If Carlsberg did holidays... A review of Villa Linakis

Started by Pommie, August 05, 2009, 12:10:03 PM

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Having hijacked Janet's thread on this delightful villa with a lot of nonsense whilst we were there, I thought I'd better start a new one for this review :-)

So what does make the perfect holiday?

It's a combination of things isn't it, and it's going to vary for different people.

We are a couple with an 11 year old son. We already loved Greece and were looking for a resort that would be a bit like Anaxos in Lesvos where we had made some wonderful friends over a period of years, but we felt we needed to move on and try somewhere else for our next visit.

We discovered Villa Linakis because Eileen advertises on a site called www.yourholidaymatters.com (we advertise there too with our holiday home in the Lake District). You can't advertise on this site without being vetted and providing references so that automatically gave Villa Linakis a quality guarantee for us. To be frank we initially thought that a villa holiday was rather expensive for the 3 of us, but as this year was (ahem) a major birthday for me we decided to splash out.

So was it worth it?

Well, let's take it step by step:

1.   The Villa Itself

What can you say about a villa that has everything?

We arrived slightly early so took Neil and Wendy by surprise as I think they had planned to be there to welcome us. We looked around and our grins became wider and wider as we moved around the villa and then we heard Neil ringing the bell. Neil (Eggy) &Wendy introduced themselves and instructed us on how to "use" the Villa and then they scooted tactfully off and left us to our own devices and a welcome swim to cool down before cracking open the wine that was in the fridge.

The villa itself is majorly comfortable – airy and spacious with leather sofas, flat screen TV, DVD player, Xbox, CD player, multiple balconies, a kitchen that's better equipped than ours at home, huge bathrooms and most welcome in July, air con in all the bedrooms.

Eileen and Keith have taken great care with the décor and has furnished the villa with a delightful mix of traditional Greek style and arty touches

that make you really appreciate that you are not just in a functional holiday apartment but in somebody's own holiday home.

There is nothing intimidating about it though – we didn't walk around not daring to touch anything – we just found ourselves admiring what they had done.

The pool and its surroundings were the big attraction for us when we booked and we were not disappointed.

Imagine yourself surrounded by an olive grove, floating on your back listening to the crickets and watching the buzzards tumbling and soaring in the late afternoon sun above your head. Now get out of the vast hammock and get into the pool! Maybe you want to swim a few lengths or play on the inflatables, or just float? The pool is yours – all yours. Now how cool is THAT?

The villa is situated in quiet area of Arillas and it is on a hill. For us this wasn't an issue although for elderly or frailer guests a car might be advisable. For me the hill gave a good excuse for a bit more indulgence once I had made it up the top! You can see where it is located on Dimitris' excellent Google Photo Map. The last 200 meters or so when you turn right into the olive groves are uphill.

Even though we were there in high summer we were not badly troubled by mosquitoes and I think that being higher up above the creeks and pools may have helped here as there is not much standing water around the villa. This was quite important to me as although they often ignore Linda and Tom they normally make a bee line for my tasty (and obviously more attractive) flesh.

The villa is about a 10-15 minute walk to the sea front, with the nearest mini market and bakery about 5 minutes away. (There is also a small shop just at the bottom of the hill before the Tria Adelphia studios)

Over the two weeks we were there a sort of natural rhythm established itself. Waking gently to the sound of the cocks crowing we'd get up and have some yoghurt and honey and coffee and then establish ourselves by the pool. By 9 o'clock the day was warming and the goat lady would have passed through the olive grove just above the villa with her herd of half a dozen goats, and the tractor man would have laboured up the hill in his antique machine.

The crickets would have begun to chirrup and the hard day's sunbathing would have started.

Now I am normally a bit "Type A" when I am holiday and rush around hiring cars and planning days out. Somehow at Villa Linakis I didn't need to do this. Wonderful! I just chilled.  I can't begin to say how much I enjoyed NOT doing anything – it was quite a revelation for me.

So the day would progress until someone said "let's get some fresh bread" and we'd troop down to the bakery and then we'd accidentally visit the supermarket to buy some Retsina (well it was next door after all) and then we'd make a Greek Salad to go with the spanakopita that we'd bought at the bakery because it looked so irresistible. It would only seem reasonable to have a snooze then, so the hammock would be pressed into service before an afternoon of racing Tom at crawl (he won) and playing "donkey" in the pool.

until the swallows made it clear that it was their turn to have a drink.

At about 5 o'clock the return of the goat lady and tractor man signified the end of the working day (for them – we hadn't done a great deal after all had we?)

When the sun was going down we'd either head into town to Ammos (free internet for Tom's Ipod Touch) for a cocktail and then decide where to have dinner

or we'd barbecue some lamb chops or kebabs and drink some wine or ouzo before the inevitable evening swim.

We'd  round the day off with some coffee and a home made Brandy Alexander or two, watching the shooting stars and listening to the Scops Owl hooting in the trees (yes it IS an owl and not some sort of electric alarm – it fooled me the first two nights until I read Eileen's excellent red folder:-)

On the days when we did venture away from the villa we got as far as the Northern end of the beach where we'd cover ourselves in green mud and feed the fishes with left over bread.

Simple pleasures which all added up to a wonderful fortnight.

I got through 4 thick novels on this holiday, which for me shows just how chilled I must have been.

The villa is superbly equipped and has everything you could want – hang on - well OK Eileen - there is one thing – if you were to install WIFI for our next visit I really wouldn't complain (but then I am a bit of a nerd :-))

2.   The Resort

Arrilas was everything we had hoped for. We like peaceful places where we can dip a toe into the nightlife if we choose but not be disturbed by it. There is a huge variety of tavernas. Some grabbed us and some didn't. We particularly enjoyed Portofino, Brouklis, Vavilas and Graziellas. I was surprised to find that the habit of inspecting the food of the day in the taverna before ordering doesn't seem to happen here, but we enjoyed every meal none the less.

We had some lovely cocktails at Ammos watching the sun going down.

As the resort faces North West we saw some spectacular sunsets over the sea.

Everything in Arillas is quite compact but there is plenty of choice – so much so in fact that we were looking at places and saying "we'll have to leave that one until next time". On that basis Brouklis, Portofino and Graziella's did very well to get multiple visits from us!

3.   The people

Ah the people....

This is where our holiday moved from being excellent to being priceless. We love Greece for the laid back good naturedness that we come across all the time, but this extended to almost everyone we met here.  There was Eggy and Weggy bringing us some extra vegetables and ferrying bottled water in their car, Keith (the gardener) offering us a lift to San Stefanos without being asked, Isabella down at Elena Stella telling us all about her amazing wedding or Dimitris smiling gently at my very feeble Greek but telling me not to give up yet, and the head waiter at Graziella's making a point of remembering that I had tried  a little phrase book Greek with him and greeting me with a "Kali spera – Ti kanis" and offering to accompany us down to Ammos for a cocktail (we'd have loved you come by the way :-)). We made such nice friends so easily here. This seems to be a recurring theme on this forum. Lovely people in a lovely place -  which is a great recipe for a great holiday!

4.   The nature

All three of us love nature and this was a highlight and seeing the buzzards soaring, the swallows and bats swooping over the pool, the sparrows (yes those rare birds) nesting in the roof, and the lizards and a snake made it even better for me. I think I saw some hoopoes at a distance in the olive grove too. We ate wild mint and other herbs with our barbecued lamb and put fresh lemons from the tree in the garden into our drinks.

I was in heaven. The garden has roses and pots of the most amazing geraniums.

5. The verdict:

So – was it worth paying the extra for the luxury of the Villa? Yes - Without a shadow of a doubt! I have never had such a relaxing holiday. I think it took us 5 days from walking in the front door of Villa Linakis to deciding to book again for next year and sending a text to Eileen to check availability. We could come to Arillas for less money, and we have previously been very happy in studios and apartments all over Greece. However, once we had tried Villa Linakis we knew exactly where were coming next year!

Eileen and Keith, you should be just so proud of yourself for what you have put together here and you should give a huge pat on the back to all those who work with you who help to make the experience so memorable in so many ways :-)

If Carlsberg did holidays then I'm sure they'd only ever send you to Villa Linakis.

(I think I've probably blown it now as I really ought to be trying to make sure nobody else books it. Rats!!!)


A fantastic review Pommie & well deserved by Eileen & Keith. Their little personal touches make all the difference to your stay.
Sounds like you had the most wonderful holiday.

Villa Theia is available rent. For more details see:-



A heartwarming and sincere report Pommie. I have read it twice. But all your themes are quite familiar to Jen and me - we feel that way every time we come home to Arillas.

Thanks for sharing it with us all.


What a wonderful report - thank you for taking the time to share it with us.  Villa Linakis is definately a great credit to Eileen and Keith.


Thanks for a fantastic report, Pommie. My first connection with Arillas, was through Eileen after seeing a website showing Villa Linakis. It was too big for myself and Helen, but Eileen was still able to give us advice on where to stay.

A lot of work goes into a report like this, so thanks again.


Pommie that was an absolutey brilliant report.  You've put it all into that how we all feel about Arillas. 

Eileen am really happy you have got the credit you totally deserve.  What a fantastic place.   

Sharon x


An excellent review Pommie. Just loved reading and viewing the pics.You seemed like you all had a fab time....

A credit to Eileen and Keith.


What a great report & lovely photos too. Every year we say we are going to learn a bit more Greek but sadly never have time to learn any until I am in Arillas.


Indeed! And if Carlsberg did holiday reports... ;)

A brilliant report Pommie! Looks like you really enjoyed yourselves and it is nice to get a face to a name :)

Thank you for posting with lovely pictures!
Life is good ;)


Fantastic report, Pommie, thanks for taking the time, and as everyone else has said, it's good for Eileen and Keith to get the credit they so richly deserve.

lynn xx

Jo Wissett

What a great detailed report Pommie and wow, what a great review of the beautiful Villa Linakis! Mick and I managed a few blissful hours on a scooter this year and took the opportunity to have a proper nosey.  Was actually quite funny as we were peering over the wall thinking that it was empty then we suddenly saw a bloke and nearly died! Felt like a right pair of stalkers! Went running off giggling like teenagers!

Sandy x

Pommie, that is what I call a comprehensive holiday report....thank you so much for taking the time. Well done Eileen!
Sandy x


cracking post that pommie - very good of you to take the time to do it - it made a good read.

big lee - lizzy




As some may have noticed for once I've been speachless!!!  I honestly didn't know how to come back on that post, but I'll try...

Thank you for much your fantastic report, irrespective if you had stayed in Villa Linakis or elsewhere I would have enjoyed it just as much.  But stay in Villa Linakis you did and it gave Keith and I such great pleasure to learn that your holiday was a huge success.

Like the people of Arillas we try our hardest to make sure everyone has the best holiday ever.  We take visitors holidays very seriously, after all people work hard all year, enduring whatever life throws at them, so for one week or two the daily grind is on hold whilst relaxation, fun and joy in life take over.

We have always been lucky to have had fantastic guests stay, many have became good friends.  This has been one of the most surprising factors in running a holiday home, at the beginning we didn't realise this would happen.  Thinking about it more closely, I can see it's actually a reflection of Arillas as a whole and the type of visitors it attracts.  It's easy to see on these boards that after our first visit most of us make good friends with our apartment/hotel owners so why should it have been any different for us.  It must be that old Arillas magic air again!

Once again thank you Pommie, I look forward to reading more of your friendly banter on the forum.  I also want to take this opportunity to thank Dimitris, all the forum members and the people of Arillas who since the beginning, have supported and encouraged us.

Not forgetting a big pat on the back for our good friends Eggy, Weggy, Keith (the gardener) & Roger (the pool man).

Eileen & Keith.

Your holiday deserves a place like this...


Villa Linakis on FB