Sights, Smells and Sounds in Arillas

Started by Jo Wissett, April 05, 2010, 01:37:15 PM

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Jo Wissett

Thought it would be fun and get us all in the holiday mood compiling a list of the three senses when in Arillas...For me it has to be....


The glistening sea
The first glistening glass with ice cold cider in it!
The first sunset


The first whiff as you come off the plane, not sure exactly what it is (prob jet fuel!!)but its warm and familiar!
That first smell of sun tan lotion as you start applying on that first day (I go in shops just to have a sneaky smell!- yes I need help)
The gorgeous aroma's coming from all the tavernas as you meander down the front deciding where to eat ....


The greek radio in the taxi on way to resort!
The Crickets early evening
That totally annoying tannoy van that drives round selling all sorts of stuff from melons to plastic chairs!!


Hi all,

Sights:  Your holiday aeroplane flying over the island coming into land, wobbling from side to side - one minute you see the runway, next minute you don't - then you go round the island again, and again!!

Sounds:  The pilot saying "we have landed safely" - thank god!!

Smells:  The wonderful Greek dustcart going past the entrance of the airport as you are bringing your luggage out to the coach.

Cant wait!!

Kevin & Beverly - ha ha


The first glimpse of Arillas from the taxi
Gravia and the sea
large Mythos in an iced glass (not just the first...)

Like Jo, the warm air as you step off the plane
Food, anywhere, everywhere
Standing on the beach just breathing deeply

Happy chatter in the Nut
The breaking waves - can sit for ages just listening
The clinking of ice in glasses


John B


When your tickets arrive.
The runway at Corfu airport.
Eventually seeing your luggage appear.
The taxi.
Going through Corfu town.
Friends you have not seen for a year.
The little church.
The jetty.

Stepping out of the plane.
The sea.
Plants and fruit.
The sewerage stream near Ina's shop.

Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelts for landing.
Welcome back my English friend.
Sea at night.
Greek music.
The bell at Kostas on the beach [you know your meal is on it's way.




Landing on the Corfu airport runway - gets me exhilarated
The taxi driver holding a sign with my name on it - makes me grin stupidly
Tria Adelphia and turning right - almost there
Brouklis - Home


Heat on the tarmac at the Corfu airport - Holiday really starts here
Arriving at Brouklis and the all the amazing kitchen smells - I am truly home
Suntan lotion - this is summer
The sea - I am home


"Yassoo Erja!" - Warm greeting at Brouklis
Laughter in the sunshine - I have arrived
"Ella baby!" - Vasilis from Armourada greeting me warmly
Swishhhh - Royal Ionian cork coming off

And the rest... ;)
Life is good ;)


the winding road in the taxi through corfu town, and then the olive grows on the way down into arillas the first glipse of gravia..ahhhhh home
the heat of the tarmac on the runway ,the smell of food being cooked as you get out of the taxi in arillas,,ie,,brouklis ,portofino,rainbow and many more..
yassou file mou ,,,,the warm greeting from your hosts and freinds ,then all the yammas,s from every bar you visit .......


The first glimpse of the Island
The sight as you come over the top of the mountain pass
Friends you have not seen for a while

The first smells as you pass through the door of the plane
The sea as you stand on the Jetty
Klefteko, Stamnas, Stifado, Mousaka

Peace and Quiet
The sigh of being back home Mmmmmmmm

I just love Arillas

Jo Wissett

Aah, some great sentiments there my friends! John B, loved the sewerage one, heh heh! I forgot a glorious sight, that glimpse of Corfu Bay as you pass it from the airport. Bliss!


One sight i do not wish to see is doughnut man discharging his bladder all over the beach as for the smells and sound i shall leave that up to your imagination lol
          Tony ;-)

Jo Wissett

hah hah. Thanks for that glorious pic that is now FOREVER in my head!!!!!!!


LOL Jo at least you got a laugh out of it , i still feel quite nauseous even thinking about anyone eating one of his urine flavored doughnuts ;-(


Ah Jo, where we live the smell of agriculture is ordinary. Sometimes the pig farmers produce a stink to be proud of. So bad even we cringe! Shut the car windows to avoid it....

But the sewerage, which does not belong to our adored Ina, never even registers to Jen and me when we walk from Marina to Mirage or Graziella and Sea Breeze. We live with that every day here in rural Somerset.

But I was really smelled out today in our local. An unknown family (rare in Baltonsborough) arrived and had a drink in our local. They all appeared to wear different perfumes, and the pub filled up with all these alien smells. Why do people do this? I know I smell like an alcoholic ashtray, but I think that is better than all these artificial smells that clash and make you notice.

What do you smell like?


- looking out of the coach/taxi windows and recognising certain landmarks or road signs
- coming round the corner and seeing the first glimpse of Arillas
- passing Brouklis - and waving frantically at Dimitris!
- the sea, the sea and Gravia
- the silly grin on my face when I know we're almost there!!
- the smell of "home"
- the wonderful food - all of it!
- the general hush of peace and quiet
- the cockerels
- the gentle lapping of the waves

QuoteWhat do you smell like?
Phil - I smell gooooood!!

Janis x


-Corfu airport when I am arriving and others are leaving, always check out their tans and count the mosquito bites
-yes the taxi driver holding a bit of card with our name on it,(and me telling hubby to go find him and tell him we wont be long)
-the streets from corfu airport, so many things going on and so many things that have never changed or so it seems in 27yrs
- and then the journey,the olive groves and white washed homes the washing on the line, the old boys out side a bar tutting about the coach that's holding up the traffic
-the scooter overtaking the taxi on a blind corner...our taxi over taking a truck on a blind corner
-and then the final descent down through the peace and quiet of the olive groves
-finally the last corner and the sea glistening in the sun

-hot tarmac at the airport followed by exhaust fumes as we journey through the streets
-the warm heady mixture of perfume, aftershave and some smokey grilled lamb or steak


-scooters, laughter, greek music to the left, chillout arillas to the left all of them at one time
ahhh bliss im now safe

Geoffrey with a "G"

            the ships in port seen from the taxi from the airport
             the mountains, the other side of which you know start the true descent to Arillas

             the special smell of the "curry bushes", on the walk from Arillas to Magoulades
             the charcoal-grilled evening goodies

             the Corfu airport announcements                                                 
              "Yassou fillimo, ti kanis, efharisto, ouzo poli nero parakalo!"
Geoffrey with a `G´