Baggage Warning

Started by Anonymous, June 18, 2004, 12:00:34 AM

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hi all
sorry to upset you paul but just brought me tickets fly out tonight


Hi all
I thought i would bring the' baggage warning ' topic back to top of page as there is lots of you still going on holiday and you don't want to get caught paying 4 pounds a kilo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There must be something going on with baggage , as Ryanair have announced 7/10 kilos hand luggage and NO luggage in hold !! apparentley it saves on airport charges, you carry your own hand luggage on & off!!
Anyway that won't affect us ? Yet???
Read rest of replys.

Regards    Paul/Deb5


Just got back from Arillas, I went with 28kg of clothes etc in my suitcase. Didn't get charged , although I was over by 8kg (at Gatwick).

But the maximum for 1 case is now 32kg because of health and safety issues for the baggage handlers, to mind their backs! so if you are going as a couple best not to go over the limit by putting it all in the one case.

Had a great time there, would recommend it, did not like Sidari or Corfu town............too busyand full of tacky shops.
Best shop for my nephews was Ina's on the front, the thought it was an Aladdin cave and staff were lovely to them.


Anyone any clues as to what they are like this year for weighing baggage an Norwich airport.They didn't bother with hand luggage last time so i put all the really heavy stuff in that so for once my luggage was ok.


Hey Guest,

I'm only talking about Belfast Airport - we were only allowed 20kilos for our suitcase and 5 for hand luggage, may be different for Norwich though.  6 of us went on the 9th of July and we were all overweight but they let us of, but told us to be careful on the way home cos Corfu airport were a bit more strict, lucky enough when we checked in on the way home the weight machine was broke :D

Enjoy your holiday

Can't wait til next year!!!


We have just returned  from a 2 week holiday in Arillas and it was brill.When we arrived at Manchester airport none of our hand luggage was weighed,and it was the same on our way home.At Corfu airport only the suitcases were weighed.To change the subject a little ive heard that airline are going to weigh passengers. :oops: anybody over a certain weight will have to pay for their extra pounds. :( just thought i'de let you know. :wink: cx
Im going to become to nanna for the first time in February cx

Chris B

Quote from: carolTo change the subject a little ive heard that airline are going to weigh passengers. :oops: anybody over a certain weight will have to pay for their extra pounds. :(

You have to be kidding!!

Baggage allowances at Humberside airport were only 15kg for main case and 5kg hand luggage!! :? Did not have any trouble at Corfu airport although having to queue to get into the terminal because they were scanning everyone on the way in was a bit of a nuisance! I guess this is only for the two weeks that the olympics are on though!

Marie Gibbon

hi  everyone,
carol im so glad you had a gud holiday!!!!!
chris when we were coming home from corfu on the 26th july they were scanning every1 then aswell we waited in the que to get thru passport control for 1hour :roll: . i think smedays they do it and others they dont so every1 be prepared for a wait to get thru passport control, but u might be lucky!!
love marie xx


Hi All, Just thought I would let you know Our daughter, son in law and youngest Grandson went on holiday this morning, flew from Manchester, one suitcase was 8kl over and they let them get away with it. So doe,s this depend on the person behind the check in desk? Viv & Pete

Stay Nude it ante rude


8) Interestingly our two cases weighed 36kg for the two at Corfu and twelve hours later were over 40kg when checking in for Easyjet at Glasgow! I'd weigh cases before leaving on a scale you trust and then dispute any weight which differed significantly,


Well! you must have a quote for that one, Ivan. Love Viv & Pete

Stay Nude it ante rude


Hi Vivian,
I think it does depend on the person behind the desk, i know when the six of us went in July all our luggage was over weight but thankfully we didn't have to pay.  The girl behind the desk just told us to be careful on the way home as they would be a bit more strict.  But thankfully the weight machines weren't working on our return.

Can't wait til next year!!!


Hi All
It was nice to see at Corfu the Baggage screening before we actually checked them in ,but of course it caused a little bit more queues outside and some of the people had such big bags they couldn't lift them on the belt!! but hey, I'm all for the extra security ?



last may i was charged £20 for been over weight at eastmidlands, they were handing out bits of paper to everyone. I disputed the weight but you no your going to get nowhere. When leaving corfu i had more items in my case and was under the allowence so who's scales were wrong?


Smaller Airports have more time on their hands so are very keen.Bristol aairport have even weighted the hand luggage before now.You dont get this at gatwick they are just to busy
Theres only one Altrincham FC