Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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So that tank above your home is not hot water but retsina lol xxx yismmas

Sandy x

Lol.....I had a problem with no water here this morning but eventually got it sorted....thank you Keith and Eileen. My dad was worried he would have to shower in retsina...

We are confident of better weather on Sunday.......and whatever, it is SO peaceful here.
Sandy x


Sandy and Eileen - I am so looking forward to seeing you - hopefully this coming week am sure I will be able to leave the bathroom for long enough to say hello :-) Anne
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)

Sandy x

Poor you Anne....hope you feel better soon and look forward to meeting you xx
Sandy x


Anne and Phil will be coiled springs when they join us "Darting Reprobates" for an evening at Three W's on Wednesday, when awards will be presented to those lucky "Winter Winners".
You, and my new "Supping Partner" Eric are welcome to join us and Margerita is laying on a small buffet.
A chance to meet those faces to names such as "Andy , Valantis, Yiorgos, Stathis, Doug? ,"

Meanwhile...... "25 Today" - "25 Today" ........... Who's got the key of the door?
(Usually Wegg , that's why I get home "early!!)- "Never been home early before! (That rhymes)
Not a sing song,don't join in Phil,  but the super day we are all enjoying. (Rather do 25 than 21 peeps!)

Great news today is that Nickos (Nickoletos) is the proud father of a lovely little lady.
An excellent  "Paska" present indeed! Daddy is so proud that he lost a game of darts to me today.
(Lose to me???? - He must be sooo proud!!!!)

Rainbow scheduled for a Friday week open, as is Tria. - Night Owl open every evening from Wednesday. Tis all coming alive folks!!!!

So, all in all, not a "badun" for an Easter Monday. (People on sunbeds today? - WOTSALLTHATABOUT?)



Does anyone know a good psychiatrist? No, not for Eggy, for me. I need to understand why I came back to UK knowing how wonderful the season and its start would be. Well, I do understand why. I am not quite old enough to pay my way without work.

I would adore being at 3Ws with the lovely Marguerita and Chrisanthos on Wednesday. But I would adore doing anything or nothing on Monday, Tuesday......

Yammas folks. Spare a thought for the dispossessed who are languishing here in the UK.



We will be there @ 3 W's as I am now fully recovered  - hoping Sandy and Eric make it as would love to meet them. I have been soaking up some rays today - it has been glorious. See you soon Anne
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)


Twill be good to see you both , Anne n Phil, at Three W's tonight.Phil may just sneak in a game or two but it may be more of a "last Chat" with many before the Summer starts as people vanish for that "Work" thing that generally pops up at this time of year.
Phil n Jen... If you read this then you have a PM and an E-mail from me.
(Don't worry though. Police have dropped the charges & accept that Y-fronts are eligible for a tax rebate)
A nice 25deg here today and although a "spitten" of rain this afternoon , still warm.
The Arillas bench is planned to be re-fitted in around 7 days , plus one/two more benches to go with it.
Very nice for those who are queuing for our bench to have somewhere to sit until it's vacant.
(Next year there will be a ticket number in-situ)

Costas on the Beach plans to open in a week. Another "super" for early May travellers.
Tria are putting finishing touches to their re-vamp as is Rainbow (Nice outside shower! - Whoops!).

Many "Headless Chickens" running around "Arillas Today" -
XCept Negg - Ouzo/Beer/Smile/Darts. Sometimes legless not headless.


Sandy x

Sorry we didn't make it evening out is quite an effort for my dad this year, although he did manage an early dinner at the Night Owl. Might bump into you once the Rainbow opens as we are sure to be in there......
Sandy x


Never mind Sandy am sure it will happen :-). We had a lovely evening at 3 Ws - I helped Eggy by giving out all the awards - thanks for asking me. The hot buffet was delicious too. Poor Eggy was really limping tonight, maybe a broken toe? Plenty of beer and Ouzo to help with the pain though. I think I may have to report him to the 'RSPCTS' - fancy kicking your old strimmer just because you have a posh new one :-) Anne
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)


Toe a tad better , today, but blacker than the ace of spades. Thanks Anne, for helping with the trophy awards. - Nice buffet laid on by Margerita and that spicy sausage took the pain away from the foot.

We approach May and "Arillas Today" finds me behind those hire cars that stop at a T-Junction, oblivious to what is behind them, to consult a map. WOTSALLTHATABOUT - Pull over guys!!
And, the quad bike, plodding along happily with it's right indicator continually flashing.
Do I overtake - Is it "left on" as a "just in case" ?
Mind you, in the Winter there are many locals who don't know where the indicator is!!
(It's that strange looking thing usually growing from the steering column - DONCHYERKNOW?)

...... Even with overnight rain we still have a good 17 deg outside so nowt spoilt.

Bear with sore head and only 9 toes signing off. (Sore head thanks to Three W's last night)



Dry 18 deg , lunchtime today. and much sprucing up happening, not only in Arillas, but Ag. Georgious , Ag. Stephanos and Sidari. Night Owl, Afionas, putting a few finishing touches to their extended eating area
so much "goings on" going on. (except for me as I will now stop going on)



I am getting so excited, cannot wait, I loved the photo of the Night Owls new jugs that I have ordered some from Hippopots myself.

Sandy x

Beautiful weather today and my dad and I ventured over to Kassiopi where we had lunch overlooking the of his favourite spots. While we were there, Rainbow Jimmy rang me and invited us to a music festival in Afionas tonight. My dad was too tired but I went up for a couple of hours.
One of those lovely balmy evenings and I was accompanied by hundreds of fireflies as I drove up the hill. I could hear the music and smell the souvlaki as I walked up to the square and it was one of those special evenings that only theGreeks can so casually achieve. Sadly I missed the choir singing, which is what it was all about, to celebrate the end of the choir season....but the music and dancing was wonderful as ever. Roula insisted I joined in......I'm sure I have 2 left feet. Am always promising I will learn properly but never do. There was some pretty powerful home-made wine....
Hopefully will be up in time to join in part of the beach clean-up tomorrow morning.
Sandy x


Quote from: Sandy x on April 23, 2014, 10:34:40 PMMight bump into you once the Rainbow opens as we are sure to be in there......

See you there Sandy, we arrive on May 5th.... Just booked.