Apartment facilities

Started by turkeyfoot, October 14, 2010, 07:17:43 PM

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How many of us have stood in a small shower enclosure, with the shower curtain sticking to you, holding the shower head in one hand and a bar of soap in another, standing on one foot trying to get clean?
There is now an answer for something that seems to be lacking in many greek apartments, a shower head holder.
Bettaware now have a self adhesive shower head holder that can be stuck onto any shower wall to hold the shower head in place, leaving both hands free, one for the sponge and one for the soap.
Simple but effective
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than  to speak up and remove all doubt.


It's more fun fighting the curtain

Val n Bill

Chasing the shower head may be annoying but it makes me feel that I am really on holiday at last, not to keen on the wet  curtain though. LOL

The love affair continues.


I've always found something to attach the showerhead to.
But I am gifted  ))


Hi gifted

Personnaly I find the hook on the shower head to small to attach to anything of consequence, so I have to use a  overhead shower head
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than  to speak up and remove all doubt.


Thanks for the info Turkeyfoot, can you get them anywhere else?  Or can you go online at Bettaware, we dont get the brochures delivered anymore.

Sharon x


Hi Sharon
Have only seen them in Bettaware book. If I see them anywhere else I will let you know
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than  to speak up and remove all doubt.

Jo Wissett

Haha 4x4, funny.  Love the new profile pick. :-)

M n M


Have to confess I usually take a small tool kit everywhere I go so I can fix fit or improve my surroundings. Last year I dismantled the shower hook and tightened it up so I could use it.

Must rugby tackle the Betterware  person next time they deliver next door. ( They know of me so don't call)

I hope "The Village" don't mind the nails in the ceiling when I fit the Mosquito net.

" The Village"  Hope there is not a great big rubber balloon patrolling the pool area


I am not a number, I am a free man....


Val n Bill

 Phil, now you  have got a new nickname LOL

The love affair continues.

Paul & Denise

Nails? sticky backed velcro ........................ it's the future! Always use it to fit nets at windows to keep mosies out and let air in.


Hi Paul & Denise

Superb idea
I am off to the shops