Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Paul Clark

Probably not the right thread to post on, but can't see anything about the beach. We like to use the North beach when we're over, how accessible is it at the moment, and is there much sand there? Cheers, or should that be Yammas!
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I look on the webcam every day and have yet to see people on beds or in the sea. Most people seem to have warm tops on too but it must warm up soon 😀


Arillas Today starts with or friend John the Reff and Dot  enjoyng the view of Gravia on a bench outside of thalassa restaurant .

Please someone tell Spiros the owner to take a brush and paint that Bench as he promissed .!!

we have jud had a third continious day of sun for a change....

see you soon,
Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas


...................... John R and Dot , enjoying our 24 deg super afternoon ???? WOTSTHATALLABOUT???
(I thought he would be realxing after refereeing the Liverpool v Tottenham match! !! )
Tell me where they are staying so I can avoid it !!!- and....... bout time he gotta new hat!!


Bloody paparazzi... they get everywhere.
Whatyoumeananewhat.... special purchase from the airport before we flew out.
Still brought the old one with me though.
Not been a bad day all in all.
Not seen a strange man in a Punto either.
Happy days.


Have a good time I know you.
That funny man ? In a punto stay clear he is the village most wanted he thinks he's a dart player shoot on site 😂 🤣



The beach was beautiful when we were there in may, shame we couldn't say the same about the weather!!! The beach changes daily though, so it's always a surprise, whatever it's like you'll enjoy it I'm sure!!


All has been very good today but ..... Kevin beware !!! - I have arranged for a storm cloud to follow you around in July.!!
Just der ya feel being unique???    and.... if the storm clouds don't getcha the Punto will !!
signing off with a 23 deg outside temp at 5pm and a very very "easible" place to feel and be at this time. -Oh Blesss!!!


Hello, noticed on the webcam that there is an earth mover and wagon on the beach near the pier. Hope their not pinching the sand :). (Fifteen days till we get there Whoop whoop).


I think  the seaweed was being removed


Quote from: Greenbeans on June 05, 2019, 10:55:16 AM
Hello, noticed on the webcam that there is an earth mover and wagon on the beach near the pier. Hope their not pinching the sand :). (Fifteen days till we get there Whoop whoop).

They did that for me, because I am so old now and on a pension. -- The earth rarely moves for me anymore!!!!
Mind you...... with 24 deg at 6pm who gives a monkey's bum!!!


It's a scorchio 15 degs here at sunny Whitley Bay, keep the oven hot for the rest of the month!!!


Been a scorcher in Arillas today, I went for an early morning run and it was 16 degrees 7 o'clock this morning. Don't know what it was this afternoon but it was hot. Shame it is so quiet. Good for those who like myself want some peace and quiet but terrible for local business. Three local business owners have told me that business is down, one by 50% from last year. I've noticed less Brits and Germans here than usual. Three main reasons appear to be the rubbish situation and brexit, as sold online, though theres no reason why either should affect coming here and the bad weather which again shouldn't affect bookings as they are usually made well in advance.  Anyone thinking of coming here, do it! No problems in Arillas with rubbish and whatever happens with brexit, planes will still fly back and fore, and whatever the weather the welcome is as good as ever.


Can confirm that the rubbish is well under control
In Arillas. As for Brexit ...well make up your own mind.
19 Degrees at 8.00am, Suns up and the day awaits.


A friend has just returned from Ipsos and she knows someone from there who couldn't get over how few tourists there were and apparently Tui maybe pulling out of Corfu altogether. She went with Tui and no holiday rep. This may just be a rumour so please don't shoot the messenger. Also she said unfortunately there was a huge rubbish problem. Sadly  I think Arillas is the exception to other places in Corfu.