Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Hi Erja, did you ever hear the story of Pooley and his little friend following Pete and I to Arillas, we did take them back home the next day but by the time we got back to Arillas Bay they were waiting for us and just never left. Luckily they got adopted but pooley's little pal died about 2006 I think. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


The little dogs (and the big ones too) of Arillas are always part of our time there. Have still got a purple lump and a scar where cookie bit me last summer, but have forgiven him. Thalassa's Charlie is one of our favourites. And little Pooley who started this discussion. Then of course Dimitris' cats who always end up eating part of my dinner... Yet another, often forgotten part of what it all means to me.

Eggy I justlove the pic of wild foaming waves crashing in around the jetty. I could sit on that bench for hours watching that. It's not my one though. The one which belongs exclusively to me and Sandy is further south. But any bench will do.... (Or any dream for that matter???)

Severe dose of Arillasitis (to quote TerryW) today. Somehow the forum isn't enough to satisfy me today. Oh well, only 19 weeks to get through till for real....



Doggie !!

I remember a little fellow taking a walk out with us when Elaine and I were over last October ....Let me see ..... no just checked he was a dark little doggie not the same one at all. Nice to have company tho eh?

Cheers Nan xx


I took Lara and Cookie on a beach odyssey all round the circle one night in September 2008. Well the truth is they took me.

From Olga's home at Elena Stella, past Artemis, Vavilas and Bardis Sun, then onto the sand. The dogs went mental, rushing in and out of the waves. But whenever I sat on a bench (that night I sat on all of them...) Lara jumped on my lap and Cookie sat by my feet with his chin on my toes. Walked right past the Nut and Malibu. Didn't take any money so no visit there, and don't think me and two dogs would have been very popular wandering in covered in sand...

The point is Nan luvver, company can  take many forms, just like you said. That night it was two dogs.

Lynn luvver - not "two soups." Sorry darling, just couldn't resist...



Quote from: vivian on February 28, 2010, 04:52:57 PM
Hi Erja, did you ever hear the story of Pooley and his little friend following Pete and I to Arillas, we did take them back home the next day but by the time we got back to Arillas Bay they were waiting for us and just never left. Luckily they got adopted but pooley's little pal died about 2006 I think.

Awwww! I did not know about his little pal. What a cute story about the canine villagers :)
Life is good ;)


Quote from: justphil on February 28, 2010, 08:05:22 PM
Lynn luvver - not "two soups." Sorry darling, just couldn't resist...

Lol, Phil, it's taken this long for me to understand that one!!!  (Well, only about 17 hours then!!  Or at least I think I do!)  ;)

lynn xx


Life has been good to the folks of Arillas and surrounding areas today.

17 deg outside now, at 4:30 pm. This has moved up a degree in the last 30 mins.
A non windy and calm day, and thats only Wegg.

Arillas beach front a pleasure to stroll along and clic a pic ( Now I can )


Who remembers that really good looking house being built last year?

Taking shape nicely eh?

The only other two people I saw on "the front" were an English couple, taking it easy at Helens Creperie - Didn't know they opened in the afternoon!
Anyway , they declined a photo and who am I to break into their "Chill out" time!

So, maybe a pic of the Alabanian Mountains to keep us going!

If you squint, squint and then squint you may just see them
( Must start using our new camera soon! )

Now..... Remember those recent pics of the landslide at Mon Amour. This one will give you all just an idea of how much soil came down that slope!

You just have to imagine that the original slope actually overlapped that tarmac road.

Finally , but not for the squeamish ! - One of our moggies keeps bringing home rats.
( Dead rats but that's not the point )
This one has been artistacally arranged for identification.
(By me and not Wegg I must add-She hates it when I chase her with them!)

We don't really want to find these outside our patio doors in the morning but equally we find it difficult to identify the culprit.



Butter wouldn't melt ....... and all that ole nonsense.


ps - in the time it's taken me to post this the temp has now gone up to 19,3 deg !


Its the first day of Spring, and Eggy is back. Thanks for the Pics and News again Neil.

I found this earlier ...

Eggy has been doing this for two and a half years, and in the words of the song by Freiheit Thanks for "Keeping The Dream Alive" throughout the year.

I think all of Eggy's photos would go well with the song, next project I think.



Quote from: Eggy on March 01, 2010, 04:48:55 PM



:D which ever it was, I think they have earned their keep :D

Thank you for the other pictures too Eggy :)
Life is good ;)

Sandy x

Great report Negg....spring is in the air.....
Sandy x


Terrific report, Neill, thanks for posting.

lynn xx

p.s. will pm you  :)


Hi Neil,
Thank you so much for your reports and photos
they mean a lot to all of us up here in the cold longing for the sunshine and sea!!!
Can I buy you and your Mrs. a drink when I return in June?
It would be really nice to meet you.
Connie x


Great report & photos Eggy [except the rat one :(] - thank you.
I wonder which is the guilty one, Megg or Homer? How are they getting on these days, are they friends yet?

Looks a beautiful day & 19.3 deg - Wow! wish I was there.

Villa Theia is available rent. For more details see:-


Wonderful report and photos - thank you Eggy!  Loved your cat photos as well - the top one reminds me of my Tiger, who sadly isn't with us anymore.
He was a huge beast of a cat who used to frighten the local dogs away...!!

Janis x


Thanks Neil for the lovely photos and report.  How are the cats getting along now.  And exactly how old are you!!  Chasing Wegg with the rats LOL. 

Sharon x