Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Panic buying at Brettas , this afternoon!!!! - I ran around , with my trusty trolley, screaming madly, trying to avoid the other Two customers that were in there. I was last to the meat counter and only had a full choice of fresh meats to choose. Chicken , various cuts of Pork , Lamb , Kontosoulvi to die for.
(I wanted empty shelves so I could complain - WOTSALLTHATABOUT.
and then........ I rushed off to Sidari to queue for petrol. - No one in front of me?? - Totally confused. - I thought about waiting around the corner until a queue built up. (Coulda been a long wait) - So I came home to an outside temp still hovering around 16deg.
Local Greeks, meanwhile, continue with preparing all their premises for the Summer. - Optimistic not pessimistic. - Even I could learn from that.
Thanks to the way they look at life , here , I do not have dried bread and dog food pate tonight!!


Saw a bizarre sight on the way to Arillas today.
"I don't believe it!!" says I.
"Nor do I" says Wegg "Didn't know they made levis that small!

and.... with all bars closed I think I have found a place to "self isolate" for a while

until others get the same idea , and the same bench with a beer.

and....... work continues at Marina Pool bar.

extra decking on the way.

A quiet Arillas so I'm back home to enjoy a dry 17deg and a beer, on the balcony.
Finally Greece has closed all tourist accommodation until the 30th April. Such a shame for those planning to come over, but what can we do??



Hi Neil

Thanks it's looking good the decking. The beach looks quiet



So...... Arillas Today?? - As yesterday and the day before.
My travels took me to Sidari and a very deserted Sidari twas.
Some pics for you of Albania , the Beach at each end. - Not a soul so sipped a beer or two and appreciated the 23deg on offer.



Supermarkets very quiet and a happy group of people all round. (Alebit touching elbows and not shaking hands- Nobody kisses me anyway!!!)


Hi Neil

I will kiss you BUT no tongues also I let you hold my shaft Nono behave darts shaft

It looks quite in Albania as well as Sidari



Arillas today and we are all looking for jobs to keep us occupied.  For me a little time, on the beach, enjoying 21 deg and then home for some garden weeding.
Rumour now has it that , as from tomorrow, all D.I.Y shops will be closed as will the large timber yards. But I think deliveries only will not be affected.
(Although I doubt they will deliver me a tub of paint!)
We all plod on, as do you guys in the UK.
Stay safe and sound and sane!!


As you say mate , we keep on going !  Our offices are being closed after tomorrow , got to work from home . I will go stir crazy !!!!   lol
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Beverly has to work from home from tomorrow she brought her work lap top home so she can log on
That's my peace has gone



Take care neil and everyone affected.
Staying at home sounds OK, but to be out and about is something we take for granted.

I have not been well for a few weeks and now I fall into the at risk category. Self isolation is the recommendation for me, Transplant with low immune system is not the best at the best of times, so I must take care and look after myself and by doing so look after others.

The season is going to be a tough one for the locals especially with things looking grim at the moment, let's hope that things improve soon.

Arillas will still be here when the virus has gone and if we can all be here to return again then we will have the satisfaction of knowing we have beaten it.
If we all take care of ourselves to be as well as we can be, then we will help to keep others safe as well.
We all need to be back, Arillas is in our hearts and long may it remain.
See you there... take care.


Well said john ,I think you have summed up the feelings of all us arilliacs, you  have touched our hearts ,take care we will be back to our paradise sooner or later and to all  our arillas residents and hosts keep well ,it's going to be a tough time but we will get through it .best wishes Fran and Pauline.

Jo Wissett

I work in a school and it absolutely beggars belief that we are still going in. Ridiculous

Sandy x

Eggy please keep your pictures coming....we are all going to need them this summer.....x
Sandy x


Have we written off this Summer's visit to Arillas? I haven't just yet....... 😉
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Many thanks to Ref John, and all for thoughts that mean a great deal to all here. Especially those locals who are re-vamping/improving Appts/Bars etc, some of which may now not be taken advantage of.  Wegg was flying back to the UK, next week, to see family but obviously not happening now. We can all only remain positive for May onwards.
Cheers to y'all


As long as its the beginning of May, so we can come. Give my love and best wishes to everybody there for a good summer. xx

Stay Nude it ante rude