Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Thanks for the update Eggy.  Good to know that the pharmacy has arrived in Arillas - should be a great boon to everyone.
Best wishes

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon

Val n Bill

It's really nice to see a new business opening, hope it does well and prospers.

           Val x
The love affair continues.


Thank you for the update Eggy! I would just love to go and have a beer at Sharon's Pool Bar *deep sigh*
Life is good ;)


With all the hot sunny weather we are having, Erja, it would be great to have the pool bar moved over to England and with it plenty of the Royal Ionian.
Best wishes

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon



Greetings from a 21 deg outside temp in Arillas today(And thats 6:40pm) where Sharon continues to supply Mythos to those Luuuuuuukkkkkkyyyy peeps who sit and sip and look at the super sea. - WOTTAPICTURE!!!
And.... too much sun or bevvies? - Visit the Pharmakio!




Lovely to be reading Arillas Today again. Three cheers for our unpaid roving reporter Eggy, whose posts keep us all glued to our computers - Hip, hip! Hip,hip! Hip hip.....




I'll second that Phil - Hooray!!!
Thanks Eggy. :-)
Home is where the heart is - CORFU :-)


Well, good people, this is an important announcement!

Will the owner of this shoe please come back to Arillas and collect it!
(It's making the beach look untidy)

Arillas Today is looking good. These 2 views from an "Afionas Balcony"

Afionas Night Owl are knuckling down with their extension.

Linda seems to be doing all the work here.

(Isn't he supposed to be finishing the concrete works?)
So, back to Arillas Today?

Do I need to say more?


Weather is similar here, but that's where the similarity ends. I would so love to be pootling about on the beach right now, maybe collecting rubbish and generally tidying up. Maybe helping with the pre-season preparations. Ah, Arillas Today would suit me completely. Thanks for the pics Eggy.


PS, the shoe isn't mine...

Ann K

The shoe's not mine either but I would love to be there to collect it and put it in the bin and then spend time on the beach and in the tavernas with not a care in the world.  The pictures are lovely and the beach looks big and long may it do so.  Roll on August but in the meantime in my dreams.
Ann x


Thanks for the update Eggy
Arillas beach looks to be in fine form.
More than enough sand to go round,
Have a feeling that we could be in for a fair size beach this summer.

Quote from: justphil on March 28, 2012, 05:11:24 PM
Maybe helping with the pre-season preparations.

Yep, Im sure all the sunbeds need testing

It was my Sandals Eggy, my Sandals


Cheers Eggy the beach is looking fantastic,it wont be long now before the 1st batch of visitors arrive and the 2012 season begins Efharisto :-)

Val n Bill

Thanks Eggy, wonderful photos, like Ann I would love to be the one putting that shoe in the bin.
John I thought your missing footwear were flipflops....... no wonder nobody brought them back.

           Val x
The love affair continues.

Sandy x

I thought it was flip flops you lost John the Ref?

That beach is looking seriously good - shoe or no shoe....
Sandy x


Wonderful photos and I hope the beach stays like that. I would love to walk the whole length of the beach with it just like that.

As for the shoe, I think its mine ........I looked to the sky, Where an elephant's eye, Was looking at me From a bubblegum tree
And all that I knew. The hole in my shoe Was letting in water