Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Hear hear! Someone please? X


Our internet service and telephone line has been out of service since last Thursday. We keep losing both lines so this is a quickie while I am online. Normal service soon - Maybe Wednesday before OTE replace the "faulty Cables"
The engineer, today , apologised that he did not ring me yesterday.
That's OK , said I , the phone wasn't working anyway!!

Meanwhile...... bumped into a lovely couple at Efies tonight. Probably haven't seen them for 4 years??
Right now , and under pressure, watching the "Online Light" on the router  I am at a loss to remember their names. - Bugger , bugger and bugger again.



Hiya Neil!

I'm assuming you mean us or perhaps there was another couple you chatted to? We're flattered by your description if it is us!
We were so pleased to catch up with you and enjoyed our chat, especially about the cats. You really are a lovely man and thank you for being so kind to the animals.
We return home on Tuesday and will be so sorry once again to leave this wonderful place.

Best wishes to you and Wendy,

Chris & Richard, x

(my forum name is Peggy, the name of one of our cats)


Tis you guys and sorry about names. Those three "Bin Cats" were fed lunchtime and late afternoon as a special treat.
That little spell of rain this afternoon, will/should, set you up for a good day tomorrow.
Stay well and hope, next time the catch up will not be soooo long.


Would love an Arillas today update from Steve & Carole being as I am not on facebook and can't be there with you this year. (sad face).


Arillas Today works overtime to ensure all you "Brit Guests" feel at home not feeling envious of the recent UK heatwave.
(Hottest June day, in the UK , since 1976 ?? - WOTSTHATALLABOUT??)

Anyway we got around 31 deg here so "Nah -Nah -Ni - Nah - Nah" and plenty of beach to chill out. On the downside, there is rain forecast on our super duper weather monitor.

T'would be good to bump into Steve n Carole and indeed our "ole" favourite , TerryW - But using some one else's Punto , at the moment means I may be difficult to spot. Probably difficult for you guys , hiding away , as I can find you before you see me.

Our internet is "sort of back" here but we are now hit with no mains water, the last 2 days, so good job we have a water tank. However, another 2 days and that will be exhausted so you guys may smell me approaching. Punto should be passed fit and released form the garage tomorrow so I will be on the prowl, unshaved, unwashed and bad breath,


Sandy x

.....but he will have clean underpants! Doing Neill and Wendy's washing as I type this......still without water today but so far, I am ok here....
Sandy x


Quote from: Sandy x on June 25, 2017, 11:51:22 AM
.....but he will have clean underpants! Doing Neill and Wendy's washing as I type this......still without water today but so far, I am ok here....

Good to hear Sandy! Also nice to to know there are clean underpants for the Eggy house hold ;)
Life is good ;)


All this fuss over one pair of "long johns"
Anyway , Erja , you will be pleased, or may not, to know that I used to put a clean pair on every day.
(But at the end of the week my trousers didn't fit!)

However... not many "smalls" will be worn today as we still have 32 deg at 6;30pm. A very hot and busy Arillas Sunday.



Arillas Today ??? - At 6pm ??? - 33 deg and another hottie for your bottie!!!
And... follow the words of Margerita at Three W's , who said , in her best Greek/Somerset accent....
"Beware Y'all 'cause there be a mist coming in over the sea. Thissel bring some 'ot wether an we all be 'fraid of 'morrow.
"Reckon 'twil be 40 deg and best all take coverrrrrrr" - 'eat twill met those floppy flips you be wearing!! "

She said all that , honest!


Aaaaaargggghhhhhhhhh - 33 deg at 6:30 pm. Melting eyebrows restricts sight so nuff said.


And............................ 33.7 deg , in the shade, at Rainbow today.
And............................ 35 deg on our balcony at 6pm.


Lovely to read the words of the amazing Margarita, Eggy.  Thankyou. Cold,wet and misty all week here in the Scottish borders. It's improved today though.  Wish we were there, playing darts with you in melting flip flops. (Well, maybe not quite).


She was close to being right, Mo. - 37 deg on our balcony , yesterday , at 6pm.
And... Arillas Today starts , at 8 a.m. with 26 deg with hopefully a nice breeze expected later on.
And.... Tis Sunday so a busy Arillas Today is also expected. The wider beach, this year, will again earn much gratitude.


Normally on this Sunday of the year we would be finalising the packing and preparing Eggy's goodies to travel with us to Arillas on Monday. Many Arillas Todays in prospect, never quite knowing where it would take us this time, full of hope and expectation.

But sadly we can't  fly this year. So we will miss all the wonderful people who make Arillas what it is. But we hope to spend Easter there next year, with Jen on two new hips. And then as long as we possibly can in the summer.

Keep it warm for us Neill, and keep posting the posts....
