Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Val n Bill

Jo, it was great wish I knew your Mum and Dad hope it wasn't the couple cavorting in an erotic manner by the bar!!!

A super night was had by Valnbill (wasn't us cavorting either).
Hello..... to lots of people, some we had met before some the first time, but the main thing everyone enjoyed the night.
It's 4pm now and very hot and lots of sun cream is being used.

           Back to the sunbed,     Val x
The love affair continues.


Hi Jo, Freddie is gone, am just posting some video's of our Joseph and Glenn at Eastbourne bandstand would love to know what your Mum think of them. Viv (taking ages to post so wouldn't bother looking for a couple of hrs. lol

Stay Nude it ante rude


Arillas Today sees many people nursing sore heads and saying how fabulous the performer in the Coconut was. At one point there were three rows of people in the street outside, just peering in at what was a bravura, totally professional and technically excellent performance.

Somebody had the nerve to complain that the bar service was too slow. All I can say to that is not postable on the forum. It was a truly brilliant show, with no entrance fee, and we were privileged to be there.

The weather feels cooler to me, but the numbers disagree, and I must be heading for a freezing experience coming back abroad on Friday, having got used to the glorious weather here.

The exchange rate is still rubbish, but the Mythos is as good as it ever was, and costs the same as four years ago.

Life here is wonderful, if you let it be that for you.


Jo Wissett

Sounds ace Val and Phil!! Did you see my mum and dad??They were there and loving it, think they were sit
ing outside. Val I think your covortins couple may well have been Phil and Jen :-)

Sandy x

Exactly my thoughts Jo.......
Sandy x


Jo...... wrong, wrong, wrong, the cavorting couple was Phil and Eggy!



Eggy does not covort anywhere Jazz. Amble slowly is a better description.

At 11:15 pm and with a super 24 deg outside, the first time for a long time the outside temp has been lower than the inside, and having had super company and super service and super food at Brouklis, why am I on the Forum now?.

'spose it could be classed as part of an "Arillas Today"!

Good food with good friends in a good place.
(Sounds "GOOD" to me)
Eggy now ambles slowly off to bed - Tis been a long day


Arillas Today?

We start with a very civilised 23/24 deg at around 9 ish

I slept well and,today, I am having a day off.

This could mean that time may be had for some pics later.
Watch this space.


Quote from: Eggy on July 28, 2011, 10:10:19 AM
Arillas Today?

We start with a very civilised 23/24 deg at around 9 ish

I slept well and,today, I am having a day off.

A well earned rest, you do work hard.
Hope the arm holds out.


The arm is feeling a little better today John - ( Will I win the 3W k/o tonite? )

Arillas Today?
And ...... How did the temp manage to sneak up to 34 deg by 4:45?
And....... Why are all those vehicles lined up along the beach front?
(Don't they know I have to find a spot fer Punto?)

And......... Who would sit on a swing like this?

The beach , once again, is looking after all.



WOTMORECANISAY? - Lost fer words.
Cheers All


Cheers Neill. We missed you today, and can only agree, the only place to park the Fiat would have been in the Marina Pool Bar's pool. In it.

Arillas is happy, not too full, and there is plenty of beach. But as usual, Phil and Jen sat in the Nut all afternoon. Each to their own....



Phil and Jen
met you in the Nut an hour ago.
Always sad on the return. Thought
u looked very relaxed. Sorry to miss Jen.
Give her our love. Soon be October.
Something to look forward to.
Thank you for understanding. Arillas is
working it's magic for us at a very sad time.
Lovely to c you again.
Pat and Annette.


Quote from: Eggy on July 28, 2011, 04:47:25 PM
And......... Who would sit on a swing like this?

Must be Jo's :D

Arillas today sounds like a piece of always! *deep sigh*
Life is good ;)


Arillas sounds wonderful today, when is it not. Glad everybody enjoying it. Jo, Im still trying this video will let you know if I manage Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Pat and Annette, we will always have time for you. I have no idea about your sadness except it was visible. That is all Jen and I need to know, and if we have helped you in any tiny way, we are glad. Arillas is a place where you can be healed by friends or try to do so for others. I said "can" before my critics disagree.

It is why Jen and I have spent six months of the last four years here.
