Internet access

Started by mumsy2, June 01, 2006, 06:36:27 PM

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How good is the internet and in what form is at accessible?  Dial up, modem or Broadband. Or will I need a few Pringle tubes and wi-fi's :wink: I love Corfu and its people but I will miss my Broadband for research for my book . I am hoping the relaxing atmosphere of Corfu will give me inspiration.  Cant wait to make my home there.  Mumsy2


Hi Mumsy & welcome to the forum. The best person to speak to about this would be Dimitri, this is his site & he is a wizz with computers. You're probably best off sending him a personal message as he always replies to them but doesn't always have time to look at all the forum messages, hope this helps, Carol2
Get the beers in!


Hi Carol,

just realised I didnt thank you for your reply.  I did as you said.  I think I'm going to have to wait a bit.  Anyhow thanks again.  Marie


Things may have changed but when my Mum was looking at putting a telephone in her house in Arillas the best option for broadband was ASDL which is effectively two normal telephone lines merged into one, this is easily fast enough for standard surfing and small downloads, for heavier users I don't know what the best option would be. I did see some Wifi signs in the resort but whether they actually work is a different matter.


Thanks Joe,

I am not a heavy user, but I have go so used to just keying in for any bit of info .  With broadband you can be on the internet all day long with just the rental to pay for.  How does telephone charges compare with the uk?  Thanks again  Marie


Normally ADSL/ISDN packages come as a subscription service so you pay one price and surf as much as you want, the main provider that I know of in Greece is Forthnet, click here to be taken to their English website, its a little clunky to navigate but their are plenty of choices for different speeds & packages at reasonable prices. They do say they cover all of Greece but I would guess the high speeds are only available in the mainland areas. You check availably on their website by putting in a local telephone number, I used my Mums and it came back unavailable but gave me a list of alternate services available so at least there are some (albeit) relatively slow choices.


I read on another Forum that satellite broadband is available in Corfu now for about 25 euros a month. The company is called GoBroadband. 

The person who wrote was fed-up waiting for Otenet's broadband and is very pleased with the satellite service. This is what she wrote to me in an email if it helps: 

"... went to in Corfu town . Their technician came
with his laptop,stood on the roof and tested the signal to the nearest
transmitter. They told me I would need the 180 cm dish and LNB. It cost
220 euros and that included all the work involved. The broadband service
costs around 25 euros a month. They installed it all in one day, were
great, no trouble.

The office is in Corfu town. Walk up past the police station near San
Rocco and take the first street on the left. Walk right down past the
other shops, and the GOBroadband shop is on the left, with a green banner
in the window.".....end quote



That's really good to know, hopefully I can get my mum online one of these days, she won't believe me that she'll be able to call me for free then, I'll keep working on her.


I think the go broadband in Corfu would be   -  not they appear to be two different ones, the .com seems to serve the US. of course not having seen the shop I may be wrong, but it seems to make sense.  Marie


Quote from: mumsy2 on February 12, 2007, 04:41:12 PM
I think the go broadband in Corfu would be   -  not they appear to be two different ones, the .com seems to serve the US. of course not having seen the shop I may be wrong, but it seems to make sense.  Marie

You're right Marie !  Sorry I jumped in a bit quick with the URL.

For those interested the email address is:
Postal address:  10 Sotiros str, Corfu, Greece, 49100
telephone: 2661035040
