Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Good report Jo, and you are not the only ones who couldn't find Old Perithia. I now know where I went wrong so I will go there in September. How did you like Evdemon?

Jo Wissett

Hi Terry, we thought the place was absolutely stunning and of course great to see Yianni and Litsa but next time think it would be a romantic meal for 2. The kids faces as they browsed the bespoke menu were a picture. Not the sort of place that we could asked for a plate of chips haha.


Jo we were lucky when we went there as after we strolled down to the crossroads for the afionas festival to end a great night yiammas xx


Jo which water park Did you go to? Was it aqua land or the other one and what Did the boys think of it? X

Jo Wissett

Ness it was the smaller one at Archaravi. Yes they said it was good. 15 euro each. On Mon and Thurs it is all inc for food and drink. And why have I not seen you yet lady??


Jo, I agree that it isn't the place for kids, and also for anyone who isn't adventurous with food. Did you sit outside? Its always been too windy when we have been there. Did you like the Mastika after the meal?


Jo our paths must keep crossing!  Will keep my eye out for you. Did the boys say there was enough to keep them occupied? X


Hi  we are off to old perithia on Sunday. Thought about hiring a car but heard from Ness about roads and easy to get lost lol! Really looking forward to trip.
Did the arillas trail this morning and did it 2 hourish. Really enjoyed that little walk too!

Val n Bill

I expect you will be flat out on a sunbed tomorrow then Diana ;)

See you later, we are now in the corporate lounge at Manchester and our flight is delayed due to a delay in finding enough flight crew due to staffing problem. GRRR

Val x
The love affair continues.


Val n Bill

Corporate Longe??? - Is that the up market one where you get extra butter on your free sarnie as an apology for the delay??

Anyway, good news for you. The pilots cap and uniform fits the guy who mops the runway so you should be on your way soon. I am told he will be wearing a parachute as, should there be any technical problems during your flight, he can go for assistance.

It's only 27 deg and super warm here so you are not missing much. Twill be better avrio.

And.... Old Perithia will be old for years to come as not many people can find it.



How funny Eggy!
Val an Bill we were delayed too, 1 an half hours so yes grrr too!
See u soon.


"Did you like the Mastika after the meal?"
What is Mastika, Terry? Does one have to masticate?
Chewing gum after the meal???

Jo Wissett

Well we didn't have any Mastika whatever in the world that may be but we did however receive all the drinks on the house so that was a nice swap!! We were also unlucky with not getting a front table as we hadn't booked. Was trying to give evil stares to make the other diners eat up and vacate but they were having none of it!

You should all be very proud of me because today I decided to walk yes WALK to afionas with the reward being lunch at Night Owl. To say that I thought I was seriously going to have a heart attack would be a gross understatement however I managed it and enjoyed a meze and greek salad and obviously wine to wash it down with. Only took us around 45 minutes so reckom we did ok. Finally bumped into eggy on way back so had a brief little chinwag with our roving Arilla reporter. Although a cloudy and windy morning this afternoon has been exchanged with glorious heat and lovely breeze.

The only low point today is seeing all the coaches dropping off the excited newbies when our homecoming is a mere few days away. Horizon is planned for tonights meal which will be a guaranteed treat and of course the Greek night tomorrow. Sunday. Chops. You know where. Monday. I DON'T LIKE MONDAYS......


Haha Jo, we stopped at Afionas for a drink when we finally managed to make it there.  It was a fairly hot day when we walked it last year and I too thought we would never get there.  We took George's advice (from Bardis Sun Studios) to take the second road from the sea as it is less steep .... we didn't think so at the time but took the cliff walk back (first road) and it truly was steep.  Saw some people on a quad bike try to get up but not very successful as it was actually lifting the front two tyres up!! 

We had lunch somewhere at the top of Afionas at a fairly new restaurant - gorgeous views - looking back over Arillas.

Really sorry we can't make it this year (can't afford a second holiday and went to Goa in March but try to do a Sept "Greek fix").  This year we are doing up a newly vacated bedroom (one son has finally got his own place!) and had new fencing etc. so holiday funds low.  So need a Greek fix.... feeling very sad :-(

Enjoy your last few days Jo!! 


Harri and Ylva, you can read about it here....

The mastika has a long tradition in Macedonia, and by some people's testimonials, this drink has been made for the last 3 centuries. The best mastika is produced in the region of city of Strumica. The people of Strumica claim that it is made exclusively of natural ingredients, aka a distilled wine, anise and locust honey. In the past, several researches were conducted, that showed that drinking mastika in normal quantities helps fighting heliobacteria. Since 1990, the mastika from Strumica was proclaimed to be a national brand.

Here is the bottle we tried, although we did try it last year as well. Yiannis just leaves the bottle with you.