Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Jo Wissett

Oh my dear lord that beach looks mighty fine!! So excited now. Great to see the front so busy, can only be a good thing for Arillas.  If you get the chance, can you sneak a shot at the patch in front of the Marinaki for me. last year I only had pebbles :-( I love tottling over with a chilled glass of the white stuff of an evening) ....OOOh I can't WAIT!!!!


Hi All,
Looking forward to Friday (22nd July). We will depart the delights of Wales and after a brief enjoyment of all that Bristol airport has to offer plus an exhilarating experience of being strapped in an Easyjet tin tube with wings for a few hours  we will arrive in Corfu. It will be be our 4th visit to Arillas. Two weeks of sheer enjoyment. Where and when might we meet up with some Arillas regulars for a drink and a chat.



Arrive tomorrow at 1.30pm the weather sounds a bit warmer than here ! Can't wait


It is absolutely blissful here! Nice breeze today made it a bit more comfortable but it is SO nice to be warm! Sorry just a short post but so little time ... so little to do "LOL" Cheers folks Nan xx


glad your having a good time nan you warming up for next week hun xxxx


Arillas Today and I can report that Phil n Jen are on the mend and, methinks, they will soon be making up for lost time.

Very happy to see them in the Nut and then make a "special delivery" to get them to the "Bow" where many guffaws were had by all.
( Punto does his bit to keep the shares rising in Mythos - DONCHYERKNOW? )

Not sure about the mid afternoon temp but we sit with 33 deg at 6pm. The exchange rate creeps around the e1.13 mark at this moment in time.
Fortunately the alcohol prices do not creep up with it, so all is well.
(An extra sip of beer for your money! - Can't be bad)

The plan, is to see Nan, Tuesday night if I can.
( Little poetry here for the konniesewer ) -Is that spelt right? WOTDOIKNOW?

Tonight is a Night Owl Darts K/O with a giant bottle of Ouzo for the winner.
(Eggy has his eye on this one)

Tomorrow may be a gathering of Forum members at the Armourada to join in the darts or just have a beer n natter.
We'll see- No one makes appointments on holiday and there are so many places, in Arillas, to have a good time.
Cheers All


I've got to say - LOVE reading Arillas today.  Thank you Eggy - love your spelling as well.... lol x x x x

Janis x


hi all we have just joined the site after reading it for about 2 years.we are in arillas at the moment and loving it on our second week


I used to spell , so very well , but now, at my age it is hell!
Steve n Mary - If it drops in with your evening - Comme and say hello Tuesday.
For me, in Arillas Today, to relax with a chilled out and an " Arillas Passionate Pair " is worthy indeed.
Their laid back attitude even starts to rub off on me.
(And... I can't afford to be even more laid back than I am!)

7:30 pm now and 34.5 deg in the shade. Methinks darts won't start till 9 ish.

I'll be asleep by then. (Dreaming of 180's and beating Phil Taylor or his puppy)



And theres me thinking I was going to see you Eggy at the Blackpool Winter Gardens on the ock'e tonight. Negg 'The Power' Egg!
That could stick.


QuoteFor me, in Arillas Today, to relax with a chilled out and an " Arillas Passionate Pair " is worthy indeed.
Their laid back attitude even starts to rub off on me.

It's time our Phil and Jen were in Arillas at the same time as us!!   Would LOVE to meet them!  BBK is laid back, and between them and him I'm sure it would rub off on me...

Mind you, Arillas has that effect on me anyway so I'd be doubly laid back!!

Janis x


Negg "The Yolk" Egg is more descriptive!

Just back from a Night Owl bash and lost to Capt Bob in the 3rd round who, in turn , lost to Owl's Nickos in the final. (So he keeps the Ouzo then!)
More important than darts was meeting Paul n Deb who have a nice little plot in Afionas. WOTTANICECUPPLE!

They follow the forum but never find a big urgency to say anything relevant.

And..... a news flash now! - Our super duper radio controller says 23 deg outside with the possibility of rain. Twould be nice to have a smidgeon.
At 2 a.m. here I bid y'all a peaceful Kalenichta!

(Big Yawn , eyes closing , where are those stairs again?)


Thanks a bundle Janis, we feel the same. But we are just another couple who live and love in our favourite place on earth. There are hundreds of others here right now. And I think we have only met about four yet.....

For people eager to hear about the REAL thing, it is another fabulous morning here in Arillas today. To me it feels a tad cooler, but there is not a cloud in the sky. It is 10 am, and I guess it will be hot later. The exchange rate seems to be improving. But who cares? Mythos is the same price in euros as it was four years ago. But ciggies are well up in price. You can still eat a gourmet meal for 15 euros a head, including wine. Life here is as good as it ever was.



Glad you are both better now and able to get on an enjoy doing whatever takes your fancy.  If you get chance, can you let me know how much Leaders are now so I can do some forward planning for September?

Thank you and have a great day, jammy buggers xx
Cheryl O


Quote from: Eggy on July 19, 2011, 01:59:38 AM
Negg "The Yolk" Egg is more descriptive!

Just back from a Night Owl bash and lost to Capt Bob in the 3rd round who, in turn , lost to Owl's Nickos in the final. (So he keeps the Ouzo then!)
More important than darts was meeting Paul n Deb who have a nice little plot in Afionas. WOTTANICECUPPLE!

They follow the forum but never find a big urgency to say anything relevant.

And..... a news flash now! - Our super duper radio controller says 23 deg outside with the possibility of rain. Twould be nice to have a smidgeon.
At 2 a.m. here I bid y'all a peaceful Kalenichta!

(Big Yawn , eyes closing , where are those stairs again?)
No 'Double Yolk' and out the Eggy?