Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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3mm of rain , yesterday evening , with a tad of lightening plus a power cut from around 9ish to 10.15ish. Many torches being flashed along the road, and why not, as safe is best. -
Poor Tavernas trying to cope with customers food orders but , generally , a rally round, look after each other, type of evening.
Arillas Today?? - 25 deg at 6pm with a dry and a sort of "Wot rain? - Wot power cut? , type of day"


A question for y'all.
How does 17deg at 9am become 30 deg at 6:30pm. - Do not leave yer house , in the morning, wearing a donkey jacket and long johns as you will regret it by 3 o'clock. - You would look silly anyway. - Turtkey foot or Kevin wearing this attire?? - Gives me an edache finking baht it!!



What lovely words, thank you all. I had an ace chilled week, weather was perfect and the company was great! Was really nice to bump into Eggy and also got to see so much more of the Island this time ..... don't often venture past the Tria!

The wedding was really lovely, I was quite emotional watching my little un make his vows.

Hope you are all ok and I'll keep popping back on here, had forgotten how much I enjoy the forum.
Cheryl O


Hi Cheryl - sounds fantastic. Have you any photos you could share. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would live to see some. Love weddings in Arillas.


Hi Sonia, he got married in the UK, I had a week away afterwards to chill and re-charge. My daughter had a wedding on the beach in 2017 and I think there are some photos of that on here.
Cheryl O


Sorry Cheryl. Misunderstood. 


Good to see you post Cheryl and know you are well.... 🙂
Wolverhampton Wanderers, pride of The Midlands......


Arillas today wakes up to find out the really terrible news, reference Thomas Cook. I am sure we all feel very sad for not only those who lose their holdiday but also the "flight only" guys ---- Plus of course any Taverna/Hotel that deals with TC. -
I will not dwell about this , on this topic , but have some news which some may find of interest. This will be on "General Chat"

Maeanwhile heavy rain is forecast, here , tonight so maybe a batten down of hatches is in order.


I think this is one of the saddest Arillas Today's that I could possibly post! - Many here feeling badly about many others and actually showing real concern. - This is what Arillas is all about!! - Every one will join ranks here , albeit on holiday or Taverna and Hotel owners.
See it to fully understand it. - You are not just "Bums on Seats" in Arillas.

Mind you ---- It may not stop that bad weather forecast tonight!! - But.... Who gives a monkeys?? (Low priority compared to other problems)


Some years ago the collapse of TC would have hit Arillas hard as quite a lot of places were attached to the tour company.
The Tria Adelphia is now the only place that was still with TC, I believe they are mostly indipendant now.  Tria were soon doing their part in trying to assist customers today and I am sure they will be fine in the future.
Visitors to Arillas come via all forms of travel,
from what I have seen and read most british visitors opt for Easyjet or Ryanair.
For those out there at the moment repatriation will be made. Feel sorry for those booked to travel with TC. As you say Neill.
"This is what Arillas is all about".... looking after each other. By doing that,


Well said , John , and I am sure that if you enter the forums for Ag. Steph/Ag. George/Sidari etc you will find exactly the support they offer to thier favourite places as you offer Arillas. - For all, they are 2nd homes that you can only get to "now n again" , work permitting,

Life moves on, but a tad slower than it moved yesterday. - We currently sit and cautiously await some thunder n lightening.
I cannot remember that far back when we only had 23deg outside at 7:15pm. - Feels bloody cold to me.

Arillas , tomorrow morning ?? - Maybe a wettie but drying quicker than my eyes when I miss a 180.
Cheers to you n Dot

Graham and Kay

The Tria along with Phillip, Helen and Yannis is a fantastic place and people to be with.

No doubt they will suffer a little due to them losing the TC guaranteed income.

Fortunately,  they also have a regular band of returnees and now is the time to try to get that extra visit in to show our allegiance to the family.

Looking forward to being there again May 14th.
Wolves are Premier League


Arrilas today sees us packing our cases. Last night tonight. Tomorrow we travel home.
This has been our longest stay. (28 nights).
Wish we could stay longer but have to go home sometime.
Weather's been brilliant.
Beach has been brilliant.
Every meal has been brilliant.
Athina is now one of our favourite places to eat.
As Arnie said " we'll be back "

Barry and Christine.


Hi Barry

Glad you had a fantastic time thanks for the report
