Started by JOHNB, August 07, 2005, 04:13:05 PM

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Mick and Jill

Hi Lexi, we were in Arillas at the end of September beginning of October last year and the Mirage pool was horrendous for wasps.  I was terified to put my foot on the grass incase I stood on one.  :cry:  We were told it was due to the graping season.  They had placed glass bottles around the sun loungers which was full of some sweet substance which attracted them, once in the bottle they couldn't get out.  We are regulars to Arillas and that was the first time I had seen so many.

Jill XXX


A top tip if , like me, you get bitten by mozzies is....Take vitamin B1 tablets (if compatable with other medication) for about a week before travelling and for the duration of your stay. It really does help. You can get them from Holland and Barrett or other health food shops for not much money and they are a really worthwhile investment!


I don't get bitten by mozzies, I just have a problem with wasps  :( I just hpe that in July there are not to many... I will be at Thetis  Hotel, and I hope I'll use the pool without wasps :(


We were there at the beginning of August last year and did not have any bother with Wasps in Arillas.  But we went up to Afionas one day and were plagued by them!

Jo Wissett

In previous years we have had problems with wasps around June-ish but last year in Aug never saw one I dont think.  Dont know why but the water park in Sidari seems to have loads but again , last year they were absent thank goodness!

Jo Wissett

Alsoo, I took the advice from this forum and invested in said vitamins and was amazed that i returned welt/boil free!! definitely will take these again


We went the end of August last year and had no bother with wasps but the owners of the studios did have large drink bottles with sweet stuff in them and the wasps they caught in them were as big as jumbo jets.

We went to Turkey in October and the waiters came and burnt coffee grounds in ash trays near our sunbeds.  Think it was a ploy to chat up my daughter though.   Did smell and smoke a bit but kept the wasps away until the ash tray cracked through the heat!  Better to find an empty tin  I think! :lol:
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Oh Aly you've just reminded me about those big black things they are like a flying beetle really horrible and ugly. I was in Cyprus once many years ago and 1 flew into my hair  I had a curly perm as they were fashionable at the time I think it must have thought I was some sort of plant, I remember sitting by the pool and just diving in yelling what I sight I must have been. I think they do like plants so maybe its not a good idea to sunbathe near a garden :lol:


Are you sure it wasnt a beehive hair do you had Lynne ? - or was that before your time ?


steady on Roger its not long now.......Only just before my time however I do remember my sister having rather large hair...I'll be in touch in the next couple of days u'll be really excited wont you? have you good flight time on Friday? ours is rubbish on Monday feels as though we're losing a day :roll: