Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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I often do that walk at about seven, but the beach is quite shady as I remember it.  I'll have a look through my collection...

lynn xx


Hi all,
I posted an early morning photo on my
"Connie's Arillas Memories" page 22,
it's Img 1270 two Seagulls.

Connie x


Early morning on the beach this was taken in July 2008 around 7am
In the picture is Dimitris who was then working the sunbeds on the north side that year. I used to go down evry morning and have a chat whilst he was setting up.

Baldy Barry

This one was taken about 5.30 am last year !
Hope I don't burn !


Great photo BB, thanks!

Connie x


About 0600hrs Greek time

Stay Nude it ante rude


I think this is sunrise Oct 2004 if I remember correctly

Stay Nude it ante rude


Thanks for the photos BB and Viv. I think one word can describe the two from Viv - Serenity


Sunrise over the Village from the Akti October  11th 2009

Turned out to be a nice day as I recall.

Ann K

Lovely photo's but I think Viv's must be sunset as it doesn't rise over the sea.  I try to walk early mornings but sometimes it's just so hard to make the effort.  Only 16 sleeps to heaven!


brilliant john think thats  from the room we had june 2009, room 3???
we were at the back this year, views of the village and gardens, made a lovely change!
ger x


I found some - taken about 7.30 am in 2008


Anne K is right: it must be a sunset, as the sun rises in the east
on the other side of the Island. But it's a lovely photo anyway, cheers!

Connie x


Remember Barry's video?


Hmm When I looked at it I thought theres something wrong here but I didn't click what it was. I will try and find the one of sunrise. lol. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude