Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Good to see you guys , but, be warned......
.... We're sitting with an outside temp of 15 deg , here tonight.

We were going to buy a bigger rain gauge recently but were told it's now called a water tank!!

Ne'er mind. Heating on tonight for the first time this year. A nice 21 deg inside.

Take t'easy


neil ,,heating on ??theres a first for everything ,,same here, very cold in the morns but warms up a bit through the day ,,,next week is suppose to get very cold ,,as long as the snow stays away ,,lol ,i mean how do they expect a man to get to the pub ,no fun slipping over on the way ,dont care on the way home ,,hahaha.......yiammas


Quote from: kevin.g on November 17, 2013, 09:59:51 AM
neil ,,heating on ??theres a first for everything ,,same here, very cold in the morns but warms up a bit through the day ,,,next week is suppose to get very cold ,,as long as the snow stays away ,,lol ,i mean how do they expect a man to get to the pub ,no fun slipping over on the way ,dont care on the way home ,,hahaha.......yiammas

As you say , Kevin - A first for everything.
But for you, getting to the pub? - bet you'll do everything for a THIRST!!

A dry day here,  but rain forecast from Tuesday



Strangely warm here today, dry but cloudy, roll on next year x


Mild here too Mango. Everything is so still, no wind, and strange. Calm before the storm? Like you I can't wait for next year. Sadly we leave as you arrive. Maybe say hello at the airport?



Arillas Today???

OK Then - Around 9deg , all day , and chilly with enough rain to add to my whiskies for a week.
(21 deg and snug inside though)



Sizzling hot compared to here then!! Thanks Negg xx


I will look out for you Phil at the airport


10 deg outside and cold n drippy! - At 5:30?????

Fill up my whisky glass and call me Henry at 10pm. ( By then I will answer to any name! )

Arillas , remember, is not always a paradise! - Pedry close though!



Hi Henry lol

oops maybe a tad too early for your name change or is it?
-4 and frosty here brrrrrrrrrrrrrr lecky blanket on full tonight then

Bells xx


Henry is here!!

8 deg outside now but 21 deg in the house. - Yerrrripppeee.

I am told it will be colder avrio ( Are we being spoilt here complaining about this temp? )

Darts to tomorrow night may be played with a woolly scarf. ( Will that stick in the board? )



Henry ha ha!

Well if it don't stick in the board you can throttle your opponents with it should they beat ya! lol only joking - of course they wont beat ya!

Good luck anyways!

Off to generate some warmth!

Bells xx


Dare I ask who won, possibly the scarf had it all wrapped up before closing time! (if their is such a thing in heaven) !


7 deg outside , at 9 am, this morning Dylan. - Still wearing the scarf!

Twas the same yesterday morning but, by 2pm ish  it was around the 60 mark
(People sat outside at Armourada ???? - One in short sleeve shirt???? - DONCHYERKNOW!)

Keep an eye on the "Darts Link" for an update on the match. - Probably avrio.


Steve & Carole

I see the seat has been moved for the winter. See you next year seat.