Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Dear All - just thought I should put the record straight and say that I have done some of the painting of the railings because Eggy hates doing the fiddly bits in the corners.  Would hate for you all to think that I spend all day lounging on a sun bed weilding a whip while Eggy slaves away!

Mrs Egg


Nice one Mrs Egg. I think the fiddly bits get on blokes nerves, cos they have chunkier fingers. I think once the cooler weather sets in, the railings will be sorted. At least the paint will be easier to handle. I`m having trouble getting the hedgehog to get startred!


Life is good ;)



Here I am buzzing around on the Forum while Wegg's outside planting parsnip seeds.

22 deg at midday with a slight breeze but sunny. No clouds in the sky. What a good day for gardening. I'm very pleased for her.


I love parsnips. They are an aphrodisiac!! Why else do you think toyboy ended up in a bush?


Arillas this afternoon a very lovely place to be in !!
Calm sea, people taking it easy on the beach and a very respectable 26/27 deg.
How nice is that???
Met Lyn & Colin, here for the first time,and enjoying it all. Bumped into Viv, nearly didn't see her - Get some high heels girl!!
And... Suzanne Simcox with Roger going home tomorrow.
How sad is that???
What a nice day though. ( Breathes contented sigh )


It sounds idyllic Eggy. I bet you heard viv before you saw her,lol. Only joking viv. You do sound contented Eggy, are you cooking for Mrs Egg later? We`ve had our chuck, and roasties etc, and now I`m peckish again. Could you send me a Sprite please?!? Bfn.


Arillas today? - Looked good,
As for me, I spent a very pleasant 2 1/2 - 3 hrs in the Coconut Bar with:-
Suzanne & Roger
Stacey & Peter
Colin & Lyn
Sinbads girl and Sinbads little gril
Wendy & Stuart.
Oh, and Vivian joined us for a while.
A Forum takeover bid, at Coconut, and a good time all round.
Arillas beach & weather?- S'okay - Didn't see much of it. Got home in one piece though.


Meant Tracey & Peter in above post - Not Stacey.


Too many ouzos then Neggy!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


And very nice they were too Sue. - But they do affect the eye and finger co-ordination a bit. - Not super for the memory either, sometimes.
But you just have to persevere and do your best.


Eggy, It was very nice to meet you, brief as it was. We did spot you and Mrs egg, and Ivan and Mrs Ivan at Brouklis one night. I didn't but in, (you probably wouldn't recognise me with clothes on) ,as we saw that you were all about to leave. Anyway, we did visit the cocnut on an afternoon, but you weren.t there. Sorry we missed you. I had a few things to sort out when i was there, and a week just passes too fast! I hope to meet you again when i visit Arillas. (probably next year.) I hope you got your painting done eventually. Maggie.


Thought it was you Maggie but not sure. I didn't feel sure enough to walk the length of Brouklis to find out.
( 4 ladies being approached by strange looking man - Embarrassing if I was wrong.)
Nearly popped back to Tria Adelphia but when you're on holiday and enjoying the pool etc you don't need intrusions.
Hope you sorted out all your other things.
Best Wishes All


Sat 22nd Sept.
Arillas today. - NICE


No roving report Eggy? Come on.