Corfu Airport

Started by sharonF, August 14, 2007, 10:57:24 AM

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Morning Everybody, somebody mentioned on another thread that Corfu Airport is dangerous to land at.  Is this true?  I fear flying especially take off and landing, it's put a bit of damper on returning.  The only reason we came abroad this year was because of the weather here, because i hate flying. 



Its a shame that you have read that Corfu Airport is dangerous to land at, and that it has put a bit of a damper on your holiday. I would not fly until about 11 years ago, for reasons that are on another thread on this forum, and I now get a thrill out of flying.

The main thing that helps me is cognitive thinking ie positive thoughts. On the outbound trip keep thinking about what you are about to experience. Print out some topics from this forum and read them on the plane. Think about the meals, the beach, the people you meet etc. I even take lots of photographs from the plane because it stops me from having negative thoughts.

On the journey home keep thinking about the lovely time you have had. If you have a digital camera, make sure that the batteries are charged for the return trip and spend time going through all the photographs you have taken, it does keep your mind relaxed.



Hi Sharon,

Joe is our man in know regarding dodgy airports for landing!  (LOL bet that has not put your mind at rest! Honestly Corfu's is just fine!) You can read Joe's reply to the topic 'Flying love it or hate it'.. here....,com_smf/Itemid,146/topic,1726.0/lang,en

Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB


Oops, I'm soooo sorry that was me.  I just heard it from my Mum who's a bit of a worrier, I'm sure it's fine!  

I don't like flying too much either, but I just think about how many thousands of people go in and out of Corfu every year without a problem.  Pilots are highly skilled people and most of the flying is done by computer anyway, flying's far safer than driving!  

I tend to take Nytol when I fly.  Not to make me go to sleep necessarily but it really relaxes you.  Works for me anyway.

Sorry again for worrying you!  :(


Sharon youve nothing to worry about honestly.

It would be dangerous for the likes of us to land a plane at Corfu airport but the pilots are very well trained, no need to worry, there were no problems when you went there the last time was there??

Dont let it ruin your experience of flying to Corfu, just try to relax and enjoy what will be waiting for you at the end of the flight :-) .


Corfu airrport is a bit tricky but nothing too complicated. Skiathos airport apparently requires a special training to land onto. It is one of the scarier landings I have experienced, but survived it never the less :)
Life is good ;)


I'm not sure all of Joe's posts will be that helpful to people who are frightened of flying!  I found them really helpful and interesting because knowing the technical stuff sometimes helps me to not be worried, but it could have the opposite effect on someone else!

Please don't worry SharonF, I'd hate to think it ruined your holiday - I wish I hadn't said anything now!  Cringe cringe cringe!

suzanne simcox

Very true EEG. Skiathos landing is scary you come in right over the sea and very nearly touch when landing, there are traffic lights to stop the cars quite a way from the end of the runway and when walking inbetween you can see the skid marks (pardon the expression);) and standing watching is really scary


Reading these posts made me laugh, perhaps it is possible to have to much information, I'm one of those people who like to know what's going on then I feel safer, others prefer not to and I can respect why, my Mum is just the same.

Corfu is NOT in any way dangerous to land into, if it was aircraft would simply not be allowed to land there. Like most Greek airfields it is a little more 'Tricky' or as the pilots call 'Fun'. I have sat in the front many times on the landing into Corfu and the view is superb. Imagine landing at Corfu airport is like taking a right turn in your car, it's a little more difficulty than turning left but you just pay a little extra attention and you have done it thousands of times before, no worries at all.

Also if you want any more re-assurance all the nav-aids (think of motorways in the sky and junctions to get off) have been upgraded now and Corfu has much better radar coverage than other areas in Greece, the aircraft can practically land itself there now, but we would never let it, the pilots can do a much better job.

I'm to lazy to read back but if I did post the word dangerous previously I may have taken it out of context, sorry if it caused any undue alarm, swap it for "slightly more challenging"  and enjoy your flight.

Out of Corfu and Skiathos, Corfu is the one that requires the extra training for the pilots, Skiathos is just small.


Thanks Joe, feel like I've caused chaos now for mentioning this on another post!  Oh dear...  :D


Bah! I'm bored at work today, you gave me something to keep me going until lunch!


Yep me too - very quiet here in the world of government!  Can't wait til my holiday now!


You could always get the boat? :)


Thanks everyone,  I feel a lot more reassured now.  Smoosh, please don't feel bad, it's not your fault, i'm the one with the fear.  I really do feel a lot better now after reading everybodies posts.  I will look at joe's flying site and terry will do as you suggested.  Thanks again everyone xxx


Hmmm, after reading my first post in the thread Eileen mentions above I have edited it to remove some of the more sensationalist comments, I can see how people got worried after reading it. LOL