A to Z - Photographs of Arillas and Corfu

Started by TerryW, August 08, 2007, 01:15:09 PM

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If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


I'll second that Eileen with regard to the B for Baby.  Very exciting!

Terry, could you tell me where the restaurant is with the Y for Yellow Menu?  Looks like a stunning view.


Sandy x

Eileen - do we really need to see the nappies? That may be taking things just a bit too far....
Sandy x


Fiona, its the Paradise Taverna and you will have passed it on your way  to Arillas from the Airport. Its on a hairpin bend as you climb up towards the Troumpeta Pass. The views really are stunning. I would only stop there for a drink though.


Quote from: Sandy Davies on September 07, 2007, 03:26:18 PM
Eileen - do we really need to see the nappies? That may be taking things just a bit too far....

Yes you are quite right Sandy...some naughty but nice person may not be able to resist a P for poo-eee...

Your holiday deserves a place like this...


Villa Linakis on FB


Thanks Terry - I know exactly where you mean now.
Stunning views!


Hi all you Photographers of Arillas.  Have just received the following email from FileHigh:-  It is with regret that I am writing to inform you that FileHigh.com is closing down.  Unfortunately, we are in a position where it is no longer viable to continue offering our hosting services.
In order to minimize the disruption to you, and to allow you reasonable time to make alternative hosting arrangements, we shall continue to host the images currently in your account until 22nd September 2007.
As part of our shutdown process, inactive (i.e. not recently accessed) files have already been removed from some accounts.  If you find that there are images missing from your account for which you do not have copies, please email admin@filehigh.com and we shall attempt to retrieve these files from our offsite backup.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause to you.
From:FileHigh Admin <admin@filehigh.com>

It looks like our pics on this site will disappear if we use filehigh - any suggestions as to what to do next would be welcome.

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon



I have been looking in to this problem over the weekend.

Basically you just need to transfer the photos to another "hosting" web site and then edit the relative tag for each photograph posted.

The only problem is with trying to find a "hosting" web site, that will not disappear in the future. The hosting websites have to be funded some how and it is usually from advertisements, popups, etc. and if the funds are not available the site has to be closed down.

I already use Imageshack and Photobucket and it is very easy to go over the storage limit.

I am going to dual source my photos so that each photograph is stored on two different hosting sites, so that if one does go bump, it will be easy  to edit the links and I will not have to re-upload my pictures.

The link below contains a list hosting web sites.



Hi Terry
Many thanks for the swift reply.
Will see how I get on.
Best wishes

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon


B for Bar Entrance -

How many times do you cross this bridge in a week?


C for Corner Table at Brouklis

Who has sat at this table?



E for Eggy, the one in the middle for anybody that he hasn't had a chance to chat with yet. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Stay Nude it ante rude