Spotting Forum Members in Arillas

Started by DaisysMum, June 30, 2009, 11:50:01 PM

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Thought that I would start this as a new thread. 

To reply to Sharon F and Just Lisa:-

Yes Sharon that was us on Friday walking past the Marina, you were walking to the beach, we were on our way to C'chelles to buy a necklace for Daisy to take back, waited for the rain to stop, thought it was never going to, shame we woke up to that on our last day.

Justlisa - I remember you and your hubby from Kaloudis last year, when I came back I thought that you were Mr and Mrs Riggers.  Riggers told me that you were Lisa and Steve!



Good thread Becky. I must have spotted at least a dozen whilst there. Does Dimitris, Eggy, Nikos, Noufris etc count ??


Baldy Barry

On our first visit to Arillas I marched up to a bloke in The Nut , held out my hand and said ."Eggy , pleased to meet you "!
This bloke (with shaved head and goatee) just stared at me looking a little bit frightened and then ignored me !
Nope it wasn't him !
I was a bit wary after that .
Last visit though Dimitris pointed out Sandy and we had a little chat.
Sometimes you're a little bit pensive as you don't want to intrude on folk's holiday.
And then when you get home someone comes on here and say's "Why didn't you come over , we don't bite "!
Hard to get the balance !
Hope I don't burn !


I forgot about Eggy!  i think I spotted him from the coach transfer on the way in, either in the Coconut or the Malibu on Friday 19th at about 7.15pm?!  He was probably meeting you Riggers!



Over the last 5 junes plus other months we have met so many forum members who go on these dates...

Always end up seeing one of my mates.......



Did you sneak out without me knowing Negg ??.....


Still lots to meet,  EILEEN ..............


Yes I was a little reticent to expose myself. ( Ok, Ok )

We where in the Horizon. having an evening meal when someone sat behind me in an Arillas Addicts "t" shirt.

I was not sure what to do.

Do you slap them on the back and say "I am an Arillas addict and I claim my prize" or do you do nothing.

Well I ordered another drink, so I did not actually do nothing but, I did not "come out" as it where.

So next year I will make an effort.

I will smile at everyone and give them a knowing wink.

That should get a reaction.


Must meet you 4x4, you seem like a laugh and i could do with borrowing your car for a weeks. lol


Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB

Sandy x

4x4, I would hardly say you were reticent about exposing yourself.......
Sandy x


Ha ha Sandy! We'd gathered that already....

We just smile at everyone and if the recognition follows so be it. Forum pics are notriously unreliable, but hey - we say hello and chat to loads of people. Some forum, some not. Relax, chill, enjoy.



Sandy x

Phil, at least you and I kept our kit on until our second meeting.....
Sandy x


"Forum pics are notriously unreliable"

Believe me. I dont have a wheel at each corner.

However my bumpers are quite large.