Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Hello All

I come back from "Arillas Today" and what do I find?

Nothing really, just a good honest debate.
All voices should be heard and that's what the forum is about.

All the local Arillas people have got used to me pottering around in the Red Pug, camera in one hand, Ouzo in the other!
( OK - Joking about the camera - Can't hold that as well if I'm driving ! )
I never impose on their privacy and feel I can judge now if it's a good time or bad time to stop and have a chat. Never interupt a man who's calculating measurements or if they've just taken a delivery of cement!

So, how do the Locals feel when I report on their changes.
I think they are very pleased that so many people so far away, many of whom are now good friends, take an interest in day to day happenings.
George at Malibu, for example, was so pleased when I took photos of his finished bar extension. Spiros,Thetis, was very keen to show his new pool bar to all.

That said, I would love for Eleni, Irenes Appts, to comment as she does speak very good words of wisdom.
But enough for now.

Arillas today continues to buzz and the best news I've heard?
Brouklis opens tomorrow evening - Guess who will be there?

I saw my first "Tourist Camper Van" today and what a beast it was. Probably cost more than our house! Very well driven and courteous to vehicles behind and approaching. Friendly waves/hellos going to and fro as they pottered along and I was quite happy to sit behind and enjoy. But they pulled in, as soon as.., and waved me on.  Shame as I was quite content where I was.
And yesterday I think I saw my first hire car enthusiast. Doing a U-Turn just over the brow of a hill. I tried to get the Red Pug in his boot but it wouldn't fit. North Corfu is beginning to wake up but it's still a frightening thought that soon we will have to share it with everyone else.

Be well everyone


I LOVE IT keep it coming. It really helps when it is raining really hard, to know new and exciting things are happening in Arillas. It's like waking up from hibernation. Spring is Springing!!!!



QuoteI'm still baffled as to what Coterie means! smiley

So was I, so good old Goolge worked its magic .....

Coterie =

1.   a group of people who associate closely.
2.   an exclusive group; clique.
3.   a group of prairie dogs occupying a communal burrow.


Negg i love reading your posts, as most of us they are first post I look for.  Simple answer is, to anybody who doesnt want to know,then just dont read!!!!

Sharon x


Thanks for that Terry, I didn't know what it was either, but I didn't want to be the first to ask, I'm already blonde enough.



Eggy everyone has said it too, please keep being our online roving reporter.

And Helen, lover, a group of prairie dogs occupying a communal burrow sounds a bit like the chatroom night before last! lol

take care all
Phil (jen is justjen now but only a forum divorcee...not a real one)


I reckon that "Magisterial and the Coteries" would be a great name for an indie rock band. I could just imagine that name headlining at Glastonbury.


Prairie dogs occupying a communal burrow
Never thought of myself as one of those
Was crowded in there though


Hi John

We might be the Arillas Hippies (ask Eileen) but have spent the last hour trying to remember those words. Put us out of our misery please. Where did that come from?

See you soon


Hi All

Arillas today is a quiet 22 deg with a little breeze coming in from the sea. Not a lot of the beach, at the naturist end, right now but beginning to take shape very nicely.

I don't think I'll ever tire of taking this picture either.

Hotel Akti having a real face lift outside and the pool inner receiving, I think, Its final render before waterproofing etc.

Boruklis working away preparing tables for tonight's grand opening. I saw a very excited Rula yesterday preparing this evenings menu and I know whatever meat they serve tonight will be fresh as I spotted her buying it last night.
( Bit o steak for me Dimitris )

And finally.............. An early customer at Night Owl.

I suppose if he doesn't eat it all they'll give him a doggy bag to take the rest home.



Well the Mutt in the pic must be hungry but it will be well worth his wait i bet or is he just waiting for a shot of ouzo :-) lol


Thank you for the doggy pic Eggy! I am sure he will get his doggy bag later on :)

Have fun tonight :)
Life is good ;)


Thanks for the update Eggy just spoken to Steve who said he was in the horizon last night and what a lot of building/pool work is going on in arillas yay I have a shell of a house no windows yet but the bathrooms are going in, roll on july. x
everything looks better through the eyes of your children


After a very busy few days, I've just caught up with all this! I would like to say tho, I love your reports and pics, Eggy, and no matter how much I know of whats been going on in Arillas during winter time, It will NEVER spoil the first walk of the holidays, round the village. It's still exciting to see any changes 'in real life'.


We're with you Maggie. Agree totally.