Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Will do and thanks Kevin. Enough to keep me "happy" over the Winter.

A quite respectable 20 deg here at 11 p.m.
Not a good weekend, weatherwise,  on the cards so keep fingers crossed.



Eggy, a good time to think about planting for the garden? xx


eggy thats a good idea,,,,get some tips off kev/bev,for the plants..........yammas


Lindy P and Kevin G. - ( Note the rhyming here ! )

Loadsa things to keep us both busy over the winter. Painting. Gardening etc.
( The list is endless and also includes a few darts matches + a few meals out )

Arillas today is yet another sad chapter in the "Arillas 2008 Season" book.
Viv and Pete off for the UK, avrio ,as is Mick n Mary ( M n M ) plus family. We also lose Annette, from Brouklis. - Not a lot of you know her but she peeks in, quite often, at the Forum.

Costas on the beach now closed as will be Tria Adelphia tomorrow. Eftihia will soon follow at the end of next week.

But, all is not lost! - The bars are open and still providing some evening entertainemt for "party goers" and, with plenty of other places to eat and drink, Arillas is still a good place to be.
Just ask Graham and Julie who are enjoying their first week of two here Not forgetting our Riggers and Sue. - Eileen is soon to follow plus Pilko , I think.
How many others!

So with an outside temp of 24 deg approx in the shade, at 6:30 pm, and a very nice day had by all here, and with plenty of alcohol and food, and very good multi cultural company still to go round, I bid you all a very good evening.

"I feel like chicken tonite,like chicken tonite" - Just a clue for our evening meal!



Quote from: Eggy on October 19, 2008, 06:24:29 PM

But, all is not lost! - The bars are open and still providing some evening entertainemt for "party goers" and, with plenty of other places to eat and drink, Arillas is still a good place to be.
Just ask Graham and Julie who are enjoying their first week of two here Not forgetting our Riggers and Sue. - Eileen is soon to follow plus Pilko , I think.
How many others!

So with an outside temp of 24 deg approx in the shade, at 6:30 pm, and a very nice day had by all here, and with plenty of alcohol and food, and very good multi cultural company still to go round, I bid you all a very good evening.

"I feel like chicken tonite,like chicken tonite" - Just a clue for our evening meal!


Moi...I'm coming on 24th with my daughter.  This is the holiday that I had to cancel in August but still my third time in Arillas this year.  Keeping my fingers crossed for some warmish weather - whatever, its got to be better than the UK.

Will look out for you Neil....enjoy the chicken.

Sue x


Ah sue - we wish we could join you....

Phil and Jen


Just read your post Eggy about the season coming to an end,thats another year thats come and gone like the wind ,it only seems days ago when posts on the forum where the local folk of Arillas were preparing for the onslaught of holiday makers and folk asking which apartments were open
Well its Halloween next then plot night followed by Crimbo and Easter which nearly brings us full circle and back to a new seaon in Corfu at the begining of may!
So by my calculations we only have 9½ months to go lol and no doubt that will be on us before we know it, i just cant wait to get in that sea again and slide a cold mythos down in the evening :-)
Talking of which its time for a cold fosters !


Shut up Tony. 9 and a half months??? I wouldn't survive....

Best wishes


Quote"I feel like chicken tonite,like chicken tonite" - Just a clue for our evening meal!

I also like Chicken flavored crisps
the blue bag has the salt in it...........  lol


Well, I`d like to wish the good people of Arillas a good winter, and thank you for lovely holidays, and good times. Look forward to seeing you all again soon. xx


Just to add to that as stated in a previous post, you have kept me going all summer and I am sure you will keep me going all winter.  The first thing I do on arriving at work each morning is to log on to this site and it never fails to set me up for the day especially on a very grey and damp Monday morning like today.  So keep up the good work Eggy you are better than any tonic.



I,m the same as WENDYCW i log on first thing just to make the day go a bit easier.
so keep up the good work Eggy.
Sadly work won't allow me to look at any pictures but i still read most of what is posted.....


Once again , all these kind words make me go "knee wobbly".
All credit though, has to be given to all the Arillas locals for the winter work they put to make sure everyone enjoys.
( More on that with an end of season post , very soon. )

Arillas Today finds the Horizon closed. - Maybe it just opens for evenings now.
However, I did find , around 26 deg on, a very nice quiet beach.

A little room for a towel maybe? - No "neighbours" this side.

But a little more crowded over here !

And..... as Lloyd Grosman would say :-
" whooooo wood be on a sunbed , in Arillas , at the eeennnd of Octoberrrr? "

Kes would. And a welcome to him, and Mrs Kes.
( Mrs Kes not in the shot as she was , well , relaxing )

Viv and Pete and Mick n Mary ( M and M )  , probably home by now and a goodbye drink with Mr and Mrs Riggers is in order avrio.
( Viv left me a goodie bag at the Rainbow. Thanks you two - Just like Xmas again! )

And... I wonder if Mick got on the plane. How do you get up those boarding steps in a wheelchair? - Piggy back from Mary perhaps?
( Look after that ole leg Mick ! )

Cheers All


Can't believe it is the second to last week of the season!! And I can't believe that I have been there already twice as now both trips are by now a distant memory here in rainy London town.

Cheers for the report Eggy 8)

Life is good ;)


at least we all have something to look forward to......2009........yammas