Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Is the waterproof anything to do with Mythos in the Nut Karen? Must remember that for next time we're there in the rain!! "Where you off to then Phil?" "Off for a bit of waterproofing." Or should that be watering.......

Have a great time yous two. You love it as much as we do, so you can't fail.




At 6:30 pm it's just stopped raining and now we have to make the effort to get to Mon Amour. - But..... I aint shaved yet and my teeth need a BITOBRUSHING!

And..I have to make myself look pretty - I need 6 weeks plus for that.

But.... Sacrifices have to be made and I am now like a coiled spring. Soon Mon Amour will beckon and much meat will be consumed.



Neill mate, PhilToday is missing ArillasToday badly. So is our Sandy. Just read her posts.

Thanks for the thoughts in your post just now. Neither of us will ever be "pretty." If it takes you six weeks it would take me six years. "My love" ie Mon Amour est en francais. Peut etre .... I have always wondered why it has a French name. Just enjoy your evening. Tomorrow at the Rainbow will be special as well, as we have debated on the forum. 

JohnTheRef phoned today to work out our weekend with he and Dot. We'll be doing a Somerset/Greek/Dudley weekend soon. What an amazing forum we have that delivers these friendships.

have put the fatted calf on the barbie to complete your sacrifice.....


Yiota was very obliging with waterproofs when we were there in May... give her a try!

No matter what the weather, though, Arillas is such a lovely place, so all you lucky people have a wonderful time!

(Rain or not, we're all still jealous!)

Janis x


On the subject of Greek and French.... there's a Greek restaurant in Huddersfield (you may remember we went some months ago with Viv and Pete) called
"Chez Nico" - in Eggy's words - wotsallthatabout??

Janis x


"Chez Nico" - Sounds like a bad sneeze to me!

Wot about " Spiti Nickos" then?

Arillas yesterday finished very well indeed, enough sun for all to share, and, I think everyone was pleased.

Arillas today started with 18 deg at 9 am but I'm sat here now with 29 deg on "the clock" at 5;15 and twas a worthy day indeed to bid guests farewell and guests welcome

We see very little of our two moggies when the sun is shining but when it rains then that's another story.

What happens to two spoilt moggies when it rains on a Saturday afternoon?

I'm suprised they didn't ask me to turn the heating on!


Aw how contented do they look :)



Arhhh - they look so cute & very content Negg. I'm glad they are getting on at last.
The weather sounds wonderful over there. Keep it 'on hold' until the end of the season. I desparately need some sunshine.

Villa Theia is available rent. For more details see:-


An early morning stroll to the sea front in Arillas before sleepyheads are up is such a pleasant experience. Buying your breakfast from Vassillis supermarket and taking it down to the sea to eat is another. Munching on my nectarine and banana I couldn't think of anywhere I would rather be, .....    there's a bit of the old hippy in all of us.! 

What is the word for that feeling that we get when we know all is right with our world.? The one that comes to my mind is "Serendipity" the state of having all your desires met.  Well it's as good a word as any on a warm, sunny morning in Arillas.

I am having "one" of the times of my life.

Cheers Nan xx


Here's to you Nan, and many more times of your life.  Do enjoy Arillas and keep it warm for us on 13th.
Best wishes

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon

Mick and Jill

Hi Neill it's lovely to see the cats getting along so well x   

Jill x
Jill XXX


They are real characters Jill.

A very nice Arillas Today, yet again, and at 6:40 pm with an outside temp of 26 deg what more can we ask for?

Not much breeze and many sunbeds in use.
( Never seen anyone queuing for a spare though - Must be good )

Trish the Fish - Pal of Sandy's is here with daughter now, so bear in mind that Arillas is now two sunbeds short!!

Nan continues to roam around Arillas having a good time.
( Like a p*g in s**t )
One of my favourite sayings so take PLEASE take it in the spirit that I intend it to be .

Connie off avrio and never met her - How lucky can a lady be?

Terry W and pals have also escaped this week, so far, where are they hiding?


Arillas Today centres around a little moggie who has lost one of his nine lives.

But for Dimitris and guests at Brouklis he would now be chasing mice in that little cat heaven in the Sky.

Tis a Brouklis Cat and he loves his cats and this one was pranged by a car on Monday night. It then hid away, as moggies do only to return on Tuesday with 3 working legs and 1 "not so good". Whisked off to the vet by local Helen Widoows for the treatment which you can see, Now he needs a little TLC and Helen has even extended her holiday to care for him, helped by Annette, another Brouklis resident. .I'm sure moggie has learnt a valuable lesson about roads now and has been given another chance in life to become an old moggie.


Meanwhile, with a temp of 28 deg plus and a breeze free beach, Arillas continues to look after all "chill out specialists"

Bumped into Mary H today and Terry W and many others.
Riggs here Avrio so many pointed missiles may be thrown in due course.
Rain forecast tomorrow & Thunder with lightening on Sat.. WOTSTHATALLABOUT

Cross it when you get to it and .... if it happens
Cheers All


Bless the little fella and Bless Dimitris, Helen and Annette. Im sure your right and he would have learned his lesson about roads and will be careful long into the furture. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Awwwww......What a brave kitty! Well done ladies & Dimitri for caring :)

Life is good ;)