August Fullmoon

Started by dimitris, August 07, 2009, 11:22:37 AM

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August Fullmoon;sa=view;id=194

Full-moon in Arillas viewed from the track to Agios Stefanos

On the attached picture below you can see the view from the roof of Nikos new place due to open next year
Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas


Paul D

Another great pic to add to the collection.   Thanks Dimitris.


Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!


I was only thinking last night, as the rain was pouring down outside, that we were in Arillas for the last full moon. It seems like it was months ago now.

Thats a beautiful photo Dimitris,  but can you stay up  till about 3.00am tomorrow morning, and take one with the moon over Gravia :-).



Thank you Dimitris :)
Life is good ;)


Spectacular photo, Dimitri, efharisto.

lynn xx

Sandy x

What a fantastic photo Dimitri....thanks
Sandy x




Very artistic and romantic! Typically Arillas.
Efcharisto, poli.


Stay Nude it ante rude


Great photo Dimitris!
My son called to see me he other day and saw your photo. He went to my piano and played 'The Moonlight Sonata' which was so appropriate!
See you soon,


OK - That's the final straw for me Dimitris.
Everyone has been posting pictures and stories about what a great time they are having in Arillas, meanwhile I'm stuck in rainy England desperately trying to raise enough money to finish my house before the current economic climate puts an end to my job and forces me into retirement before I am really ready.
Now you put this fantastic picture on the site which really does capture the spirit of Arillas - beauty and tranqulity beyond compare.
So, as expressed in another thread - SOD IT. I'm using some of my house money and coming for a holiday. Just booked a week on 4th. September - See you then!
Home is where the heart is - CORFU :-)

Jo Wissett

Haha Geoff, thats the spirit!! You have the rest of your life to finish off your house.  (Well thats the justification I use each year!!).  Enjoy!


Thanks Jo - I was beginning to feel guilty about spending the money on a holiday instead of some much needed work on the house, but your comments have made me feel much better about it.
Anyway, the house is liveable now (just about!), so if the job goes what the heck - I just won't be able to afford the luxury kitchen that I would like to have. Meantime, where's the point in having a liveable house in Corfu if I don't actually go and live in it - even if it is only for a week!
Home is where the heart is - CORFU :-)


Geoff, we have a home and boat we should be spending money on, but we said SOD IT too and booked Arillas, just like you and John B !!

I'm sure we'll all enjoy!  :D

lynn xx