch with those Night Owls. But, despite a 160 out from Kokalo's Richard Gardner and a 14 dart 501 partnered with Stathis, Kokalo left Three W's with a final match result of 6-5 down ....................... A good win for the Owl but leaves Three W's and Kokalo crying in their lentel soup!! – No points pulled !!

Meanwhile...... Bad Boys got a "tanning" from Sunset Bar who, like a good wine, improves week after week.  A 9-2 win for Sunset with Bull out for Gary? Liz with Jeff winning their pairs. Wotsthatallabout???..  This super Sunset result moves them up the table but, I think those "naughty lads" may just bounce back. Will they pluck those Owls, next week?  Are we all on the edge of our seats here??

So far, this Winter, there have been 261 scores of 100+ recorded. Kokalo's Richard sits on top of the table with 24 of these, or 9% of this total. Mikalis, Three W's, sits on his tail with 19 (7% of the total.)

The ladies singles table is also interesting with, Boneen (Kokalo) on a 50% average, Jean (Armourada) with 46% and Marcia (Meerkats) 36%. (Figures taken from singles legs played and won)

The only 100% record left for singles/Pairs combined is Nickos (Owl) winning 13 from 13.  Also with 5 wins from 5, in his singles, there may be many after his scalp to spoil this record.

A very close league table with no margin for error. -  League Table currently sits at:-
Night Owl – 43 (Game in Hand) , Sunset – 39 , Kokalo – 38 Three W's – 37 (Game in Hand) ,
Bad Boys – 28 (Game in Hand) , Armourada – 23 (Game in Hand)
Owlettes – 12 / Meerkats – 11 – Playing each other this week.- Result to follow.

Sorry for the layout here! - This was copied and pasted due to Internet problems.

Val n Bill

Well Neill I bet you're worn out with reporting all that......but thanks for the brilliant update even if you copied and pasted, don't forget to wash your hands, that paste gets everywhere ;)

               Val x
The love affair continues.


"" Hoooooo will finish 2nd?? """

Whilst Night Owl fly high in number one spot there is a battle, not only for 2nd, but also after those feathers on the return games.

Kokalo sit on 48 points, thanks to a 10-1 win over Meerkats. Dougie, Meerkats yet again took a valuable point for his Team.

Three W's did the bizz on Owlettes, 10-1, but yet again Petros saved the day for his fledglings. They sit on 47 points.

Sunset's 8-3 win over Armourada also sits them on a comfortable 47 points.

Bad Boys have a game in hand and, although losing to Night Owl, this week, are not far away with 31 points.

All the league wish all you "boring" followers out there a super Xmas break and a very healthy 2013.



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all Neill.
Looking forward to seeing you all again in July.
Mary and Steve xx


Hi Neil! How are you? Enjoying your darts updates!
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
The Truths
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Thanks Guys, for your wishes.

Our League here runs a "Round Robin" K/O , with only the top 2 players in each team, on win percentages, eligible to enter.
After the first half of the Winter, this looks to be a very difficult game.

Nickos 100 – Makis 83 – NIGHT OWL
Petros 83 – With Ann just holding 2nd – OWLETTES.
Doug 67 – and consistent Marcia a good 2nd – MEERKATS
Richard 88 – Neill 78 – KOKALO
Andy 86 – Alan 83 – SUNSET BAR
Senan 57 – Gordon 50 – ARMOURADA
Kostas Fakiolas 57 – Kostas Lefkimiatis 50 – BAD BOYS
Mikalis 92 – Xris 80 – THREE W's

Could be a good "Robin"


The start of the return league matches commence, from tonight and we all wonder if the Xmas break has left many of us a tad "rusty".

Night Owl sit nicely on the top branch with 51 points with Kokalo on 48 and Sunset on 47. With Night Owl and Three W both having a game in hand the two matches to watch this week are:-
......Bad Boys at home to Kokalo ....&.... Sunset at home to Meerkats.
Sunset may just sneak into 2nd spot here if Kokalo fail to do the business against those Nasty Lads.

Roger and Jean, Armourada sit top of the unbeaten pairs with 4 from 4 but there are many on 3 from 3 who will try for that top spot.


Val n Bill

The love affair continues.


       ""Sunset and Kokalo claim 'Squatters rights' to the Tree House""

But for how long, as 4 time champions , Night Owl, have yet to play  pretenders to the throne, Three W's.
Night Owl vs Three W's games outstanding due to family commitments which always take priority over darts.
A very competitive league, this Winter. When Owls meet W's that tree house may have two other occupants.

This Weeks results.
Armourada 7 – Petros's Owlettes 4.
A super effort by Owlettes with Petros now winning 6 from his 7 singles games and Dawn shooting out on 84. Armourada's Roger Buckle & Jean Walsh now take their pairs wins to 5 from 5.  They top the Pairs table.

Sunset 9 – Meerkats 2
Meerkats, Maggie, now moves into 2nd spot, of the ladies singles table, with her 2-0 win over Sunset's Spiros whilst team mate Dougie takes his singles wins to 5 from 8. Sunset's strength is in their singles with Andy now on 7 from 8 and Mick n Gary both on 6 from 8. 

Bad Boys 3 – Kokalo 8
New Team, "Bad Boys", never play a bad game and Kostas Fakiolas now brings his Winter's 100+ scores to 26.
Kokalo's Boneen Gardner tops the Ladies table with a 58% average helped with her 2-1 win over young Dimitris of the "Boys".  Kokalo's Richard Gardner tops the 100+ merit table with 36. Mikalis, Three W's sits,in third, on 21 but still has 2 games in hand.

Top 4 in the points
Sunset – 56 ,  Kokalo – 56 ,  Night Owl – 51 ,  Three W's 47. ( Owl and W's games to play )



                 "Night Owl start to remove those squatters.........."
........ from that top of the tree branch with an 11-0 win over Meerkats.
Three W's , took a very nice 8-3 win over Sunset which helped "evict" one pretender.
Kokalo, however hang on to this branch by one claw with their 9-2 win over Armourada.
With games in hand ,Night Owl are waiting to strike. Who wants to be a mouse when these Night predators are around???? 
"Hoots Mon" as Gordon's Armourada might say when Kokalo's Richard Gardner did a 10 dart 301 against him.
Armourada's Capt Senan got his own back though by beating Negg 2-0

League Table
Kokalo -  65
Night Owl – 62 – Games in hand
Sunset – 59
Three W's – 55 – Games in hand
Armourada – 37
Petros Owlettes – 18
Meerkats – 14.
