Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Hels Bels

We spent yesterday afternoon trying to film dimitris whilst surfing, the wind dropped just as we started filming so we had to be content with watching him sail over to gravia! This morning we nipped the supermarket early and came back looking forward to doing my daily post and a cup off coffee...the power cuts are tedious when you are gagging for a brew! And I was most miffed at not being able to post! Withdrawal symptom's or what and i'm out here! The last 2 evenings have been refreshingly cool, and the breezy days meaning a good walk is in order. Lets see what arillas offers to us tomorrow!

Jo Wissett

Can I ask, and excuse me if this is totally a blonde question but what is the cause of these powercuts?


Jo...power cuts are part of the current crisis in Greece I belive
if Im wrong Im sure someone will correct me.

Val n Bill

Jo, this is day two of a general strike all over Greece.

                 Val x
The love affair continues.


Powercuts isn't something new in Corfu. I think it has to do
with old installments that don't work to the fullest in general.

Connie x

Hels Bels

As part of the plan to tackle the deficit, the greek government wants to sell off the electric company and the employees do not want this to happen, so they are striking and turning the power off for up to a couple of hours each day, its been at various times and we've not had today's yet. Its a bit like when british telecom was sold off all those year ago, the engineers went on strike, but the sale still went ahead. This morning found a cloudy arillas but this cleared by 11, the breeze has dropped and now we are getting the occasional gust and its beer o'clock again!


Hi Ang
Just wanted to say that I too am really enjoying your daily posts and photos.  I've still got six long weeks before my annual pilgrimage to Arillas - I think this will be my twelfth year !  Your descriptions of the wind and waves, the sun on the back of your legs, lunch at Thalassa (mmm those olives !) and coffee at Amos just remind me why I come back year after year, and make the wait for my holiday in August pass more quickly. Enjoy every moment of the rest of your time.  You'll feast off it for the rest of the year.
Best wishes,  JC X
PS I'll be at Poppy and Spiros (Bardis Sun) from 6 August for 3 weeks.

Hels Bels

This should be sung to new york, new york, by good old frank! 
Start spreading the news, we're leaving tomorrow, we've really been a part of it arilla arillas. These crocodile shoes, are longing to stay, right in the very heart of it arilla arillas! We want to wake up in a village that doesn't sleep, And find i'm king of the bar, top of the beach! These little village blues, have melted our hearts we've really been a part of it, in old arillas! If we can make it there, then our happy hearts we'll share, its down to you arilla arillas! (Build up to the big part) Arillas arillas! We've woken up in a village that really treats, us like we're A number 1, top of the list, king of the beach, A number 1! These little village blues, have melted our hearts, we've had a bloody good time of it, in old arillas! Aaaand now we've made it there, we've had our hols to share, its down to you arillas arillas!


Excellent, enjoy your last day.


Blimey that is the Arillas effect hels bels, hahaha.

Sharon x


In perspective, two hours of powercuts is only about the same as after heavy rain! :-)

Of course that normally interupts the water pumping to Arillas. :-(

So we all have trust Sternas (Water tanks) full of water and two hours isnt enough for the beer to get warm :-)

Assuming you dont treat this as a divine message, where can do a brew on the Gas?

Who's on the forum because they are on strike today in the UK?
Style, Luxury, Tranquillity
Helios Court Villa, Arillas, Corfu.


Quote from: Corfusoon on June 30, 2011, 11:38:06 AM
Who's on the forum because they are on strike today in the UK?

Not me...drudging away in private sector paying my private pension ;)

Hels Bels...Most excellent, thank you for all your reports and kalo taxidi! :)
Life is good ;)


Not me either....private pension??? I had to forgo that for the mortgage lol
but my neighbour is at home - school teacher
my sister in law is at home - Dwp

Im at home - working!! coffee break time.


Must correct you Ang. Thats Non Contributory, Final Salary Pension.

Forgive me I'm about to break into Monty Pythons, Three Yorkshiremen Sketch.

This wasnt meant as a trap.
Style, Luxury, Tranquillity
Helios Court Villa, Arillas, Corfu.


I am at home - on strike with the PCS union.  Good turnout in Coventry today