Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Sandy x

Weather hotting up, sea hotting up, pools hotting up,  north beach filling up.....but still plenty of room for everyone....
Sandy x


Woken this morning to another gorgeous day in Paradise. We keep the bedroom all closed up in the evening (because of the mozzies) and then put the aircon on before we go to bed. So when we wake in a cool bedroom it is such a delight to open the patio doors and feel the rush of warm air!

The mozzies have been a pain this year, perhaps it is because for the first time I'm staying on the seafront in the Horizon - which is of course close to the river. We made the mistake of eating at the Mirage the day after the thunderstorm. It was a humid night, but a lovely breeze from the sea. However as we ate the mozzies did too! I hv never been attacked as badly as that whilst eating before. Fair play, Angela brought us a citronella candle and we applied a second coat of Jungle Formula - not a flavour I like added to my meal!

But today feels fresher, the sun is shining in a cloudless sky and sea is calm and inviting (only got waist deep so far). Another fabulous day and a visit to Corfu town tonight beckons......


Quote from: cypress on June 07, 2014, 11:46:20 AM
7 whole weeks? As the current phrase goes - or is it old hat now? - ....I'm well jel. Some long term stay tips would be handy, if you have any?. I'm planning on staying for July and August next year if I possibly can. Enjoy! 

The only real tip is if you can, do it. July and August would be too hot for me as I enjoy the walking. You will get a better rate on accommodation for staying a bit longer than the usual couple of weeks.


Glorious sunshine and a clear blue sky again today. Thank you Phil, I went to Olga's travel agency yesterday and we have booked a taxi to take us to Afionas tonight - so it will eat at Anemos as we watch the sunset. I'll take photos but will need to post them when I get home (sorry!)

Last night we went to Corfu exciting!!! No, not the castle or St Spiridon's church but a visit to a pharmacy!!! You may hv seen my post on "the spirit of Arillas" where I tell you the story of my sore throat and the help from people in Arillas as there is no pharmacy. But last night I was like a kid in a sweet shop....paracetemol, cough mix and indigestion tablets for hubby (loves the Greek food but it doesn't love him!!!!) Cant believe how old fashioned the set up was though, anything medical had to be dispensed by the "Apothecary" it was like stepping back in time!

Corfu town was incredibly humid and busy so it was with delight we got on the bus to come "home" as hubby called it, his first visit to Arillas but I think he's catching the bug..... ;)


Bloody typical! After struggling with a foot injury for the last twelve days, ( no beach, no swimming  and no lengthy walking ) yesterday I changed my flight back to next Monday, cutting short my holiday by two weeks. Took the dressing off this morning to find see something small extruding from the wound. I managed to extract a just over one inch long piece of wood from my foot which will now hopefully heal quickly. Ah well, my five week holiday is more than most people get.  


Had a fabulous walk again yesterday, up to Akrotiri and then across the headland to the little church. So very peaceful....

In the evening we took the "taxi" arranged by Olga's travel to Afionas and had a lovely meal in Anemos as we watched the sunset. I have watched the sun set from the Afionas headland before but I had walked there and then had to rush back down the hill before it got dark. Last night was so much more special because it was so relaxed and I could watch the darkness descend over the islands and see the lights of Arillas sparkling away in the distance. It looked so small. We then walked across to Dionysos to see the view across Agios Georgios. Wow!!!! I thought it looked spectacular by day but it is even more so at night - the full curve of the bay lit up and the sounds of the music from the tavernas drifting across the sea.

Would really recommend that evening visit, a real highlight but one, unfortunately, that my camera could not capture. Will just have to do it again one day!!!!


How much was the taxi? will book it when we come in Sept, glad you liked it, go a new camera with large zoom, so hope to take some good pics


Hi Dylan, the taxi was 20 euros - 10 each way. Don't have a camera with me I'm afraid, I'm just my mobile phone!!!! Hope you have a lovely time in sept


Loving the reports. Makes me realise just how lucky I am to have found my Arillas. Only 23 sleeps....... just saying!



Thanks Sinbad, we are taking some friends so 5euros each is nothing! cheers me up sitting here in wet Sheffield tonight!


Yesterday was really chilling, just reading the paper and swimming in the sea and the pool.  Such sad news in the paper, it's hard to believe that such awful violence exists in this world when you are enjoying the peace, hospitality and warm friendship of so many in Arillas.

Had a wonderful meal in Brouklis last night, so good to hear from Dimitris of all the community spirit in Arillas to make the beachfront so beautiful and all the ideas he has for the future.

Today was an early start as we did the Grand Island Tour. Tiring day but so fascinating to revisit some parts from Corfu (some from when I first came here 33 years ago as a backpacking student !!!!) and some new places. The skill of the coach drivers on the narrow roads above Paleokastitsa literally left me breathless, don't think I breathed for about 10 mins!!!!! Absolutely stunning scenery from the top, although I have to say that the video from the helicopter posted a couple of weeks ago gives the most incredible insight into this spectacular scenery.

Only a few days left in paradise now, so I think a  few more walks, lots more chilling and just perhaps a couple of metaxas to enjoy before we go home


Kevin , Kay n Babs are welcomed with a 27/28deg Arillas today.
(And there's no 'arm in that at all - Hope Babs finds time to give me a slap for that comment)

Another laid back day with new guests appearing to gladly take the place of those sad faces leaving.

A good exchange , a good forecast , and much good company to go around.
A little bird tells me that M & M will "hatch out" tomorrow, ( In the nicest possible way, of course)



Quote from: Dai on June 13, 2014, 12:28:31 PM

Bloody typical! After struggling with a foot injury for the last twelve days, ( no beach, no swimming  and no lengthy walking ) yesterday I changed my flight back to next Monday, cutting short my holiday by two weeks. Took the dressing off this morning to find see something small extruding from the wound. I managed to extract a just over one inch long piece of wood from my foot which will now hopefully heal quickly. Ah well, my five week holiday is more than most people get.  

Last week I failed miserably in trying to post a photo of the tiny bit of Arillas that almost journeyed home inside my foot.
This time I hope I'm more successful.

So, I am home again. When I changed my flight home two of my Greek friends individually told me that it was not my decision but that the Gods had decided it was time for me to come home. I laughed. While travelling home yesterday I received a text telling me that my sister in-law had passed away Sunday night. Not only was she my wife's sister but also one of her best friends. If arrangements had not already been made it would have been difficult to get home quickly. Maybe my Greek friends were right. Rest in Peace Sheila x

I must add a huge thank you to the many locals and visitors whose company I thoroughly enjoyed once again and for the great support that was given.

I wish all the people of Arillas a very successful season and to the many visitors I now call friends enjoy the wonderful hospitality on offer. Hope to see you all again some time.

Sandy x

So glad that Carol got back and saw her sister....hard to believe you were just telling me about her on Sunday night.
Hope the foot is healing chose the right day to go back in any event. Today has been cloudy and overcast all day, with intermittent bits of rain.
Maybe see you later in the season?
Sandy x


Thanks Sandy, Carol and her brother in law were with her sister when she passed away peacefully.
Glad she went home Friday and not on my flight.
Back this season? Nothing planned, yet but never say never.
Beer festival sounds attractive, could even organise a trip from the rugby club but not sure Arillas is ready for that!
Enjoy the rest of this visit.