Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Jo Wissett

My swing looks just DIVINE Eggy. You really have NO idea the pleasure a picture like that gives me!! Pat and Annette, are you the couple who have met my mum and dad and were participating in the web cam wave??! If not, sorry for the mistaken identity and whatever your sadness is I hope that it gets easier xx

Val n Bill

Just have to say it was not Phil and Jen by the bar doing some dirty dancing. They were in the back.......Phil was dancing and very well too, Jen was being the lady she always is. Saw the couple in question last night, seemed to be Eastern European.
Last day for many today including Valnbill and PhilnJen.
Sadness all round :(

Wish everyone arriving a wonderful time...... just like we have had.

Many many thanks to everyone we met far too many to list, but love to Eggy, Phil and Jen, John and Dot, Nan(Ann) Adrianne and Dave and their lovely family for all the nice chats we had....... See you soon Arillas 8) xxxx

           Leaving at 1.30am a VERY SAD Valnbill xxxxx
The love affair continues.


ValnBill n PhilnJen

I will try my very best to see you all afore you leave.
But a twinge of hectic morning as Wegg damaged her hand a few days ago.
X-Rays, this morning in Acharavi, shows a broken "something" and we've just come back from Arillas Dr Papadopoulos. Wegg is now "Sort of Plastered"

Ne'er mind. I can wash up - Maybe 5 weeks could be too much though!

Arillas Today - Changed each time.


Poor Wendy, I hope she isn't in too much pain. I hope you feel guilty now Mr Eggy, gallivanting off to get news for Arillas Today, whilst your dear wife is slaving away in the garden :-(.

You do realise that when you go out together, for the next few weeks, you are going to look like a matching pair, with your bandage and wendy's plaster.

Here's to a quick recovery Wendy x.


Quote from: Eggy on July 29, 2011, 12:46:16 PMI will try my very best to see you all afore you leave.But a twinge of hectic morning as Wegg damaged her hand a few days ago.

X-Rays, this morning in Acharavi, shows a broken "something" and we've just come back from Arillas Dr Papadopoulos. Wegg is now "Sort of Plastered"

Oh dear! I hope she is not in pain (apart from the usual ear ache!) and pass my best wishes to her :)
Life is good ;)

Val n Bill

Neill just you make sure you do a lot more than the washing up, and look after Wendy the way she looks after you, so sorry she has to be immobilized for a while and hope that she is not in any pain.

Please don't worry if you can't get to say goodbye, we understand.

Last meal for Valnbill tonight guess where?

                       Val x
The love affair continues.


I usually can take all life has to throw at me.
But...... a one armed womed who wants thing done perfectly??
Aaaagggrh! - Quick, book me a flight to the UK!

Arillas today has been a very sad, but warming goodbye to some and a very welcoming "log fire" to others.

26 deg being "suffered" at 9 ish and one armed Wegg is watering the garden.
( There's no 'arm in that I 'spose? - And she's not totally 'armless )

I wish Phil n Jen and Val n Bill a very relaxed journey home and add these wishes to all that are leaving today. Rain shows on our super duper "Radio Weather Controller" but I can't remember the last time it got a result so I just may chuck in down the hill and leave it to grow into something interesting.

Stay well all "Arillas Today" leavers and tell us all soon of your break here.



Quote from: Eggy on July 29, 2011, 08:52:47 PM
I usually can take all life has to throw at me.
But...... a one armed womed who wants thing done perfectly??
Aaaagggrh! - Quick, book me a flight to the UK!

Arillas today has been a very sad, but warming goodbye to some and a very welcoming "log fire" to others.

26 deg being "suffered" at 9 ish and one armed Wegg is watering the garden.
( There's no 'arm in that I 'spose? - And she's not totally 'armless )

I wish Phil n Jen and Val n Bill a very relaxed journey home and add these wishes to all that are leaving today. Rain shows on our super duper "Radio Weather Controller" but I can't remember the last time it got a result so I just may chuck in down the hill and leave it to grow into something interesting.

Stay well all "Arillas Today" leavers and tell us all soon of your break here.

Sounds like you are 'One Armed and Eggstremely Dangerous' with your watering can in hand!


M n M


Didn't they tell you that it takes six weeks to mend a break and then a few weeks of gentle exercise before heavy lifting like washing up, so maybe you should give Wendy a 3 month holiday before easing her slowly back into work.
Wendy make him suffer, just think how long you have had to look after him.

Luv you both and see you next year, Mick.


Jaz - We're "up market" here and have two hose pipes but if she can't get to that garden for a few weeks the "dangerous/irritable" may just happen
Mick - Bearing the above in mind I am keeping quiet about "6 weeks plus"
Looks like Jo and Family have a breezy morning welcome to Arillas Today.

Just been out and re-staked two Tommy plants that had blown over.
(Tis a pleasant 23/24 deg at 9:30 am, though)

So.... A camera jobbie may be in order for the beach today.
(As long as I remember to take it with me)



Enjoyed the recent beach pictures, Eggy, so am looking forward to more of them.  Looks like the beach is in pretty good condition this year.

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon


Even with the breeze today , the beach is holding up to the elements.
(And it didn't deter many people from enjoying it)

A little bird - Well OK - Son of Jo Wisset - Told me she was enjoying the beach,as well

....I only managed 1 pic as the camera batteries decided to die on me.

You'lll just have to take my word for it on the other planned photos. ______________________________________________________________
Heard , on the Arillas grapevine about 2 hours ago , that there is a large forest fire around Skripero. Many concerned locals here especially as there are a few mountain villages dotted around there and most surrounded by vegetation.
Reckon that my fireman neighbour may be involved in these and when I find out more I will let you know. Very experienced lot these firefighters!

Meanwhile, the day still sits with 30deg at 6:30 pm and the prospect of rain has now vanished from our super duper weather machine.

And.... You gotta "hand" it to Wegg as she copes very well "Single handed"
My tasks tonite are peal spuds and wash up.
(Should have said "Peel" but some spelling errors always have a ring to 'em)

And.... Is it me, or is it a tad quiet today without Phil n Jen?


Thanks for your report Eggy, lively and interesting as usual.
Hoping for a speedy recovery for your wife and give my regards to
all Arillas friends. Wishing everyone a lovely holiday.

A bit worried about the fires though and I hope they don't spread.
In the past, I've seen in Portugal how much damage those fires can do.

Connie x


Eggy dear - I may be wrong but Im sure Phil and Jen are still in Arillas, they flew out on monday 11th for 3 weeks I thought ?? could be wrong.

Was it not the Skripero area that had a bad fire a few years back ?Hope they get it under control.


Quote from: Eggy on July 30, 2011, 06:40:22 PM

Heard , on the Arillas grapevine about 2 hours ago , that there is a large forest fire around Skripero. Many concerned locals here especially as there are a few mountain villages dotted around there and most surrounded by vegetation.
Reckon that my fireman neighbour may be involved in these and when I find out more I will let you know. Very experienced lot these firefighters!

Yikes! ??? I hope they get it under control and keep us posted Eggy.
Life is good ;)