Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Lovely photo Neill. :-)

Let me know if you'd like a pair of padded cycle shorts brought over ;-)
Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB


I agree with Eileen lovely photos - good on you cycling around Arillas but the added advantage if you get a pain in the a*** that your bike fits in your car



Cheers Neill. I see that life continues at a fair old pace (ie slowly.) Love the pic - but it makes me homesick. Our Mary sums it all up for me. Pain in the a**e. I want mine to be on my bench just now, soaking up the sound of the sea, and free from all the cares in the world.

Jokes resume in July when I'm doing just that.



Quote from: Eggy on March 05, 2011, 12:19:18 PM
So Arillas on Thursday was looking good.

Looovely! Arillas looks good any day any time of the year for me ;)
Life is good ;)


Lovely to catch up on the latest news about the happenings in the day to day life of Arillas folk (Eggy)

I think it's very kind of you to take your cycle for a ride round in your car. They must be fed up of having inexpert cyclists peddling them up hills when what they'd really like is a lie down in the back of someone's punto!!

I think you have definitely started something here Neill you will be inundated with requests from all types of pedal powered vehicles ..... do your best chum after all no one wants to be called a bicy·clist....  :-)

Remember ointments are a speciality

Cheers Nan xx


Really not sure if I should post this or not...dubious taste maybe..but Nans comment of nice of Eggy to take his bike for a ride in back of car inspired if it is your fault Nan!!
We had an Aunt die a few months ago, and have her ashes and those of her late husband 'residing' with us at present. A couple of weeks ago we went to Yorkshire for the day, I happened to look round to the back see their urns sitting there!!!
Asked the other half..what the heck??? His response...They always loved Yorkshire they spent lots of holidays there, thought they should have a last trip there before the scattering....they also did Wells on Sea on Friday last!!xx


Quote from: georgia on March 07, 2011, 01:14:34 AM
...They always loved Yorkshire they spent lots of holidays there, thought they should have a last trip there before the scattering....they also did Wells on Sea on Friday last!!xx will this year be the first visit to Arillas for aunty and uncle?

Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB

Alan and Jan

Just love that Georgia.
Bet that's the quietest your rear seat passengers have been. :)
Alan and Jan

Eight letters, three words one meaning- Take That


I think that's lovely and not in bad taste at all. Of course if anyone WANTS to blame me please feel free it's not a problem ! XXX

Whilst we are on this subject I would like to say that arrangements are already in place for my own "scattering".  I will be going over the cliff top in Woolacombe and hopefully into the sea on a calm day of their choosing.

The only special requests are that they all sit on the bench and eat a box of Quality Street (YES even the coconut ones that are usually left for me!) before giving my remains a last dip in the sea.

I must say I am looking forward to it ! :-)

Cheers Nan xx

Val n Bill

Going to tell my children they have to take Bill and I to Arillas at least once a year as   long as the family exists!!!!
That should ensure some visitors for a few years after we kick the bucket ;D ;D
Thanks for the idea Georgia. Lol

                                                 Val x     
The love affair continues.


Georgia, I think thats lovely. Nan ok so your quite looking forward to it but I hope it dosen't happen too soon.
I had to think about this one seriously last year and deciced that I wanted to be scatterd in exactly the same spot as Pete and I had our 40th blessing. Havent told the kids but I know they will say ok but you must have a marker some where here as after doing family history for so long and 2011 maybe the last census done in UK the great great great Grand children have to have some way of doing thirs. (going to have to be a blo--dy big thing to give them all the info they will need. lol. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Sorry Neill, started this posting to say Thanks to you, got sortoff of the subject. Love Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


When I logged on today ( Tuesday 8th March, Hey its pancake day, goody) I noticed the little weather square showing 3 degrees centigrade.  Can that be right!!!! I thought I had seen temperatures recenlty in the teens and as high as 18 one day.  As Neil would say " wosatallabout"

Simon Wyett

We even had a splattering of SNOW last night!! Freezing.......


Oh well Simon, that's what the rest of us have to cope with for
months and months. So, just take it as an experience and enjoy
the rest of the year being assured you have lots of sunshine.  :-)

Connie x