Started by mr_ccurtis, June 09, 2010, 02:57:58 PM

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`Would I go back to Arillas ?` lets consider it.
 If you like to go out for a good meal [ and there`s plenty of places to go to ] but don`t mind paying dear for a drink with it 9/10 e  for ltr of wine, 4.50 for baileys or whiskey, soft drinks are more expensive 3.50/4.50 e for coke lite or 7.50 e for sprte.
 If you don`t mind the narrow roads being used as a race track by young and sometimes not so young drivers with cars or bikes that have no silencers fitted.
 If you don`t mind walking down a road that has a metal bar sticking out of the ground to a hight of 2 inches/50mm. forming a bad trip hazard. [ outside Akti ] or deep concrete ditches that you could break a leg trying to get out of the way of a young driver who thinks it`s alright not to give you room to walk.
 If you don`t mind staying in an appartment where the drains smell ,the electric switches and sockets are falling off the walls and bare wires are taped up with insulating tape. and the shower only has warm smelly water if the sun shines, and the basins have no plugs.
 If you don`t mind paying double for items in the super markets compared to those in Sidari or Archaravi  ie: 21 e for a bottle of whisky in Arillas 11 e in Archaravi other food items are the same comparision
We have allready booked another month this year but I feel some of the above items should be rectified health and safety IS important.


Chris, you raise a number of interesting points.

I'm not best qualified to debate drinks prices as I don't drink a great amount or price watch, I'm sure others on the forum will comment.
  I've yet to see cars/bikes with no silencers racing.
  I've not seen the metal bar,to whom did you report it to ?
I've never been put off the road by a driver while walking, though I have had to drive around pedestrians who have left there road sense at home.
I din't know where you stayed, these are issues for the apartment owner and tour op. (if you used one)
Things wil always be a little more expensive in a village, but they are not generally by a factor of 2.
I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday in Arillas and have seen fit to re-book. Can I ask if you are going back to the same accomodation?


Quote from: Ivan on June 09, 2010, 03:39:38 PM
Chris, you raise a number of interesting points.

I'm not best qualified to debate drinks prices as I don't drink a great amount or price watch, I'm sure others on the forum will comment.
  I've yet to see cars/bikes with no silencers racing.
  I've not seen the metal bar,to whom did you report it to ?
I've never been put off the road by a driver while walking, though I have had to drive around pedestrians who have left there road sense at home.
I din't know where you stayed, these are issues for the apartment owner and tour op. (if you used one)
Things wil always be a little more expensive in a village, but they are not generally by a factor of 2.
I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday in Arillas and have seen fit to re-book. Can I ask if you are going back to the same accomodation?
[/quote Yes Ivan we just spent a month in arillas ,we will go back to Arillas for another month this year as we have done for the past 8 years but not to the same appartment .
   As for the cars speeding Dimitri now parks his car outside Brouklis which he calls his sleeping policeman. As for the prices I mentioned they are there for all to see and  no I neither drink  a lot or` J ` walk, I dont want to put any one off going to this wunderfull and special place but I wouden`t like to see a child knocked down killed either.


I stayed in the Akti at the beginning of May this year and July last year , and havent seen the offending 'bar' sticking out the ground , the prices you quoted dont follow the ones i paid a month ago ...... we bought 2 x 1.5lt bottles of coke to put in our fridge and only paid 7e for both ...... as for the bottle of whisky you may be right as Kostas and Perry in the Coconut now have to pay twice the cost price they paid last year , but i think you only have had to watch recent news to understand why ......and surely when you add either car hire or bike hire , + fuel and time .... the 11e you can get the whisky for starts to not look like such a good deal , and surely if you are there a month at a time you would go to a bigger supermarket for the months surplies?

As for car drivers , i walk the 'circuit' most days when im there and never have had any trouble , the locals are always curteous when they go to drive past you ........ so as it is like anywhere in the world , outsiders are spoiling peoples view of the lovely resort .
As for the smell you get from the drains , blame the british .... we helped them put in their drainage system all those years ago .... it was never designed for the volumes of tourists they get , or is it capable of dealing with the paper some tourists still insist should be flushed away rather than placed in the bin ...... a lot of the private villas , rooms and hotels use 'solar' heating the most cost efficient way for them ... think about them thru the winter months !! just remember Arillas is in Greece , not England  , thats why we all love the place so much


Quote from: Mike'n'Hailey on June 09, 2010, 05:42:17 PM
just remember Arillas is in Greece , not England  , thats why we all love the place so much

I concur Mike'n'Hailey. This is the bottom line and point well made.
Life is good ;)


All our friends in Arillas need our help thru their countries financial mess , and i personally would rather pay more in Arillas and still have the friends there on my next visit than line the pockets of people i dont know , or dont contribute to my having a nice time on my holidays

Jo Wissett

I was mightily relieved when the extremely negative post ended up with positives, phew! What Mike 'n' Hailey posted made good sense and although those drink prices did make me gasp a little, if they are correct it is just something we will have to put up with I suppose, if we want to visit this little piece of heaven. As for the scooters, I feel that any main road in Greece would be much the same.  This is why we spend so much of our holiday on the beachfront.


Quote from: Mike'n'Hailey on June 09, 2010, 05:42:17 PM
I stayed in the Akti at the beginning of May this year and July last year , and havent seen the offending 'bar' sticking out the ground , the prices you quoted dont follow the ones i paid a month ago ...... we bought 2 x 1.5lt bottles of coke to put in our fridge and only paid 7e for both ...... as for the bottle of whisky you may be right as Kostas and Perry in the Coconut now have to pay twice the cost price they paid last year , but i think you only have had to watch recent news to understand why ......and surely when you add either car hire or bike hire , + fuel and time .... the 11e you can get the whisky for starts to not look like such a good deal , and surely if you are there a month at a time you would go to a bigger supermarket for the months surplies?

As for car drivers , i walk the 'circuit' most days when im there and never have had any trouble , the locals are always curteous when they go to drive past you ........ so as it is like anywhere in the world , outsiders are spoiling peoples view of the lovely resort .
As for the smell you get from the drains , blame the british .... we helped them put in their drainage system all those years ago .... it was never designed for the volumes of tourists they get , or is it capable of dealing with the paper some tourists still insist should be flushed away rather than placed in the bin ...... a lot of the private villas , rooms and hotels use 'solar' heating the most cost efficient way for them ... think about them thru the winter months !! just remember Arillas is in Greece , not England  , thats why we all love the place so much
The  offending bar as you put it is on the ground out side the swimingpool but if your head is in the clouds then no you wo`nt see it. the price of soft drinks I refered to were in the tavernas and i`m sure you woudn`t take 1.5 ltr bottles of coke in there. and I do know arillas is in greece but thanks for the comfomation. I to walk the circuit but a women with us was cliped by a car wing mirror allthough she was not hurt she was badly shaken. I hope this reply did not offend you, but is just a statement of facts.

Paul C

Would I go back to Arillas? Oh yes, to see the friends we have made both tourist and locals.
Those same locals who went out of their way to offer help when our airline went bust.
Those same locals who bust a gut to make sure our stay is perfect.
So the drinks in Sidari are cheaper, so what, I choose not to stay there.
And yes I like to drive a scooter when I'm there, but I do try to be courteous to other road users both motorised and pedestrian. We are not all Boy Racers you know.
I am pleased that you have chosen to return to Arillas, so obviously it's not all bad and I really hope you have a great time and if you're there in September pop into the Rainbow one evening and I'll buy you a drink(not too expensive of course) and we can put the world to rights.


Quote from: Paul C on June 09, 2010, 08:03:39 PM
Would I go back to Arillas? Oh yes, to see the friends we have made both tourist and locals.
Those same locals who went out of their way to offer help when our airline went bust.
Those same locals who bust a gut to make sure our stay is perfect.
So the drinks in Sidari are cheaper, so what, I choose not to stay there.
And yes I like to drive a scooter when I'm there, but I do try to be courteous to other road users both motorised and pedestrian. We are not all Boy Racers you know.
I am pleased that you have chosen to return to Arillas, so obviously it's not all bad and I really hope you have a great time and if you're there in September pop into the Rainbow one evening and I'll buy you a drink(not too expensive of course) and we can put the world to rights.
you sound like a nice chap paul and l would love to have a drink with you in september and yes I wouldn`t want to stay in Sidari either, I tried putting the world to rights once before but no one listened , and see what happened.


Thanks for confirming where the offending bar is im sure if Spiros and Kostas havent read the posts on here i can point it out to them to get sorted for you. Obviously during my stay i too went in the tavernas , and i still do not recall any soft drink being over priced ... we made a point of comparing them with july the year before and was pleasantly surprised as they were no dearer ..... ( if you read the post and you will see i bought the bottles to put in our fridge in our room , hope that clears up your confusion ).
I still cant believe that it was an Arillas local or part time resident that 'clipped' your friend , everyone takes a risk when they walk on a road with no paths ...... she was just unlucky .... but im sure i speak for a lot of people that would prefer negative comments like to be taken up in the resort at the time rather than put on here after you return home .....Greece and its islands are struggling enough without this kind of post ..... as you can tell im passionate about Arillas and my friends and family that live there so im sorry if my post seems harsh , they need support , they need people to still return year after year , and maybe , just maybe they will all survive the economic disaster their country is going thru

Paul C

That'll be a date then Chris and we must both try harder getting this world to rights.


To be fair folks mr curtis is not a new visitor to the village and is making his informed judgement, seems like he does spend a month or so each visit
Inflation happens we only have to look at ourselves here in good old blighty but there's a limit to what people will tolerate until they look at other holiday destinations
and this country of ours  is not out of recession yet and it may even dip back in so even more people watching their pennies


What an interesting post, but it should be deleted or moved. Anyone who is not a member could find the forum, to see what Arillas is like, and I don't think they would want to book after reading the post.

Its a longish post with the first 90% being very negative. Any post that puts off potential visitors is very bad news for Arillas, especially this year.

I am now asking Dimitris, formally, to move the post to the General Board where members who understand Mr Curtis's points of view can discuss it.


Quote from: TerryW on June 09, 2010, 09:46:15 PM
What an interesting post, but it should be deleted or moved. Anyone who is not a member could find the forum, to see what Arillas is like, and I don't think they would want to book after reading the post.

Its a longish post with the first 90% being very negative. Any post that puts off potential visitors is very bad news for Arillas, especially this year.

I am now asking Dimitris, formally, to move the post to the General Board where members who understand Mr Curtis's points of view can discuss it.

Non so blind as those who won`t see. censorship indeed.