Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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You're an observant lot and not wrong!

Arillas today --- and it's officail folks.
Martin W is here and enjoying all Arillas can throw at him.
( Well, not throw just casually lob his way, maybe )

He has a message for Mary H, who will soon be on her way, about Taxis.
I will do that on a PM. Nothing sinister just a re-assurance that all went well.

Ina's Supermarket now open for business.

But Thalassa not ready yet and have employed a ferocious dog to keep nosey parkers, like me, away. ( Actually, his tail was wagging ! - Wotapussycat)

Coconut now open and was showing Man Utd vs West Ham, which pleased the four people in there. ( The 6 people on the beach can't have been football supporters! )

All in all, a good afternoon to be here.



Good pics again Eggy and Martin looks happy and relaxed I do hope he has a good week and makes some new friends.


Well Martin certainly looks chilled out lol,going green with envy here


Hi all arillas is looking good today. Glad you got there safetly Martin and you do look relaxed it doesn't take long to settle in. Can't wait for my turn out there counting down the weeks, soon be days and the hours horray. x
everything looks better through the eyes of your children


Thanks for the pics and report Eggy. I see you tracked Martin down and he looks like he is having a great time. Soon be our turn too.



Doesnt he look good!  He looks like he survived the journey and is well and truly in holiday mode!

Talking about weddings (off topic, sorry) ... I dragged Mike around Crawley this afternoon for 3 hrs looking for something to wear... I went into a M & S cubicle with a barrow load to try on and was too frightened to come out and tell him that none of it was any good.  We ended up going home and into our local "town" department store and found something there.  We should have gone there in the first place...  He was so patient bless him, he didnt moan once!  He was so desparate to get home he was looking for anything in the end, all very unsuitable but he tried, i'ts when he shouts out the sizes it becomes  embarrasing!

Its a good job he only shops with me about once a year!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Great reports as usual, Eggy and just love the photos!
Good one of Martin, should be able to recognise him now - hope to see you all in 2 days time.
Reeeeally excited now!
Lynn x


Brilliant post as usual Negg.

Glad to see Martin Arillassed (Hmm - is that a word?).

Also Charlie (Thalassa dog) looking his usual happy self. Tell Giannis, Litsa and Spiros Yammas from Jen and Phil when they do open.

Cheers, Jen


Looking good! Martin, Arillas and the dog :D Cheers Eggy!
Life is good ;)


Thanks again for the pics Eggy. Martin looks very happy, and its nice to see Spiros who also has a big smile on his face.

I wish we were there.



lovely pictures
martain looks very chilled


the pics give me a tingling feeling in me stomach.thanks eggy....yammas


I noticed a fair bit of activity this morning on the web cam not sure if some lucky peeps are doing a bit of early morning fishing on the pier


It has been noticed that various Forum Members have been infiltrating the Arillas Holiday scene as Tourists!

Sandy was one of the first to start the ball rolling and has now retired, back to England, after what I think has been a very pleasant 2 weeks for her, father and colleague. Eileen and Keith have now taken up the challenge to have a good time.

Plus ..... Martin W who, last night, blew his cover by sportiing his  "Arillas Addict" super duper T-shirt, in the Coconut Bar whilst sharing a table with Lyn and Colin, who were either dropped on to the Jetty, late Monday night, from an Albanan fishing boat or came by taxi from Corfu Airport. Vivian was also present for a short while but then was mysteriously drawn away by the thought of Brouklis and the food that awaited her on arrival. - Pete, thinking ahead, was already there.

Mark and Dee are also here but haven't been spotted by me yet - Give it time!

Arillas Today.
What are these things called again?

I only ask because I haven't seen them for, at least, 7 months.

It's a "nice" 18 deg today and, although not everything is open, there is still plenty for new arrivals to "not keep them too busy" - And that can't be bad.

A good place to be at a lovely time of year.


ps - Dimitris has had his hair cut ! - You heard it here first.


I can't wait to have my turn at being a Tourist Eggy. :)

That beach is looking fantastic.

Cheers for the pic
