Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Thanks so much t'other Phil for sharing the last week with us. It has made Phil and I more determined to spend our last days (years) in Arillas. Just need those evasive 6 numbers and we can do it sooner rather than later. Oh why did I marry a toy boy - oh yes cos I love him to the moon and back. Have a safe journey and I hope you two are not too depressed when you get back to Somerset. Luv and hugs Anne xx
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)


Good job Phil! I hope your journey back to the Old Blighty is slightly less uneventful than on the way to Arillas.

Big hugs to you and Jen :)
Life is good ;)


Glad you enjoyed yourselves P&J ,storms or sunshine Arillas is always a place where you can enjoy ,I bet there will be a few empty bottles of Mythos left behind ready to go back to the brewery for replenishing for next season :-)


That went so quickly Phil, have loved reading all about your week, what a blast!

You came in on a wing and a prayer and a had week of love, fun and laughter.  Love the photos from Armourada.

Thanks for taking the time to post every day for us, it really cheered up a wet miserable week here.

Sharon  x


Thanks for sharing your time back home with us Phil & Jen as usual such entertaining reading wishing you a safe and uneventful  trip back to Somerset. Looking forward to the pictures as promised.

Al Sal & Becs


November 3rd? - Sitting at Marina Pool Bar? - Outside???


Safe journeys back to Glastonbury , you two.

Tis been fun , DONCHERKNOW!


Val n Bill

Right, I must say I am very, very sorry for sending Phil and Jen home early. I read his post on 2nd Nov to mean that he was going home.
When I re-read it yesterday I realised he was saying goodbye to the forum. Hence the 'Phil is Missing Post'.
Well after the intervention of a very wise man that was avoided.

So now I will repeat........Safe journey home tomorrow, and we look forward to you posting photos of the rest of your wonderful holiday.

                Val x 
The love affair continues.


Glad you had a great time Phil/ Jen now back to Glastonbury where the local pubs takings have taken a dive , I'm sure now takings will return to profit lol welcome back muccas love ya,s  x yammas


Arillas Today. - Heyyyyyyyy Or Hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy............

Who knows? - Who gives a monkeys?

We have 20 deg outside here at 6pm.
We Had a super non wet free afternoon.
We had locals asking if Phil n Jen got home on time n safely
We had locals swapping jokes that we swapped 6 months ago.
(Who cares - we can all still chuckle about them)

I HAD - A trip to Afionas, then a trip to Sidari, then a trip to Agios Stehanos and then finished at Armourdada.

5th November - The only fireworks I got was when I got home 2 hours after schedule time.! ( Bless my Wegg - She has a heart of gold!)



Quote from: Eggy on November 05, 2012, 06:11:31 PM
5th November - The only fireworks I got was when I got home 2 hours after schedule time.! ( Bless my Wegg - She has a heart of gold!

Ha Ha, Nothing changes on that front then Neill


Arillas Today?? - and Phil n Jen are a couple of old buggers!

What did they leave me on their return to the UK?
What did they leave Kostas (Marvel) ?

We are both going around like bears with sore heads!
And why?

Who was it that that had those head colds creeping in last week?

You lil ole tinkers you! - You could have found a small space in that suitcase for this lil ole virus.

We still luv ya to bits tho but I will be recording all our sneezes here and then send them to you on a CD.

21 deg outside - and dry. - 22 deg inside and wet - But only the hankie.

Neb - Or is it Neff - How do you say that with a blocked nobe?

Val n Bill

Hope it soon passes Neill, just keep it to yourself and don't try sharing it with your lovely Wegg.

                       Val x
The love affair continues.


Get well soon Neill.
At least you don't have to face the frost and chilly weather over here.
At the moment July seems a long way off until we can get back there!!


Just read your Octember posts, PhilnJen (been in London decorating at son's) and what a joy they were! Lovely to hear of lovely folk, including yourselves. Thanks, Mo x


Just looked on w eb c am. It is 21.25 according to my computer.

The big light is still showing up, so you can see the waves after dark. I wish I were on my bench watching it for myself on November 7th. Feeling totally at peace.