Arillas 2011

Started by justphil, December 06, 2010, 12:14:05 AM

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Mick and Jill

June 6th for us, 11 nights at the Marina.  Not sure about September yet will wait till nearer the time.  Can't wait wish it was June NOW!

Jill x
Jill XXX


july the 25th for us cant wait missed it this year so really looking forward to next year

Paul D

There`s no way we`d have missed next year.  Booked over a month ago  June 20 -  July4

  Yammas  Paul
Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!


We're having two weeks in nissaki in 2011, first time away from arillas since 1998- but we'll still pop back to arillas for a couple of days.


In spite of what I say Nic and John, there is life outside Arillas. Even philandjen can deal with that. Please tell us all about your venture out into the real world. Bet it's a great change for people who spend their lives looking after the rest of us.

Happy Christmas, and let's all hope you don't have to work too hard with Christmas casualties



OK - here's our update:

Kaloudis Village May 20th for two weeks and have just booked Easyjet flights for 30 September - 14 October.  Hopefully we're staying at Horizon again - have just emailed them

Can't wait...!!

Janis x

Vaughan & Angie

July 4th for 3 weeks at Marinaki,flights, as per usual, through Monarch from Birmingham.  No meals on the flight, the anticipation of sardines and tomato salad at Efi's. mmmmm


I'll see you there, Angie & Vaughan, I go on the 4th too!  I'm only going for two weeks though!
Cheryl O

Val n Bill

So far  only one week booked 30th May-6th June but will be there in July, just waiting to confirm Bill's holidays.
The love affair continues.


Val we'll be there then as well! Going on 20th May for two weeks, staying at Kaloudis. Where will you be staying?

Janis  x

Val n Bill

Hi Janis, we will be at Mathraki with Nic and Akis.   Hope to bump into you on your second week, we will look out for you.
The love affair continues.


I can't even begin to think how long it will be before we are back-planning for June 2012!!
it is our silver wedding next year so we thought we would be a bit adventurous & we are off to thailand, 3 nights in Bangkok & 7 nights in Ko Samui.

BUT, when we return in 2012 the children (although at age 20 & 21, as they will be then, they wont be children!) are coming with us, & hopefully our friends who came with us this year.

Soooo looking forward to it but not counting the days-too many to count!



Booked for 16th to the 30th May and then again from September 30th until October 21st.

Hope to see many Arilliacs then.

Vaughan & Angie

Cheryl I'm not showing off.  The only reason we are there for 3 weeks is because it is my 50th. (Bitter Sweet huh)


Phil, we're still unsure about going somewhere different, because we'll always be comparing it to arillas, but it came down to cost. My (john) job is in danger due to the cuts, as my role is considered a luxury.
We had decided we wanted a villa for 2011, and although we normally book privately it was very much cheaper to book one through thomson- but they didn't have anything available in arillas.
Even if my job goes down the swanny I'll get something somewhere, and be back in arillas in 2012- in fact we're hoping to bring the mother in law!