Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Lisa and Steve

Whats the date two weeks monday?Think we might be the week after.We fly 14th.


Yes Negg i might just have time to fit a bit of tan in here and there. Must get them points sharpened.

Lisa, it is the 8th. Will probably see you there, but i will be guarding my sunbed. lol



Paul D

Hi, Neill.   Thanks for the info- don`t know what we`ed do without you.   That temp you quoted seems unreal for the time of day.
Hope you are well, and see you soon (1st onwards)

                     Paul D
Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!

Lisa and Steve

Not at the kaloudis this year but might come along just to sit on your sunbed.Staying at the Bardis hotel is anyone else going to be there?Eggy hope you have a shave this visit!!!


Hi Paul. It isn't unrealistic. It is 8 degress here, and at 2.15 am there it is 20 degrees according to Jen's computermebob. We have got off the plane from night flights even later than that to change into shorts and Tee Shirts.

I love the warm nights, but many don't and want the aircon. Me? I don't do cold....

Have a fantastic time (you both deserve it.) Just make sure you get riggers legless. I tell you what though, I tried, but it was me that had to find my legs the next day. It was all witnessed by PaulC and lovely wife Di, and is now on record. Hannah in the Nut will tell you all about it....

Best wishes from both of us
Phil and Jen


Hi justlisa! Eggy shave? Hell would freeze over. Please don't Eggy - it would age you!

And Lisa, make sure you get the right sunbed. It is along the left side as you look out to sea, just a couple down from the building. If he wants to occupy Sandy's and my bench, you are fully entitled to occupy his sunbed....



now now pat ,i..mean PHIL.. dont look like your pic.....but  we ALLL LOVE YA..........YAMMMMMASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Agreed Phil, Eggy doesn't need a shave..........

Oh, and don't forget - riggers and Colin and I claimed the next bench along......  :D

lynn xx


Only second best then lynn. Get yer hands off ours though...


Quote from: justlynn on May 23, 2009, 03:24:54 AM
Agreed Phil, Eggy doesn't need a shave..........

lynn xx

The last close shave I had was driving the Red Pug. - Bur won't talk about that!

Arillas temps remain very good indeed and we have 26 deg , here at midday in Kavadaddes. That's in the shade. The beach seems to be in much better shape each day and more new faces are appearing around Arillas as we approach June.
I haven't met a miserable face yet and don't expect to!

Tria Adelphia have a dartboard now and playing there Avrio. Coconut also have a board but, if you don't want to keep dodging flying missiles late evening don't forget Malibu is just next door. Their outside seating area still looking good.

Finally , and you may know this. - I didn't.---
---- I saw a Royal Ionian Pilsner Lager for sale the other day.
Must be a good buy, especially as the exchange still hovers around tht 1.126 mark


Dart Board at the Tria?
I can see young Yanni sharpening the darts now.
Hope Philip has time to serve me with my usual diet coke
(yes I know where the fridge is Philip)


So we are spoilt for choice with the dartboards. Where is it situated in the coconut Bar Neill.?  Royal Ionian pilsner sounds good. I think the € is creeping up a little over here too (not much).



John n Dot
Yianni has his own personal set of darts and is playing quite well. Thought he might as the first 3 darts he threw hit the board and not the wall.

Like I said before. - So many dartboards - So little time.

29 deg here now at 5:16 pm and a very feel good atmosphere around Arillas.
( And it's only May )



It was similar here Negg. They promised rain and it was hazy sunshine. As a result we sat in the pub garden dreaming and doing crosswords. We had at least two many beers.

But yours truly kept the end up and bored them into submission talking about Corfu... Even Jen had a little moment with eyes turned upwards until she joined in. It was all over then....

Like most we are ITCHING to be there with yous all.

Arillas Today? I wish


Arillas Today is still looking good Phil!

OK , we can say the beach is smaller and, as we all know, nature plays the tune and we dance to it. But..... to all I manage to "catch" , it's not a problem.
Chill out is the name of the game.
Still around 25 deg here at 7;20 pm and a great day all round.

Had a "Local Kavadaddes Bar" meal with Wendy n Stuart last night and very good it was too. Another little sample of village life for us all.

Stuart still has hair and now he has a bus pass! - Wot's all that about. -
Mozzies use my head as a ski run.
( Great people n great company )

Wot else? - Methinks.
Well , My super dooper Black n Decker strimmer packed up this morning and I spent an hour with our local D.I.Y/Garden centre early evening. He stripped it down and replaced a broken spring and charged me 15 euros. ( Over an hour's work )
Excellant - I was ready to bin it and buy another one.
Another lovely little local place - Just opposite Mon Amour. They will get much more business from me!

Sandy here on Sunday, I think, so have made all Retsina suppliers aware of the extra usage soon to be expected. Riggers not far away and Mythos workers are already working overtime!
And .... as a special favour to Riggers..... All Dartboards are having the treble 20's made very much bigger. ( Gotta give the guy a chance )

Kostas on the beach not open yet but many good reports filter back to me on the Hotel Akti, Horizon,Portofino, Captains Table and, of course Brouklis.
Hotel Marina has also had some very good feedback on their meals so Egg/Wegg must try them soon. I haven't had a bad word yet on these and many others so the advantage of a very good time here,is very much in your favour.
Good to see the Gallini up n running. Yet another good place to be.
Mirage looking as good as ever and, I noticed today, showing some good films for anyone bored with the weather. ( Aliens vs Monsters today - Hmmmm! )
So many places and so little time. Make your own choice people and don't even think of being dissapointed.

Cheers All

ps. - Decided to call the Fiat Punto "PEGG"
So we have a Negg n a Wegg n a Megg n a Pegg
( All sits nicely on the tongue, providing the ouzo consumption is kept to a minimum )